Vaccinations kick-off at Bristol's Ashton Gate Stadium

The roll-out of local Covid-19 vaccinations in the area has been expanded with the opening of a vaccination centre at Bristol’s Ashton Gate Stadium.

The centre adds to vaccinations already being carried out at local hospitals and General Practice Primary Care Networks sites.

Dr Tim Whittlestone, Clinical Lead for the NHS vaccination programme in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire, said: “We are delighted to be able to take the next step in our vaccination roll-out by opening the Ashton Gate facility and welcoming people for their jabs.

“Once fully operational, staff at the facility will be able to vaccinate thousands of people each day, building on the outstanding work our local GP services and hospitals have been doing over recent weeks to ensure our most vulnerable people receive the vaccine.”

Read the full story on the Ashton Gate Vaccination Centre 

Ashton Gate Vaccination Centre

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