Useful Starting Points for Immunology Requests

DisorderTests to request in primary screenNotes
Arthralgia or arthritisRheumatoid factor, Antinuclear Antibody (ANA)The laboratory will instigate more specific tests if indicated by the screen. A measure of the acute phase response may also be helpful.
Anti-phospholipid syndromeAnti-cardiolipin (ACA)If ACA negative and clinical suspicion high worth checking for lupus anticoagulant. If ACA positive result needs to be confirmed 12 weeks later.
Coeliac diseaseAnti-tissue transglutaminaseThe laboratory will confirm positive results by anti-endomysium and check for IgA deficiency as required.
AllergyAllergen Specific IgE (formerly ‘RAST’)History is paramount in making the diagnosis. The test helps only to confirm the diagnosis.
Autoimmune thyroid diseaseTSH (to assess dysfunction)Anti TPO helpful in the context of subclinical hypothyroidism i.e. when TSH 5-10mU/L.
MyelomaSerum Electrophoresis, Urine for Bence Jones proteinNeed to check both serum and urine.  Immunofixation will be performed if indicated by screen.
Possible immunodeficiencyImmunoglobulins, ImmunophenotypingHistory is paramount. Please discuss with laboratory to direct testing.
Persistent raised plasma viscosityImmunoglobulins, autoimmune profile, liver function tests 
Abnormal liver function/jaundiceAutoimmune liver screen (includes ANA, anti-smooth muscle, anti-mitochondria, anti-LKM)Immunoglobulins may provide additional supporting information.


Contact Immunology & Immunogenetics

Head of Department
Dr Adrian Heaps
Telephone: 0117 4148473

Clinical Lead
Dr Sarah Johnston
Telephone: 0117 4148370

Blood Sciences Laboratory Manager
Allison Brixey
Telephone: 0117 4148416

General Enquiries/Secretaries
Telephone: 0117 4143456


Normal Laboratory Hours
Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm

Off Off Useful Starting Points for Immunology Requests

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