Consent of Incapacitated Adults

Legally, adults must be assumed to be capable of taking decisions unless the opposite has been demonstrated for a particular decision.

Where doubt exists, the chief investigator (CI), principal investigator (PI) or another experienced and independent clinician should formally assess the capacity of the individual to make an informed decision about participation in a research project adhering to North Bristol NHS Trust Mental Capacity Act 2005 decision making flowchart. This assessment and the conclusions should be recorded in the medical records. A participant is deemed to lack legal capacity to consent or refuse only when they cannot be helped to reach their own decisions with memory aids or sign language for example.

The term used in the regulations is “an adult unable to virtue a physical or mental incapacity to informed consent”.

A hierarchy prescribed in the regulations for determining what type of legal representative should be approached to give informed consent on behalf of an incapacitated adult prior to inclusion of the participant in the study. The provisions in England, Wales and Northern Ireland differ from those in Scotland.

The Medicines for Human Use (clinical trials) (Amendment no.2) Regulations 2006 made additional provision relating to trials involving incapacitated adults in emergency situation. Where the treatment to be given to an incapacitated adult as part of the trial needs to be given urgently, time may not allow for the written consent of a legal representative to be obtained first. The amendment allows incapacitated adults to be entered into a trial prior to consent being obtained from a legal representative provided that:

Where an incapacitated adult is recruited in an emergency situation without prior informed consent, steps must be taken to seek informed consent either from the participant (if capacity has been recovered) or from a legal representative as soon as practicable after the initial emergency has passed.

Where consent is withheld, the participant must be withdrawn from the trial.


The legal representative:

In the event of an emergency the above points do not apply


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