Therapy eRehab - Trunk Control

Video 1 - Crook lying breathing

Position yourself in supine with your knees bent. Gently draw your navel towards your spine. Practise slow steady breathing in this position.

Video 2 - Crook lying sit ups

Position yourself in supine with your knees bent and placed on the floor/bed. Gently tighten your navel towards your spine and slide hands up your thighs until your hands are over your knees. Repeat ensuring that you lower in a controlled manner.

Video 3 - Seated limb raises

Position yourself sitting on a chair with your feet on the floor. Practice lifting one leg up and down at a time. Keep your hips and shoulder over one another to strengthen your trunk.

Video 4 - Seated twists feet on floor

Position yourself sitting on a chair with your feet on the floor. Making sure to keep your chest up and not let your bottom lift off the chair, twist your trunk or pass a ball from side to side.

Video 5 - Sitting on uneven surfaces

Position yourself sitting on a large ball (or other uneven surface e.g two cushions) that is wedged or the second option on a chair. Practice lifting your hands up in the air without falling.

Video 6 - Trans abs activation

Position yourself in supine with your knees bent. Place two fingers on either side of your tummy in line with your navel; tighten your deep tummy muscles that you can feel underneath your fingertips. The easiest way to learn this exercise is to practise as if you needed the toilet but were holding it in.

Video 7 - Pelvic tilts

Sitting on a flat back chair with your arms resting down. Practice growing tall through your sternum and breaking contact between your lower back and the chair. Then slouch your chin down to your chest pushing your lower back into the chair. Repeat this cycle.

Video 8 - Seated twisting both legs lifted

With your back unsupported and sat on a chair try and keep both feet off the floor whilst twisting your torso. Continue to make sure to keep your chest up and not let your bottom lift off the chair, pass the ball from side to side (Or touch the ball to the wall behind you on both sides.

Video 9 - Seated twisting one leg lifted

With your back unsupported sat on a chair lift one foot up at a time and you practice twisting your torso. Continue to make sure to keep your chest up and not let your bottom lift off the chair, pass the ball from side to side (or touch the ball to the wall behind you on both sides).

Video 10 - Seated yoga ball reaching

Position yourself sitting on a large ball with your feet on the floor. Practice reaching in all directions whilst keeping your contact with the ball and maintaining your balance.

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