Acute Stroke Unit

If you need to stay in hospital beyond a few days, you may move from the Hyper Acute Stroke Unit (HASU) to the Acute Stroke Unit. Here, an assessment will be carried out by our expert team of therapists and other stroke specialists to determine any ongoing needs you may have for ongoing rehabilitation, care and support. This assessment will be provided to our community partners, including the Integrated Community Stroke Service (ICSS) and the Stroke Sub-Acute Rehab Units (SSARUs) , who will decide how these needs can be met outside the acute hospital.

We and our partners will aim to support you to leave the acute hospital as soon as possible, so that your care can continue in the most appropriate and supportive setting. Throughout this process you will be supported by our Integrate Discharge Service, who will work with clinicians to provide you with information about what to expect on leaving hospital.

If your needs cannot be met by community service straight away, you will continue to receive care and, if this will be beneficial, intensive specialist rehabilitation until you can be provided with what you need outside the acute hospital. This may be because you need further inpatient specialist medical and nursing care, for example.”

Dependng on how your stroke has affected you, you might need to be treated by any combination of our therapists, depending on how your stroke has affected you. Rehabilitation is a 24 hour process, not just when you are seeing the therapists, and the nurses will encourage you to practise your activities on the ward and to do what you can for yourself.

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