NBT Pain Service Aims

We aim to improve the quality of lives of our patients by controlling, reducing and where possible, curing their pain. We work in partnership with our patients, encouraging them to actively participate in the decision making process regarding their treatments.

The Pain Clinic is consultant-led, working with an excellent team of nurses and advanced pain trainees. The Pain Clinic works closely with the Pain Management Service who offer support from specialist physiotherapists, pain psychologists and occupational therapists. 

The Pain Service as a whole works closely with Primary Care teams, the spinal and musculoskeletal assessment services, orthopaedic and spinal surgeons, neurosurgeons, neurologists and rheumatologists. Through this joined approach, we formulate a  management plan that addresses the physical as well as the emotional well-being of our patients.

Our approach to care is personalised and we provide the support needed to encourage independence.

The aim of the Pain Service is to:

Contact Pain Clinic

For all appointment enquiries, please contact Outpatients appointments.

Gloucester House
Southmead Hospital
Telephone: 0117 4147361

If you have an urgent concern please seek medical advice from your GP.

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Source URL: https://www.nbt.nhs.uk/our-services/a-z-services/pain-clinic/pain-clinic-services-aims