Questions to the Trust Board

The Trust welcomes feedback and members of the public may ask the Board a question on any matter which is within the powers and duties of the Trust. 

Questions may be asked verbally at the beginning of Board meetings, at the discretion of the Chair. The Chair will determine who is best placed to respond and how the response should be provided. 

Questions can also be submitted in writing at least five working days before the Board meeting to the Trust Secretary Each question must give the name and address of the questioner and if the question is being asked on behalf of an organisation then the name of the organisation must be stated. 

No more than three written questions may be submitted per person. If the Chair considers the question appropriate for the Board meeting, the Trust will normally provide a written response, and the question and response will be read out at the meeting. Copies of the questions and the responses will be recorded in the minutes.

Written questions may be rejected and oral questions need not be answered when the Chair considers that they:

  • are not on any matter that is within the powers and duties of the Trust;
  • are defamatory, frivolous or offensive;
  • are substantially the same as a question that has been put to a meeting of the Trust Board and been answered in the past six months; or
  • would require the disclosure of confidential or exempt information.

For further information, please email