2 Week Wait Upper GI Pathway

Welcome to the new Upper GI suspected cancer 2 week wait pathway. We have provided guidance as to what test should be booked depending on the patient’s symptoms.  We have provided a slide pack containing simple guidance on how to go about booking patients through the new system. All endoscopy tests can be booked on ICE at ocs/icedesktop/


If you prefer not to book to a test or the patient does not meet the criteria but you still want to refer then please book a clinic appointment via NHS eReferrals.


2 week wait Upper GI pathway

What Happens Next

The table demonstrates what will happen following the GP making the query cancer referral. Essentially though if the test result shows cancer or significant non cancer abnormality then NBT will pick up the care of the patient and will then proceed with possible treatment options. If the results are normal or show no significant abnormality then the care will remain with the GP, although appropriate advice and guidance will be provided.

Questions or Queries

If you have any questions or concerns about the new pathway then please feel free to contact any member of the colorectal or endoscopy team who will be more than happy to help:

Upper GI Cancer Nurse Specialists: 0117 4140515 or email upperginurses@nbt.nhs.uk
Colorectal secretaries: 0117 4140834 or 0117 4140837
Endoscopy: 0117 4145070

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Source URL: https://www.nbt.nhs.uk/clinicians/services-referral/upper-gastro-intestinal-surgery-clinicians/2-week-wait-upper-gi-pathway