Interview & Assessment


Preparation for your interview is important; a large part of your success on the day will be determined by how well you prepare beforehand. The following tips will help you prepare for a more successful interview.

Interviews & Assessment Centres

If successfully shortlisted, you will receive an email which will give you a list of options available to book your interview. These may include an on-site face-to-face interview or an online interview via Microsoft Teams. The structure of your interview will depend on the role and may be a standard panel interview or an assessment centre. 

Assessment centres are organised for a variety of posts and can range in duration from a couple of hours to a full day. 

Each of our assessment centres will be different. This is because we design them around our values and the specific requirements of the role. Assessment centres will usually have at least three elements, which will be explained in your interview invitation. 

Examples of the types of exercises you may be required to do in an assessment centre:

  • Situational judgement tests - these show us how you would behave in situations you might encounter in the role you applied for.
  • In-tray activities - a paper-based simulation used to assess your organisation and prioritisation skills. Tasks include managing an in-tray, phone calls, emails and complaints.
  • Group exercises - these are designed to assess your communication and team working skills whilst working through a work-based scenario.
  • Presentations - these show us how well you research, present and communicate information on a specific topic.
  • Simulation exercise - this will simulate certain aspects of the role you are applying for. Examples include: mock lectures, phone tasks, and leading multidisciplinary team meetings.
  • Written tests - these provide an assessment of your written ability in certain areas. Examples include: numeracy, literacy, IT skills and clinical skills tests.
  • Psychometrics - these help identify working-style strengths based on key competencies. We use the results to help us focus on certain interview questions or exercises.

Top tips before the day

Top tips before the day

  • Research: Make sure you are familiar with the role you are applying for, the department, North Bristol NHS Trust, and our values. If you are applying for a role in a particular speciality, ensure that you have a thorough understanding of this.
  • Anticipate the interview questions: The advert, job description, and person specification will give you a lot of clues to the interview questions we'll be using. It would be worthwhile revising for any tests and preparing answers for expected interview questions.
  • Consider your appearance: Make sure you are dressed smartly for your interview. The way you present yourself is important whether you’re coming to an interview or an assessment centre.
  • Plan your journey: Aim to arrive early as this will give you time to settle down before the interview. Check where your interview is being held, so you know where to go when you arrive. Make sure you are familiar with how to find our hospitals. If you do get delayed make sure you call ahead to let your interviewers know. Saving their contact details in your phone will make this easier.

Reasonable adjustments 

We will accommodate reasonable adjustments for Disabled/Neurodiverse applicants.  Please let us know in advance so we can make any necessary adjustments or arrangements.  

If you have dyslexia and are taking a written assessment, please let us know as soon as possible before the assessment. This will give us time to make the necessary adjustments. Unfortunately, we cannot adjust the timetable on the day without prior notice. 

Identification Documents

We need proof of your identify before we interview you, therefore please make sure you bring ID with you on the day. Your invitation will tell you which identification documents to your interview. 
For further information on identity checks, visit 

On the day

We use structured interviews where each interviewer will ask you a number of competency-based questions or values-based questions. These are designed to allow you to demonstrate your skills and abilities in line with the job you are applying for.

When answering these questions you will be expected to provide examples of how you have demonstrated particular skills and behaviours in the past. 

It is important that you keep to the point and provide direct answers to the interview questions.

You could suggest what you would do in a particular situation in the hospital or think of another way you could demonstrate a skill or ability that we are looking for in potential candidates.

An interview with us at North Bristol NHS Trust also gives you the opportunity to find out if your chosen role is right for you. You are very welcome to ask us questions about the job, the department it is in, and our organisation as a whole.

Even with good preparation, it’s likely that you’ll be nervous on the day. However, it’s important to remember to be friendly and professional, as this gives a good impression in your interview.

Assessment centre - people sitting around a table

Preparation for your interview is important

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