
The Gynae Oncology team at North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) are a team who are experienced in providing comprehensive, specialist services of individuals who are either undergoing investigations for suspected gynaecological cancers or those who have been diagnosed with a cancer of the ovary, cervix, womb, vulva, vagina, and some rare gynaecological cancers. 

We understand that waiting for test results and appointments can be a worrying time. We are available to support you from the moment of referral, until you are either discharged from our service or your care has been taken over by the gynaecological cancer team at St Michaels Hospital, UHBW and/or the Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre.

As NBT is not the main cancer treatment centre for Bristol, there will be different people involved in your care and we therefore act as a ‘link’ to improve communication between them, you and the wider cancer team. We are here to answer any queries or concerns and provide support and information for you, your family, and carers.

Meet The Team

Amy Slater – Miss Amy Slater, MBChB, MRCOG.

"I am a Consultant Gynaecologist, and lead for the Gynaecological Cancer Services at NBT. 

"You may meet me or one of my other colleagues at North Bristol NHS Trust, but I am often involved in co-ordinating your care behind the scenes. We know that undergoing investigation for suspected cancer and treatment for cancer is stressful and worrying but my team of professional and caring colleagues and I are here to support you through this challenging time and ensure you receive the highest standards of care."

Clinical Nurse Specialist Team (CNS) – Our role is to provide support and information to you if you are undergoing investigations for suspected gynaecological cancers or have been diagnosed with a cancer of the ovary, cervix, womb, vulva, vagina and some rare gynaecological cancers. We will act as your keyworker until you are either discharged from our services or your care has been taken over by the gynaecological CNS team at St Michaels Hospital, UHBW and/or the Bristol Haematology & Oncology Centre.

Leanne Hopkins – Lead Gynae-Oncology Nurse Specialist

Emily Cunningham – Gynae-Oncology Nurse Specialist    

Amelia Daniel – Gynae-Oncology Nurse Specialist

Questions to ask

When you come to see the team at NBT(North Bristol NHS Trust) or UHBW (University Hospital's Bristol and Weston NHS Trust), you may have a lot of questions. It is not uncommon to find it difficult to remember things at the time of and/or after your appointment so here are some tips to help you. These ‘Questions to Ask’ may be accessible in a language of your convenience. Please contact the Gynae-Oncology CNS team if this is needed.

Before your appointment

  • Write down your most important questions.
  • List or bring all your medicines and pills – including vitamins and supplements.
  • Write down details of your symptoms, including when they started and what makes them better or worse.
  • Ask your CNS team for an interpreter or communication support if needed.
  • Ask a friend or family member to come with you, if you like.

During your appointment

  • Don't be afraid to ask if you don't understand. For example, 'Can you say that again? I still don't understand.'?
  • If you don't understand any words, ask for them to be written down and explained.
  • Write things down, or ask a family member or friend to take notes.

After your appointment, don't forget the following

  • Write down what you discussed and what happens next.
  • Keep your notes.

Ideas of questions to ask at the time of your appointment

  • 'what's happening if I'm not sent my appointment details,' and 'can I have the results of any tests?'
  • If you don't get the results when you expect – ask for them.
  • Ask what the results mean.

Tests, such as blood tests or scans

  • What are the tests for?
  • How and when will I get the results?
  • Who do I contact if I don’t get the results?

What next

  • What happens next?
  • Do I need to come back and see you?
  • Who do I contact if things get worse?
  • Do you have any written information?
  • Where can I go for more information?
  • Is there a support group or any other source of help? 

Contact Us

Phone number: 07899011805


Useful links

Here are some useful organisations and websites that we feel you may find helpful. If you've come across any other useful resources not listed here that you think could benefit others, please inform us.

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