Fresh Arts for our Outpatients

Arts on Referral

Arts on Referral is a social prescribing programme offered to patients under the care of these clinical teams: 

  • Pain Management 
  • Cancer 
  • Respiratory
  • Neuromuscular
  • Weight Management 

Patients take part in a 6 week long programme delivered in the Community Arts Room and / or online.  The aim is to help patients improve how they manage living with a long term chronic health condition.

On completion of Arts on Referral, patients can be referred to our community and cultural partners to continue to support their health and well-being through a range of follow on groups and peer-led groups. 

Programmes are:

  • Led by professional practising artists trained in facilitating groups
  • Currently visual arts and / or creative writing
  • Inclusively facilitated - we make every effort to ensure programmes are accessible to patient need 

No experience is necessary to take part

All materials are provided

The programme is evaluated by University of the West of England.

Referrals can be made at any time via your clinician or supporting healthcare professional.  Please ask them to email us at 

Dance for Parkinson's

Dance for Parkinson's is delivered by The Original Spinners for patients with Parkinson's Disease and their carers on Friday mornings in Patchway. 

Sessions run during term time and include a range of warm up and cool down activities, face and voice work, taught choregraphed techniques, and fun and engaging activities both seated and standing. We currently have more than 20 regular participants. 

No experience is necessary to take part and sessions are free to attend.

Referrals can be made at any time via your clinician or supporting healthcare professional.  Please ask them to email us at

Online resources

Fresh Arts has a YouTube Channel where you can find lots of engaging resources for patients, visit

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