BSLTRU History

The Bristol Speech and Language Therapy Research Unit (BSLTRU) was founded in 1987 by Professor Pam Enderby with the support of a grant from the Underwood Trust. Now, with an illustrious history behind us, we are continuing to investigate speech and language therapy; how it is implemented with the changing contexts of primary and secondary care and its impact of those receiving it.

Since BSLTRU was established, it has received significant funding from The Underwood Trust, this generosity has enabled us to develop and strengthen our programme of research.  We have worked with many academic institutions, and have had particularly close relationships with the University of the West of England, Bristol (UWE) and the University of Bristol (UoB).

Members of the Unit have led national teams with successful National Institute of Health Research Grants. Our research has led to national and international collaboration, including working with therapists in Australia and on an EU COST Action

The research teams membership has changed over time and we have seen staff develop their research skills and how they transfer research evidence into their clinical practice.  We have had the great pleasure of having more than 16 people achieve their PhD’s or MSc while with us and then watch them become independent researchers and practitioners.

The unit continues to combine a unique set of skills, expertise and proven research record, to ensure that we stay at the centre of research for speech, language and communication in the UK.

Our research has focused on children’s developmental speech and language impairments, stuttering and disorders associated to neurological disease in adults.
There is a wide range of projects in progress at the Research Unit. 

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