Dr Jillian Davis - Neuropathology

GMC number: 6166020

Year & location of first qualification: Edinburgh 2008

Specialty: Neuropathology

Secretary: Allison Finnie and Layla Nasrawi

Secretary phone number: 0117 414 2402/0117 414 2403

FRCPath (Neuropathology)

Dr Jillian Davis is a Consultant Neuropathologist at North Bristol NHS Trust, Dr Jillian Davis completed Neuropathology training in the East Midlands, having started via the Histopathology route.  Before that Dr Jillian Davis was a Medical Oncology SPR and had completed an Academic Clinical Fellowship in oncology.  Dr Jillian Davis interest in Neuropathology started when Dr Jillian Davis did a research placement in medulloblastoma tumours. 

Dr Jillian Davis main interests are autopsy pathology and teaching.  Dr Jillian Davis is keen to help deliver emerging digital and molecular technologies into cancer care in the South West.


A-Z of Consultants

Off Davis

Source URL: https://www.nbt.nhs.uk/our-services/a-z-consultants/dr-jillian-davis-neuropathology