Bristol Haemato-Oncology Diagnostic Request Form

The BHODS request form is the most efficient way to request investigations on samples sent to the service. The laboratory can supply paper copies on request or use the editable PDF form attached: 


Bristol Haemato-Oncology Diagnostic Sample Requirements
Blood / Bone marrow Morphology Immunophenotype Peripheral blood slides x2
Bone marrow slides x3
Peripheral blood 5ml in EDTA
Bone marrow aspirate 2ml in EDTA
Cytogenetics / FISH Peripheral blood 5ml in lithium heparin
Molecular Investigations Peripheral blood 30ml in EDTA
Bone marrow aspirate 1-2ml in EDTA
MRD studies bone marrow aspirate 1-2ml in EDTA
Tissue samples Samples for histology, immunocytochemistry,
FISH, PCR clonality & molecular investigations as needed
Bone marrow trephine in formyl saline or block
Lymph node/Tissue: fixed lymph node in formyl saline of block
Fresh tissue - please alert the laboratory 0117 4148377
Other samples Cytospin & immunophenotype as required or fresh tissue for flow CSF/Ascites/Pleural fluid in sterile container
Fresh tissue for flow (lymph nodes or core biopsies) in PBS without anticoagulant
Single sample processing is available for agreed indications. For other cases samples will be shared between laboratory techniques when necessary and possible.

Consent and sample processing
It is the responsibility of the clinician involved to ensure that the patient understands the reason for taking a tissue sample, making the request for an examination and the range of tests that may be involved. It is advisable to obtain the patient’s valid consent for testing and to remember that the initial consent is likely to involve a request to investigate what is wrong, rather than to perform a specific set of analyses. Clinicians must also consider whether or not to document the consent they have obtained. On receipt of a sample, the laboratories assume that the referring clinician has obtained valid consent. Since the field of haematopathology is changing so rapidly, it may be prudent to include consent for subsequent research investigations where possible. Biopsy samples and material produced from them may be stored with the laboratory facility within accepted operating procedures. The Genetics laboratory stores fixed material (including DNA/RNA) from new diagnostic leukaemias and patients with equivocal diagnoses. This material will be made available on request to clinical trials in which the patient has been entered.

Sample transport
The laboratories accept samples for both routine and urgent processing. Transport of urgent sample may require special transport arrangements to be made by the sender. The laboratory should be advised of the dispatch of an urgent sample.

For further information see Royal College of Pathologists: A brief guide on consent for pathologists, January 2005 & Guidelines on inter-departmental dispatch of samples from patients sent to another hospital or centre for assessment and/or treatment (2nd edition), September 2006. Professional guidance and local standard operating procedure should be followed for sending samples by post or courier.

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