ME/CFS Useful Resources

This list of books, web pages and other resources have been suggested by our patients and clinicians.
There are many books available, and we have selected a few that we think are well-written and helpful. However, we also know that some people prefer different styles of writing and different approaches. We have written a summary of each book to give you an idea of the content. You should be able to request these books from your local library.


Living with ME and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (2022)

Fighting Fatigue: Managing the Symptoms of CFS/ME (2009)

Coping Better With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for CFS/ME (2009)


Action for ME

Action for ME’s website provides lots of information about ME/CFS including advice about benefits, welfare and employment rights, local resources, and information booklets you can download. We have worked closely with Action for ME to develop a self-management guide called Pacing for People with M.E. which can be downloaded free from this webpage:

The M.E. Association

The M.E. Association is a medical charity providing information about ME/CFS and funding research. They offer a wide range of information leaflets.

The British Association for Clinicians in ME/CFS (BACME) 

BACME is a multidisciplinary organisation which promotes and support the delivery of evidenced based treatment for children, young people and adults with ME/CFS throughout the UK. BACME have written a Therapy Guide and a Symptom Management Guide, based on clinician expertise, patient experience and the best available evidence, and both are free to download from their website.

Access to Work

An Access to Work grant can pay for practical support if you have a disability, health or mental health condition to help you:

North Bristol NHS Trust Pain Service website

The Pain Service website has a page on useful books, and another page on web links, which may be useful for people with ME/CFS that is causing significant pain.

NHS Information

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Guideline for ME/CFS

This guideline is about the care of people with ME/CFS in the NHS in England and Wales. The booklet explains guidance (advice) from NICE (the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence). It is written for people with ME/CFS, and parents or carers of people with the condition. It may also be useful for other family members or for anyone with an interest in ME/CFS.

NHS Website

An overview of ME/CFS and its management.

*Links checked 30/04/2023

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