SMTN Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation after Major Trauma 

Rehabilitation involves assessment of impairment and abilities, following major trauma. At Southmead MTC, teamwork supports patients to achieve their maximum potential after serious and often life-changing injuries. This includes coordination of rehabilitation for not only physical changes but also cognitive, social and psychological aspects. The team at Southmead MTC strive to support patients regain their lives in a meaningful and valued way. This includes supporting patients to regain their role in the community and at home as well as enabling patients to return to work or studies and live their lives as independently as possible. 

Early organised and integrated rehabilitation has been recognised by the National Trauma Clinical Advisory Group. Many Major Trauma patients will have an uncomplicated recovery and progress rapidly down the Recovery, Re-enablement and Rehabilitation pathway. Their rehabilitation needs can be met within their local general rehabilitation services. This pathway will commence at the MTC and is delivered by ICU and ward-based therapists. Additionally, patients will be repatriated to their local Trauma Unit Hospital as soon as they are stable and Major Trauma acute needs are met, where rehabilitation can continue 

A smaller but significant group of patients will have specialist rehabilitation needs. Assessment and referral to specialist rehabilitation centres can be made at Southmead MTC.  

Southmead was successful in securing additional specialist rehabilitation in the summer of 2022, whereby the Hyperacute Rehabilitation Team (HART) was launched. This service delivers hyperacute multi-disciplinary therapy to 18 complex major trauma and neurosurgical patients.  

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