Haematology Telephone Action Ranges

Results that fall outside the ranges below will be telephoned to the clinical area indicated on the request details except when they are not significantly different from previous values for a current admission.


 Parameter   Telephone Ranges 
 White Cell Count  > 100.0 x 10*9/L 
 Neutrophils  < 0.5 or > 50.0 x 10*9/L 
 Haemoglobin   < 70 or > 190 g/L 
 Platelets   < 30 or > 1000 x 10*9/L 
 Plasma Viscosity  > 5.0 mPa 
 Malaria Parasite  Always telephone a positive result 
 Sickle Screen  Urgent positive results 

Coagulation Studies  

 Parameter  Telephone Ranges
 Fibrinogen  < 0.5 g/L
 Warfarin Monitoring  INR > 6.5
 Heparin Monitoring  APTT > 135 secs

Blood Transfusion

 Parameter  Telephone Ranges
 Neonatal DAT  Always telephone a positive result
 Positive Antibody screen Positive antibody screens will be phoned to the clinical area if it will impact on the provision of red cells.
 Foetal Leak  >4 ml bleed



 Wrong Blood In Tube  These will be communicated to the clinical area. Repeat samples are required.
 Rejected Crossmatch Requests  The lab will make reasonable attempts to make contact with the clinical area to request a repeat.


Off Off Haematology Telephone Action Ranges

Source URL: https://www.nbt.nhs.uk/severn-pathology/pathology-services/haematology/haematology-telephone-action-ranges