AAC West Useful Links

Useful Links

Assistive Technology website

Commissioning Local AAC Services website

The Google Euphonia Project is working on making Google Assistant accessible to people with impaired speech. Visit the Google Euphonia Project website or contact Richard Cave with queries at rcave@google.com

Communication Matters has created the "Focus On..." leaflets, which is a series of eight leaflets that cover topics related to augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and are written in a clear style. They are available in print copy and as downloadable PDF files. Visit Communication Matters website for more information, or to download a leaflet.

AAC Charities

Changing accessibility settings on mainstream devices

Assistive Technology Charities

Other Charities

Voice banking

Manufacturers and Suppliers Sites

Other AAC related websites

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Source URL: https://www.nbt.nhs.uk/bristol-centre-enablement/services-at-centre/aac-west-service/aac-west-useful-links