Learning from Deaths

Learning from deaths of people in their care can help hospitals improve the quality of the care they provide to patients and their families, and identify where they could do more.

In March 2017, the National Quality Board (NQB) introduced new guidance for NHS providers on how they should learn from the deaths of people in their care.

The purpose of the guidance is to help standardise and improve the way acute, mental health and community trusts identify, report, review, investigate and learn from deaths, and engage with bereaved families and carers in this process.

At North Bristol NHS Trust we have been working with our clinical teams so that we meet the requirements of the new guidance. Our aim is to improve the care of our patients by identifying learning from excellent care at the end of life as well as identifying areas where we need to make improvements.

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Source URL: https://www.nbt.nhs.uk/about-us/our-standards/learning-deaths