MND Patient Information Leaflets & Useful Links

MND Association

The Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) is the only national charity in England, Wales and Northern Ireland focused on MND care, research and campaigning. They can provide information and support for people with MND, their families and carers. People with MND and their carers can join the MND Association without charge. There are several sources of information and support through the MND Association. 

MND Connect

MND Connect is an advice line for people living with MND and their carers, as well as for health and social care professionals. MND connect offers advice, practical and emotional support including information on other services and agencies.
Telephone: 0808 8026262 (freephone from landline and mobiles)

Regional Care Development Advisers

The MND Association Regional Care Development Advisers work with local health and social care staff to improve services for people with MND. They can provide information and advice to people with MND, their carers & families & professionals involved in your care, to ensure you receive the support you need.

MND Association Branches and Group

There is a network of Branches and Groups across the region which provide support to people living with MND and their families/carers. They raise money to support local people, fund research and raise awareness of the condition. The branches assist the team of Association Visitors locally who can provide regular support for you and your family through visits, telephone or email. They aim to ensure that you are given the right information at the right time.

The Bristol & Bath Group

This group runs regular support group meetings in Bristol and Bath and produces a regular newsletter. They also have a website:


Contact Bristol MND

MND Care Coordinator 
Telephone: 0117 4140803

Counselling Psychologist - Dr John Ashworth
Telephone: 0117 4141168
Gate 18, Room 7, Level 1 Brunel building
Southmead Hospital
BS10 5NB

Consultant Neurologists

Dr Andria Merrison
Secretary: Karen Parker
Telephone: 0117 4146688

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