Major Trauma Information & Support

Quality Trauma Discharge (QTD)

Initiated by the Major Trauma Centre at Southmead Hospital, QTD allows for the mitigation and avoidance of patient / carer concerns following discharge. Comprising of a comprehensive discharge consultation with a trained Major Trauma Practitioner, provision of a personalised discharge pack and post discharge follow up, these interventions have been shown to educate and empower patients / carers to better manage the sometimes difficult move back to a local hospital or home.

Major Trauma / Intensive Care Bereavement Charity Services

A stand-alone service developed by the team at the Adult Major Trauma Centre: a member of the Major Trauma Team will call to follow up with the patient's relatives/carers following bereavement, allowing some time for you to begin to come to terms with your loss. Unintrusive in nature, this is a good opportunity to talk to those involved in your loved one's care and for them to talk through anything with you or answer any questions you may have. This service is tailored to the needs of the families of our patients and being mindful of how trauma can have different effects on different people, we can offer ongoing support and telephone contact; we want you to fully understand your loved one's care while they stayed with us.

Get involved with the Adult Major Trauma Centre

Patient representatives attend the twice yearly Major Trauma Centre board meeting and provide a valuable insight to their care from a patient/relative perspective. We find this feedback very beneficial in developing our services and delivering training to our clinical staff. Should you be interested in getting involved, or want to find out more, please contact us.


Citizen’s Advice Bureaux (CAB)

Organ Donation

Blood Donation

A charity which aims to provide a community for patients and families to rebuild lives and support each other after experiencing a traumatic injury.

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