Bariatric Operations

North Bristol NHS Trust performs different types of weight loss operations of which all are keyhole (laparoscopic). This involves five small incisions (cuts) on the abdomen each usually less than one inch long. These allow the surgeon to introduce a small camera and fine instruments into the abdomen. The keyhole method allows for a quicker recovery and less chance of wound infection. While recovery is more rapid it must be remembered that you will have had major surgery.

Sometimes the operation can’t be performed using ‘keyhole surgery’, particularly if you have had previous surgery in the same area as there may be some scarring.  Before your surgery the surgeon will have discussed with you the possibility of having an open operation. Obviously there will be a larger wound with this sort of operation and it is likely that you will recover more slowly as a result.

To help the operation go well it is important that before you have surgery you follow a low fat, low carbohydrate, and low calorie food intake known as the ‘pre-operative liver shrinking diet’. This will be fully explained to you by the Bariatric Clinical Nurse Specialist pre-operatively and you will need to follow this for 14 days. Reducing your fat, carbohydrate and calorie intake results in the liver releasing it stores of energy, making it smaller. This helps the surgeon to see and be able to use the instruments more easily. Although you will lose weight it will not all be fat loss and you may find that you regain the lost weight after surgery.

The length of hospital stay will depend on the type of surgery but is usually 1 day for a Bypass or Sleeve Gastrectomy and a day case for Gastric bands or Intragastric Balloons.  Before discharge you will be reviewed by the surgical team, bariatric practitioner and dietitian. Occasionally if a larger procedure is performed, or there were difficulties during the operation, you may stay longer.

The majority of people report that pain after the operation is only moderate. A few people (approx. 1 in 10) complain of left shoulder pain. Movement and regular medication help, although as with many things time is often the best healer. Sickness is uncommon and is normally easy to control with medication.

Revision surgery

We also perform surgery on patients who have had problems following their initial weight loss surgery (either performed at NBT or elsewhere). These operations can be difficult, take longer and the complication rates are therefore higher.

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