Emergency Department - our journey to "good"


Juliette Hughes

“It’s been a long and sometimes difficult journey since we moved to the new hospital” – says Southmead’s Emergency Department Matron Juliette Hughes. “But throughout the entire time, I couldn’t be more proud of my team.”

When inspectors from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) first visited the department in November 2014 – six months after the move from outdated facilities at Frenchay Hospital to the new hospital at Southmead – they had significant concerns around overcrowding, primarily due to issues associated with flow and patients accessing beds in a timely manner.

A warning notice was placed on the department and when the report was published in February 2015, the Emergency Department was rated as “inadequate” overall.

Juliette said: “Although the CQC had significant concerns, they were extremely complimentary about the team and the high quality care provided to patients, despite the obvious difficulties and pressures we were working under.”

Since then there has been a relentless focus on making improvements – so much so that in its latest report, published today, the CQC has rated the service as “good” overall. The requirements of the warning notice were fully met following a subsequent inspection in October last year.

Some of the positive changes that have taken place include:

Juliette said: “Perhaps we underestimated some of the challenges following the move, but everyone has worked so hard to make improvements despite the issues that are being experienced by the majority of Emergency Departments – not just here at Southmead.

“The changes that have been put in place have undoubtedly made things better for patients.

“This is a completely different department to the one visited by inspectors back in November 2014 and myself and lead consultant Dr Leilah Dare would like to thank everyone for their continued dedication and commitment to ensure we make this work.

“Yes, we are struggling to meet the four-hour target, but what we have proved is that during busy times we can continue to provide safe, excellent care and high quality treatment to patients – even though waiting times may be longer than we would like. It is fantastic for us and our patients to have this recognised by the CQC.”


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Source URL: https://www.nbt.nhs.uk/our-services/a-z-services/emergency-zone/southmead-hospital-emergency-department-ae/emergency-department-our-journey-good