Lung Cancer Specialist Team

A Lung cancer nurse specialist (LCNS) has expert knowledge and experience in all aspects of lung cancer. We form an important part of the team of healthcare professionals who will provide support, information and advice during investigations, diagnosis, and treatment.

At North Bristol Trust there are three lung cancer nurses and one Mesothelioma and pleural specialist nurse.

What is our role? 

To act as your key worker To make sure your care runs smoothly To act as a point of contact throughout your cancer journey To make sure you have all the information you need to help you make decisions about your care

How do we do this? 

We provide advice, support and information leading up to and following a diagnosis of lung cancer or mesothelioma We assess your holistic needs and assist to control any symptoms you may have relating to the cancer We offer opportunity to talk about any concerns or questions you may have and those of your family We can discuss up to date information about lung cancer and mesothelioma and the current treatments available along with any research trials We liaise with other healthcare professionals involved in your care as well as your family doctor which helps provide continuity of care We offer information about financial support and benefit entitlements

Contact Lung services

Patient Pathway Coordinator for Lung Oncology - Carole Berry 

Telephone: 0117 414 2016



Lung Oncology Nurses:

Telephone: 0117 414 1900



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