Eating After Bariatric Surgery

Weight loss surgery isn’t a ‘quick fix’ or a certainty that you will lose weight. It is a tool to help your weight loss. Successful weight loss will be entirely down to you making good dietary choices and being as physically active as possible. In the initial period after surgery you will only be able to eat very small portions and will probably not feel hungry. Both these factors may change with time.

It is important to realise that we don’t always eat because we are hungry.  We might eat out of habit or because we have learned to turn to food as a comfort when we are bored, or upset, or even happy.  This “head hunger” does not disappear with surgery and you must learn to overcome this if you want to be successful with your weight loss.

You should start to practice the following skills in preparation for surgery. These are designed to help you adapt to life after the operation.

Certain foods can be a problem for some people. These can include chewy meats, soft white bread, rice, fibrous fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds. These should be avoided at the beginning and re-introduced slowly once a ‘normal’ diet has been established. Everyone is different as to what they can manage and you will need to find out what is right for you by trial and error.

You will be given lots of help and information about the pre and post-operative diets that need to be kept to by our dieticians and nurses.

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