Regional CEN Information

All Wales Speech Sound CEN

Contact email address:

Child Speech Disorder Research Network representative on CEN:

No information provided

Key information:    

  • Frequency: AGM once a year; Study days twice a year; Working group/committee meetings may happen more regularly if undertaking a project                             
  • Duration of events: 1 day    
  • Location: Online                                            
  • Means of communication: email / basecamp / Teams      

Membership information:  

Annual membership fee = £15. Open to SLTs across the UK.   

Events offered:

Study days twice a year (for example, NDP3 training 2021; Core Vocabulary Training 2022)                            


Membership = £15/year

Study day costs vary but usually £20-£30 for members                   


No details provided                            

Recent / forthcoming topics and speakers:

Core Vocabulary Therapy for Inconsistent Phonological Disorder by Dr Jan Broomfield – 26/10/2022 and 27/10/2022 (Online)

Key projects:     

All Wales Speech Sound Pathway and User Guide. Last updated 2019. Currently working on further update within CEN working group/committee.                  

Shareable resources:     

All Wales Speech Sound Pathway and User Guide             

Online presence with links:


RCSLT link:  


Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies (Cleft CEN)

Contact email address: 

Please use the contact form on the cleft CEN website to get in touch:

Key information:    

  • Frequency: The Cleft CEN offers bi-annual study days in Spring and Autumn to share research and audit, discuss evidence based-practice, and offer opportunities for collaboration and networking
  • Duration of events: The Spring study day typically runs as a full-day face-to-face programme and includes the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Autumn study day is currently run as a half-day virtual event.    
  • Location: The Spring study day takes place at the location of each year’s CFSGBI Scientific Conference. Autumn study days are currently run as virtual events.
  • Means of communication: The CEN keeps in touch via email and through updates on the members’ area of its website and social media (@cleftslt on Twitter)

Membership information:  

Membership is open to registered RCSLT members (including student SLT) who have an interest in speech, language and communication needs associated with cleft palate and craniofacial conditions or speech disorders arising from velopharyngeal dysfunction. 

Membership costs £20 per year and includes free attendance at the Autumn study day as well as other resources and benefits. Please see the membership area of the website for further information:

Events offered:

The Cleft CEN offers bi-annual study days that cover a range of topics related to working with children and adults with cleft palate and craniofacial conditions or non-cleft velopharyngeal dysfunction, including opportunities for discussion and networking.                       


The cost of attending Autumn study days is included in members’ annual membership costs (£20). For non-members, attendance at the Autumn study day is £35.

Spring study days are linked to the annual CFSGBI Scientific Conference and details about each year’s CEN day cost can be found on each year’s conference website. For more information please visit:       


The organisation of the CEN relies upon the CEN committee. For more information please see:         

Recent / forthcoming topics and speakers:

Recent and upcoming study day presentations have included a wide range of topics including:

  • Evaluation of an intensive 1-day generalisation pilot group for young adults with Cleft Speech Characteristics
  • The impact of a chiari 1 malformation on velopharyngeal function
  • Speech outcomes for children post-tonsillectomy
  • Using quality improvement methods to improve access to therapy intervention for children for cleft speech characteristics
  • Early language indicators and their relationship with Speech and Language Therapists’ ability to judge velopharyngeal function in children born with cleft palate at age 18-24 months 
  • Developing resources to support psychological well-being in adults with craniosynostosis


Key projects:     

The aims of the Cleft CEN are:

  • To provide opportunities for CPD
  • To respond to relevant issues on behalf of RCSLT at their request and in liaison with the CFSGBI and the Cleft SLT Leads group
  • To exchange and discuss information concerning this client group
  • To improve standards of care for this client group on a national basis
  • To promote advances in speech and language therapy management of this client group, including discussion of new equipment and techniques from national and international sources
  • To provide peer support for speech and language therapists working with this client group
  • To encourage members to undertake and participate in research/audit projects and share their findings
  • To disseminate information on national research initiatives
  • To provide some financial support for members to attend related conferences and study days (nationally and internationally)

Shareable resources:     

Resources can be found in the members’ area of the website, including slides from previous study day presentations: 

Online presence with links:

RCSLT link:  

London Speech Disorders CEN

Contact email address: 

Secretary Maria-Katharina Fortunato-Carpio,

Child Speech Disorder Research Network representative on CEN:

Pam Williams

Key information:    

  • Frequency: 3 x year
  • Duration of events: Variable
  • Location: Online - (when possible again we will be holding some of the meetings at the RCSLT HQ in London)
  • Means of communication: email list

Membership information:  

We are currently operating a pay as you go system as this is easier to manage virtually. 

