Preventing Pressure Injuries

A pressure injury, also referred to as a pressure ulcer or bed sore, is an area of damaged skin or underlying tissue that develops when constant pressure on a part of the body shuts down the blood vessels feeding that area.

Pressure injuries usually develop on bony prominences and on anyone who sits or lies down for prolonged periods of time. Shearing from slipping or sliding down the bed/chair can contribute to pressure injuries.

How can you help avoid pressure injuries?

What are the symptoms of a pressure injury?

A Pressure injury may initially appear as a red area of skin that does not disappear when  pressed gently.  Look for changes in skin condition including pain or tenderness, heat and swelling. The area may become painful and purple in colour. Continued pressure and poor circulation can cause the skin and tissue to break down. Please inform your health care provider if you experience any of these symptoms.


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