Declarations of Interest

Members of the Board are required to make an annual declaration of any interests which they have.

In addition Board members are required to provide an update during the year should a new interest arise, or an interest cease. Where the interest ceases, the information will be held on the record for a period of at least six months.  

Ingrid Barker, Joint Chair for NBT and UHBW 

Mr Kelvin Blake, Non-Executive Director 

Mr Richard Gaunt, Non-Executive Director 

Ms Kelly Macfarlane, Non-Executive Director

Professor Sarah Purdy, Non-Executive Director

Indirect Interests (i.e. through association of another individual e.g. close family member or relative) via Graham Rich who is:

Dr Jane Khawaja, Non-Executive Director

Mr Shawn Smith, Non-Executive Director 

Ms Maria Kane, Chief Executive

Mr Steve Curry, Chief Operating Officer

Mr Neil Darvill, Chief Digital Information Officer (to NBT and UHBW) (non-voting position)

Mr Peter Mitchell, Chief People Officer (non-voting position)

Mr Glyn Howells, Chief Finance Officer

Mr Tim Whittlestone, Chief Medical Officer

Professor Steve Hams, Chief Nursing Officer

If you would like to know any more about the process please contact the Trust Secretary by email on

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