Otherwise we are operating an annual membership system of £10 for the calendar year or £10 if only attending one meeting; we do not have a membership form.

Events offered:

None at present                       


Membership: £10

£5 per meeting for non-members, CPD events with certain speakers may require a supplement.                  


We have a CEN committee that is made up of a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.

We also have volunteers for tasks.

Events are circulated to the mailing list/membership and booked via Eventbrite.                

Recent / forthcoming topics and speakers:

  • Q&A on DVD
  • Presentation on Worster–Drought syndrome
  • Dr Joanne Cleland on bio-feedback and use of US/EPG
  • Lucy Rodgers re DLD/SSD research

Dates for 2023 are planned as follows:

  • 05.07.2023
  • 07.12.2023

Key projects:     

None at present

Shareable resources:     

Recordings/handouts from past events are available to members           

Online presence with links:

None at present

RCSLT link:  

Midlands Speech Sound Disorder CEN (England)

Contact email address:

Child Speech Disorder Research Network representative on CEN:

Emma Pagnamenta

Key information:    

  • Frequency: 3 x year
  • Duration of events: Approx. 2 hours
  • Location: Online
  • Means of communication: email list

Membership information:  

The CEN is open to all. Membership is £20 annually and members are able to attend meetings for free. SLTs do not need to be a member to sign up to the mailing list. It is also possible to pay for specific meetings and attend as a non-member. 

Events offered:

None at present                       


Membership: £20

£5 per meeting for non-members, CPD events with certain speakers may require a supplement.                  


There is a CEN committee which anyone is welcome to join. Committee members are nominated for specific roles at the AGM.                       

Recent / forthcoming topics and speakers:

None at present

Key projects:     

None at present

Shareable resources:     

Recordings/handouts from past events are available to members           

Online presence with links:

  • Twitter: @SSDmidlandsCEN
  • Facebook: Midlands Speech Sound Disorder CEN

RCSLT link:  

Older Children, Young People and Adults with Developmental SLCN

Contact email address: (membership secretary) (chair)

Child Speech Disorder Research Network representative on CEN:


Key information:    

  • Frequency: approximately annually                
  • Duration of events: 1 day    
  • Location: various locations, hybrid meetings to allow virtual access
  • Means of communication: RCSLT basecamp

Membership information:  

SLTs and non-SLTs with an interest in developmental SLCN in older children, young people and adults

Members are invited to post comments via RCSLT basecamp, share information and attend meetings as they wish. 

Events offered:

Annual hybrid event – various short presentations on topics decided in advance around a shared theme – speech sound disorders may feature but are not generally the primary focus.     


Membership is free and involves joining Basecamp.

Small administrative cost for those who attend events in person               



Recent / forthcoming topics and speakers:

January 2022: SHINING A SPOTLIGHT ON RESEARCH, PRACTICE, AND INNOVATION IN WORKING WITH OLDER CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULTS WITH SLCN with speakers including: Liz Wood, Melanie Cross, Jan Wood, Ros Merrick and Rachel Sievers

No information on forthcoming events currently available.

Key projects:     

Raising awareness of the needs of older children, young people and adults with SLCN.           

Shareable resources:     

Various – available on RCSLT basecamp   

Online presence with links:


RCSLT link:  

Scottish Speech Sound Disorder CEN

Contact email address:

Child Speech Disorder Research Network representative on CEN:

No information provided

Key information:    

  • Frequency: Two per year                          
  • Duration of events: various
  • Location: Online & various locations                                             
  • Means of communication: email and Twitter (@ScottishSSDCEN)     

Membership information:  

Annual membership fee = £10 per year, £5 students normally.

Meeting are normally included in this cost but there may be additional costs for guest speakers. 

