Rights of the Deceased

Access to Health Records Act 1990

Can I access the health records of someone who has died?

For the Trust the ethical obligation to respect a patient’s confidentiality extends beyond death. The Information Tribunal in England and Wales has also held that a duty of confidence attaches to the health records of the deceased under Section 41 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Who can apply for access?

If you want to see health records of someone who has died, you can Make a Subject Access Request to the Trust under the legislation Access to Health Records Act 1990.

Under the terms of the Act, you will only be able to access the deceased’s health records if you are either or unless they requested confidentiality while alive, a patient’s:

Who must give access?

After a patients death, GP health records may be held by the relevant CCG, hospital records may have been retained by the hospital the patient attended or they may have been sent to a local archive storage.

The Trust is required to take advice before making a decision about disclosure. This could be from several health professionals who have contributed to the care of the patient during the period to which the application refers. If no appropriate health professional who has cared for the patient is available, a suitably qualified and experienced health professional will provide advice.

Once the Trust is satisfied the person requesting the information is entitled to it, access will be given within the specified time limits. Access will be given either by allowing the applicant to inspect the records, or extract, or supplied a copy if this is requested.

How long does the Trust have to comply?

Where the application concerns access to records or parts of records that were made in the 40 day period immediately preceding the date of application, access will be given within 21 days. Where the access concerns information, all of which was recorded more than 40 days before the date of application, access will be given within 40 days.

Can a fee be charged?

What information will not be disclosed?

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Source URL: https://www.nbt.nhs.uk/about-us/information-governance/subject-access-requests-sar/rights-deceased