Rheumatology information for newly diagnosed patients

Living Well Signposting and Information Events

We would like to invite you to the next Living Well Signposting and Information Event in 2024.

What is this? 

This event is open to everyone who has recently been diagnosed with an inflammatory arthritis (such as rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis) or connective tissue disease (such as lupus).

This introductory event will be an opportunity to:
  • Hear from different specialties in the Rheumatology team including a Consultant Rheumatologist, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Specialist Nurses, Pharmacy, and Psychology. 
  • Find out what support is available and how to access it. 
  • Have a recap of some of the essential treatment information. 
  • Find out more about your condition. 
  • Hear from a volunteer about what they have found helpful while living with an inflammatory arthritis.
  • Introduce ideas and strategies that can help with managing symptoms such as flare-ups, pain, and fatigue.
  • Be part of an informal and interactive session where you can ask questions.
When and where? 

We recommend you choose the first possible date you can attend. 

Events are at Cossham Hospital or virtually on Zoom. You are welcome to choose which works best for you.

If you can’t make the dates in the table below and would like to know about future events please call us and leave a message.

Wednesday 24 April5pm to 7:30pmOnline (Zoom)
Wednesday 3 July1pm to 3:30pmCossham Hospital
Wednesday 25 September5pm to 7:30pmOnline (Zoom)
Wednesday 27 November9:30am-12:00pmCossham Hospital


To book a place on the date you can attend or ask any questions either email:


Or you can phone the Rheumatology Psychology Line and leave a message with your name, date of birth or hospital number, and the date you would like to attend:


Feedback from previous participants

"Sometimes other people ask questions you wanted to know about. I enjoyed hearing from someone else with arthritis about all the new information I suddenly need to know to manage this condition."

"It was so good to get clear, accurate information. And talk to others in the same boat."

"There was information about how the advice line can help me manage between appointments. It was helpful to hear from another patient whose condition is well controlled."

"It was useful to know about what other people find difficult. Their questions were different to mine and added to my knowledge. The talk by Ali was very informative, and it was good to learn about things that can make my life easier."

Videos to introduce you to the Rheumatology Team

We have put together a series of short videos. These will introduce you to the different specialities within our rheumatology team. These will help you to know what is available and where to go to for support with your rheumatology condition, if and when you need this.

These will also introduce you to some of the key management strategies that can be helpful with learning to live with and manage a rheumatology condition.

We encourage you to be a partner in your healthcare. One way you can be more involved in your care is by asking key questions when you are in hospital. To help empower you to take a more active role in decisions around your care we promote an initiative called Ask 3 Questions to help you think about some of the areas you might want to focus on during conversations with doctors, nurses and therapists.

1. Preparing for your Rheumatology Appointment: Meet Dr Nicky Minaur, one of our Rheumatology Consultants who talks about what could help with preparing for your appointment. This includes some essential information about Lifestyle Factors, that will help with wellbeing.

2. Disease Modifying Medication: Meet our Consultant Pharmacist, who talks through some of the essential information about the more commonly used medications in rheumatology.

3. Emotional Wellbeing: Our Clinical Psychologist introduces some ideas that can help with looking after your emotional and physical wellbeing.

4. Rheumatology Advice Line: Meet our team of  Specialist Nurses, and find out what you need to know about the Advice Line.

5. Patient Experience: Meet Liz who talks about her experience of living with Rheumatoid Arthritis, and what's she's learnt along the way that has helped with this.

6. The role of Physiotherapy in Inflammatory Arthritis: Meet our Physiotherapy team who introduce the role of physiotherapy in rheumatology. This includes some adaptations and simple exercises that can help support wellbeing.

What is self-management? Here is a video that the Rheumatology team in Fife put together, that helps explain what we mean by 'self-management'. This includes some useful ideas which can also help with general wellbeing.

Further information:

NRAS (National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society) New To Rheumatoid Arthritis leaflet: https://nras.org.uk/product/new2ra/

North Bristol Rheumatology Support Group

For patients with inflammatory arthritis under the care of North Bristol NHS Trust

Patients and friends are welcome to come along for a friendly chat with a cup of tea/coffee and biscuits.


Third Wednesday of every month 2pm –4pm

Begbrook Club

Frenchay Park Road



BS16 1HY


Off Off

Source URL: https://www.nbt.nhs.uk/our-services/a-z-services/rheumatology/rheumatology-information-newly-diagnosed-patients