Events offered:

UK wide CEN in Spring or Summer with Sara Masso, date TBC                       


Membership = £10 per year, £5 students normally.         


No details provided                            

Recent / forthcoming topics and speakers:

Past events:

  • Tricia McCabe treatment for CAS
  • Pam Williams Nuffield Dyspraxia Programme
  • Ellie Sugden Working with Parents
  • Helen Stringer Phonological Awareness

Key projects:     

None at present              

Shareable resources:     

None at present          

Online presence with links:


RCSLT link:

Speech CEN: North East (England): SCENNE

Contact email address:

Child Speech Disorder Research Network representative on CEN:

Jan Broomfield

Key information:    

  • Frequency: 3 x year, 1 per school term
  • Duration of events: Full day
  • Location: Online / Glebe Centre (SR7 9BX) / other on occasion
  • Means of communication: Email; RCSLT Bulletin

Membership information:  

  • Membership gives access to 2 member-only study days at no cost
  • And one training day at reduced cost per year
  • Membership year: September to August
  • Membership applications are open June to August
  • We have over 50 members from North East England, North West England and further afield

Events offered:

  • Study days usually internal, training / workshop / info share
  • Training days are led by an external speaker
  • Training days are open to non-members if space allows             


  • Membership: usually £20
  • Cost of annual training day varies depending on necessary expenditure such as speaker, venue & catering costs as need. Usually maximum of £40, with reduced cost for members 


  • Membership committee, comprising
    • Rep from each organisation across the region (7)
    • Rep from the North West
    • Rep for ‘out of area’ members
    • Rep for Independent practice     

Recent / forthcoming topics and speakers:

  • Inconsistent Phonological Disorder and Core Vocabulary Intervention; Dr Jan Broomfield
  • Nuffield Dyspraxia Programme; Dr Pam Williams
  • ReST; Dr Tricia McCabe
  • Working with Vowel Disorder; Dr Sally Bates

Key projects:     


Shareable resources:     

Currently unavailable

Online presence with links:


RCSLT link:  

Northern Ireland SSD CEN

Contact email address: (Chair) (Secretary)

Child Speech Disorder Research Network representative on CEN:

Jill Titterington

Key information:    

  • Frequency: 2 events per year (Spring and Autumn) 
  • Location: Seamus Heaney HomePlace, Bellaghy, Co. Derry
  • Means of communication: Email circulation list

Membership information:  

CEN events are open to all.   

The membership process is currently under review.   

Events offered:

None at present                       


Costs are dependent on venue/speaker but are generally kept to a minimum as many SLTs are self-funding.   


There is a CEN Committee which consists of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer plus Honorary Chair Jill Titterington. Posts are held for a 2 year period.                        

Recent / forthcoming topics and speakers:

None at present

Key projects:     

None at present

Shareable resources:     

None at present          

Online presence with links:

None at present

RCSLT link:   

Specific Speech Impairment South West CEN (England)

Contact email address:

Child Speech Disorder Research Network representative on CEN:

Yvonne Wren

Key information:    

  • Frequency: 1 x year
  • Duration of events: Half day/full day
  • Location: Online
  • Means of communication: Email list

Membership information:  

The CEN is open to all. There is no membership fee, but costs may be requested for events to cover speakers costs. The aims of the CEN are:

  • To focus on SLT Services to children with specific speech impairment
  • To provide mutual support, help and encouragement to all members
  • To exchange ideas and information
  • To discuss policy with regard to working with children with specific speech impairment
  • To create more interest in, and knowledge of SLTs role with children with specific speech impairment
  • To improve multi-disciplinary communication and understanding of children with specific speech impairment
  • To promote and participate in projects linked to the welfare and treatment of children with specific speech impairment
  • To raise awareness of all aspects of children with specific speech impairment
  • To liaise with RCSLT Advisors

Events offered:

None at present                       


No information at present                   


The CEN is currently running with a small committee:

  • Chair – Jo Lamb
  • Assistant Chair – Alex Tolley
  • Secretary – vacant
  • Treasurer – Henrietta McLaughlin                       

Recent / forthcoming topics and speakers:

None at present

Key projects:

None at present

Shareable resources:     

None at present

Online presence with links:

None at present

RCSLT link:

None at present

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