Celebrating 10 years of the NGS Macmillan Wellbeing Centre

The NGS Macmillan Wellbeing Centre at Southmead Hospital is celebrating its 10th anniversary.

The centre provides a welcoming, non-clinical space for people affected by cancer to come for information, advice, support or a chat.

It is available to those living with, and beyond cancer, relatives and friends to provide support and a listening ear as well as a host of resources.

When the centre opened in September 2014, as part of a partnership between North Bristol NHS Trust and Macmillan Cancer Support, it was the first centre of its kind in the Bristol area.

As well as a drop-in service for anyone seeking information or someone to talk to, the centre provides Cancer Information Sessions for people with a new diagnosis and facilitates patient support groups for several different types of cancer, including prostate, bladder, and brain tumour support.

Pre-surgery and rehabilitation sessions are also held at the centre for people having operations for cancers including colorectal, breast and melanoma.

Advice sessions are also provided at the centre.

Since opening in 2014 many thousands of people have benefited from the services the centre provides.

Macmillan Centre Manager, Arthur Quinn said: “It is wonderful to celebrate 10 years of the NGS Macmillan Wellbeing Centre at Southmead Hospital.

“We see the impact this service has on people living with and beyond cancer every day, and we know how important it is for them to have somewhere they can come, have a cup of tea and talk to someone. Whether it’s just to be listened to, advised of services or support groups, or attending one of the sessions we host here. The feedback we receive shows what a difference this service provides for people affected by cancer in Bristol and beyond.”

Celebrating 10 years of the NGS Macmillan Wellbeing Centre
A group of people stand behind a table. There is a large cake on the table. Bunting above and balloons in the background

Source URL: https://www.nbt.nhs.uk/about-us/news-media/latest-news/celebrating-10-years-ngs-macmillan-wellbeing-centre