North Bristol NHS Trust

North Bristol NHS Trust provides hospital and community healthcare to the residents of Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset, plus we’re a regional centre for neurosciences, plastics, burns, orthopaedics and renal. 


Latest News

Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

National doctors' industrial action update

Junior doctors who are members of the British Medical Association (BMA) will be taking national strike action at a number of NHS trusts, including North Bristol NHS Trust in February 2024. The industrial action is a national dispute between the...
A photo of four NBT staff members and volunteers at the Volunteers Celebration Event

Celebrating our volunteers

It’s Volunteers’ Week and here at North Bristol NHS Trust we are celebrating all our wonderful volunteers who support patients, staff, and visitors throughout our organisation. We have more than 470 volunteers across our sites, which has risen by...

Behind the Scenes at North Bristol NHS Trust

Take a look behind the scenes at some of our teams during a typical day at NBT and find out more about some of the work our dedicated staff do every day. 



Hear from some of our patients as they share their thanks for the NHS and our staff.

We are #NBTProud

There are over 8,000 reasons why North Bristol NHS Trust is a place to be #NBTProud of. We support and care for every member of staff, every carer, every visitor, and will always put the patient first.