Calm and Confident Hypnobirthing @ NBT

Hypnobirthing is an antenatal education programme that teaches you and your birth partner simple but specific self-hypnosis, relaxation and breathing techniques for labour and birth.

It was originally developed by qualified hypnotherapist Katherine Graves (KG). 

Hypnobirthing is available at Cossham Hospital, Lodge Road, Kingswood presented by our KG Hypnobirthing trained midwives, and can make a difference to your experience of labour and birth by teaching you:

The benefits of hypnobirthing for you

A woman’s body is naturally designed to give birth. Hypnobirthing can help you to work with your body, releasing the fears and worries of birth and replacing it with calmness and confidence. Hypnobirthing empowers you to have a drug free labour, which can result in a gentler birth. Hypnobirthing is safe and will teach you how to put yourself in control of your birth. You will always be aware of what is happening to you. Hypnobirthing doesn’t mean you will be in a trance or asleep, you will be totally relaxed, able to chat to everyone and be fully in control.

The benefits of hypnobirthing for your partner

Hypnobirthing is a partnership between you and your birth partner. By being supportive and part of the journey your birth partner acts as your advocate and leader, which can enrich and deepen your relationship with each other and your new-born baby.

The benefits of KG hypnobirthing for your baby

The benefit of hypnobirthing for your baby is a calm and gentle birth.  Your baby will be born to a serene and relaxed environment, alert and ready to bond with you as nature intended.

How much does the course cost?

The cost of the Calm and Confident Hypnobirthing course is £125.00 and is available at Cossham Hospital Seminar Room, Lodge Road, Kingswood, Bristol, BS15 1LF as either a:

Please bring food for a shared lunch on weekend courses, a great way to make friends!

The course includes:

How to enrol

To enrol on to the Hypnobirthing course visit our booking page.

On receipt of your enrolment form we will email you with available dates and details on how to make your payment.

If you have any questions, please speak to your community midwife.

Mindful Breastfeeding class

Our Mindful Breastfeeding class is helping couples to understand how what is going on in the brain, affects not only how we feel, but also their breastfeeding journey.  This three hour class is best attended around 36 weeks and birth support partner are encouraged to attend, so that they can better support you in your choice to breastfeeding your baby. The cost of this class is £25/couple, you will also receive an ebook.

Benefits of doing this class are:

The benefits of regular deep relaxation are well researched and documented, this is some of them:

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