Advance Care Planning

Advance Care Planning (ACP) is a process of often several voluntary discussions between an individual and any health care professional who knows them. Aspects of ACP may include:

If the individual wishes, their family and friends may be included in the discussions. With the individual's agreement, this discussion should be recorded, regularly reviewed and communicated to key persons involved in their care.
Not everyone wishes to have conversations about these issues and there should be no obligation to do so.

Advance Statement (also known as Preferred Priorities for Care (PPC))
An advance statement is a written statement that allows a persons preferences, wishes, beliefs and values regarding their future care to be formally documented. The aim is to provide a guide to anyone who might have to make decisions in the persons best interest if they have lost the capacity to make decisions or to communicate them. An advance statement is not legally binding, but anyone who is making decisions about an individuals care should take it into account.

An Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment (ADRT)
An Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment (previously called a Living Will or Advance Directive) is different from a Statement of Wishes and Care Preferences as it is a formal, legally binding document or verbal statement which allows the refusal of certain medical treatments by an individual who is over 18 and has capacity to make the decision. It cannot be used to demand medical treatments which are not thought to be of benefit to the individual, request to have life ended or the refusal of basic essential care.  An Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment which includes reference to life sustaining treatment must be in writing. A compliant advance decision is as valid as a contemporaneous decision, that is, one made at that time. An Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment must exist, be valid and be applicable to the current circumstances.

Lasting Power of Attorney
A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document. It allows the individual (known as the donor) who has capacity, to appoint someone they trust as an ‘attorney’ to make decisions on their behalf. The circumstances under which attorneys can make decisions depends on the type of LPA.

There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney.

1. Health and Welfare/ Personal Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney
This type of LPA may give the individual’s attorney(s) the right to make decisions on behalf of the individual e.g.

This type of LPA only comes into force if the individual loses the ability to make decisions and is only valid once it has been registered with the Office of the Public Guardian.

2. Property and Affairs Lasting Power of Attorney
This type of LPA may give the individual’s attorney(s) the ability to make financial decisions for them e.g.

The individuals attorney has the authority to take over the management of their financial affairs as soon as the LPA is registered with the Office of the Public Guardian, unless the LPA states that this can only happen if they lose mental capacity to manage their own affairs.

There are special rules about appointing a LPA. Please visit the website Office of the Public Guardian at telephone 0845 330 2900.

Further information about Advance Care Planning
Planning Your Future Care - A Guide - This booklet provides an explanation about advance care planning and the different options available, visit

Advance Statement (also known as Preferred Priorities for Care) - For further information and examples of documents to help write down preferences and wishes for the future, visit and

Office of the Public Guardian - To help with protection of people who lack capacity, visit

Making Decisions- A Guide - Information booklets about the Mental Capacity Act, visit

Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment - For further information visit and

Gold Standards Framework - Is an approach to optimising the care for patients nearing the end of life delivered by community health care teams. It is concerned with helping people to live well until the end of life and includes care in the final years of life for people with any end stage illness in any setting. visit

You may be able to get help to access these through your Community Nurse, GP or Hospital Specialist Nurse.

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