4x4 Drivers, can you help?

During adverse weather conditions, many of our staff at North Bristol NHS Trust can struggle to get to work. For this reason, we ask for volunteers who drive vehicles equipped for snow and ice to support.

Volunteering to drive front-line workers to and from their shifts is one way to help your community and local healthcare services during this busy time.

All volunteers are requested to complete an application form, successful applicants are then required to undertake a standard DBS check (paid for by the trust) and complete two short E-Learning modules relevant to the role.

All volunteers can be provided with PPE and any fuel costs incurred can be reimbursed.

If you can help, or would like more information, please contact: AdverseWeatherCell@nbt.nhs.uk 

4x4 driver call out


Source URL: https://www.nbt.nhs.uk/about-us/news-media/latest-news/4x4-drivers-can-you-help