AAC - Eye gaze

This videos provides an introduction to the kinds of access methods and technologies available to those using AAC. Whilst the videos are for the most part aimed at those with a diagnosis of Motor Neurone Disease, all access methods and technologies featured are available to those referred to BCAS. Choices will be made during an initial assessment as to what kind of technology is appropriate.


By the means of eye movement alone, the Eye Gaze device enables users to access hands free communication without requiring any further body movement, allowing users to independently navigate their communication programme of choice. The device tracks the eye movements made by an individual, replicating their gaze on the screen like the movements of a mouse.

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Source URL: https://www.nbt.nhs.uk/bristol-centre-enablement/services-at-centre/aac-west-service/aac-video-resources/aac-eye-gaze