Stroke Thrombectomy Service

Thrombectomy is a revolutionary treatment that can be used to treat strokes that are caused by a blockage of the largest arteries of the brain by blood clots; this is around 1 in 8 strokes. In 2019-20 North Bristol Trust, based at Southmead Hospital, performed the third highest number of thrombectomies for strokes of any stroke centre in England. We currently take referrals for thrombectomy 7 days a week.

We provide a thrombectomy service to the following hospitals 24 hours a day:

Gloucestershire Hospitals Foundation Trust

Great Western Hospitals Foundation Trust

North Bristol NHS Trust

Royal United Hospitals Bath

Taunton & Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust Bristol

Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Thrombectomy at Southmead Hospital is carried out by interventional neuroradiologists, supported by stroke specialist consultants, advanced nurse practitioners, anaesthetists and a large team of other professionals using state of the art equipment.

We also provide a service to the south and western regions of Wales 7 days a week from 6am. Patients must be at the hospital by 10pm.

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