Researcher webinars

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A recorded webinar series organised by the South West Developing a Research Skilled Workforce Team 

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The SNAHPer group are delighted to share with you a series of recorded webinars,  to help you think, plan and develop your research-related activities. 


Webinar 1 - Demystifying Research

Webinar 2 - Using Evidence to change practice

Webinar 3 - Do I matter to research

Webinar 4 - Designing your roadmap to success

Webinar 5 - Sharing is caring

Webinar 6 - There's no 'I' in Team


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NBT Researcher

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Research & Development
North Bristol NHS Trust
Level 3, Learning & Research building
Southmead Hospital
Bristol, BS10 5NB

Telephone: 0117 4149330

Enhanced Recovery After Gynaecology Surgery

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Welcome to the Enhanced Recovery Programme

This information aims to increase your understanding of how to be an active part of your own recovery after surgery. If there is anything that you are unsure about, please ask. It is important that you understand the programme, so that you, your family and friends can be involved.
This is the programme offered by North Bristol NHS Trust for patients undergoing planned gynaecology surgery. There may be circumstances where the programme will not be appropriate for some patients and if this is the case, you will be fully informed of the alternatives.

What is the Enhanced Recovery Programme?

The Enhanced Recovery Programme is to get you back to full health as quickly as possible after your operation. The hyperlink below will take you to a short video about Enhanced Recovery called "Fitter Better Sooner". We strongly encourage you to watch the video:

Fitter, Better, Sooner Toolkit | Centre for Perioperative Care (

Research indicates that after surgery, the earlier you get you out of bed, exercise, eat and drink, your recovery will be quicker and with less risk of complications. Some of the benefits include:

  • A quicker return to normal bowel function
  • Reduce chest infections
  • A quicker return to usual mobility.
  • Decreased fatigue
  • Reduced risk of developing blood clots after surgery

To achieve this, we need you to be partners with us working together to speed up your recovery.

What will happen? 

Before you come into hospital

The medical staff will see you in the outpatient’s department to explain your operation. Following this you will be sent a date to attend the pre-operative assessment clinic, where trained staff will carry out routine tests that are required to ensure you are fit and safely prepared for surgery.

When you attend the preoperative assessment clinic, we will explain the programme to you and your family. You will be provided with written information, time to ask questions and may be referred to the anaesthetist. The nurse will discuss your arrangements at home so that together we can plan for any help you may need after your operation. All patients are screened for potential infections at this appointment.

We will discuss diet and exercise with you and if necessary, you will be referred to the dietician. For example, if you have lost a lot of weight or your appetite is poor.

It is important to keep as active as you can before your operation and if you are a smoker you should stop now. This helps reduce breathing problems after surgery. You can see your GP or pharmacist for advice on products to help you stop smoking.

Please bring: 

  • A supply of your own medication (these will be stored safely on the ward and returned to you when you go home). 
  • A dressing gown, or similar item of clothing (as there is evidence to suggest that keeping warm before surgery helps prevent infection) 
  • A supply of comfortable day clothes (as you will be encouraged to return to ‘normality’ as quickly as possible after your operation).

Eating and Drinking – before surgery

Prior to your surgery you will be able to eat and drink as normal unless you are required to take medication to clear the contents of your bowel. If this applies to you it will be discussed with you at pre operative assessment. It is important to have a variety of non-fizzy drinks during your hospital stay.

You may continue to eat for up to six hours before your operation and drink clear fluids for up to two hours before.

Preparing for surgery

To help prevent blood clots you will be required to wear special support stockings (TEDS). The nurse will measure your legs to choose? the correct size. You will also be given an injection called ‘clexane’ in the evening. This helps reduce the risk of blood clots by thinning the blood. The injection will be given each day you are in hospital. 

Some patients at higher risk of experiencing blood clots may need to continue the injection at home. This would only be temporary and will be discussed with you when you are in hospital. Most patients can inject themselves or with the help of a relative or carer. The nurses on the ward will show you how to do the injection. If you have problems with giving yourself the injection we will arrange for a District Nurse to visit you. 

For those also having an operation on their bowel: You may need an enema to empty your bowel contents on the day of your operation. After an enema, it is important to drink plenty to replace any fluid lost. Some patients may have to take medication the day before to achieve this (if this applies to you more information? will be given). 

It is very important to keep yourself warm before your operation and you are advised to dress accordingly (warm dressing gown, socks, slippers, blankets etc.) When it is time for your operation you will be required to wear a hospital gown.


After your operation 

DrEaMing (Drinking, Eating, and Mobilising) after your operation 

You may hear the staff on the ward talk about “dreaming”. They are not talking about what happens when you are asleep! In fact, they are talking about some of the most important components to successful recovery after surgery- Drinking, Eating and Mobilising also known as DrEaMing. We know that if you can “DrEaM” within 24 hours of your surgery, you will be on track to recover quicker, sooner and better. 

To help you with this we will create a rhythm to your day that follows the pattern of eating a meal in a chair, mobilising, then resting. 

Drinking and eating

It is important to start drinking and eating as soon as you can after surgery. Initially some patients may find a low fibre diet more tolerable. We encourage you to sit out of bed for your meals to help build your strength and mobility. 

Studies show that chewing gum after surgery can improve your recovery by assisting the bowel to return to normal. Chewing gum can also help disperse trapped wind that can sometimes occur after surgery. We advise that on the day you come into hospital, you bring chewing gum with you. After your operation chew gum for 15 minutes, a few times a day, until your bowel function returns to normal.                                                                                                   


Staff will help you out of bed about six hours after your operation. We encourage you to eat all your meals sitting in a chair. After your meals we suggest that you move around the ward as you are able. The staff on the ward will assist with this if required. After this gentle exercise, it is important to return to bed for some rest. 

Following your operation, it is important that you do deep breathing exercises to prevent chest infection. You will need to do deep breathing exercises every hour. To do these you will need to:

  • Be in an upright position.
  • Take a deep slow breath in (feel your stomach gently rise). 
  • Hold the breath for 3 seconds. 
  • Breathe out slowly. 
  • Repeat 5 times.

You should cough regularly to make clear your lungs of secretions. To do this, place a towel or pillow over your incision site, support it with your hands and cough. 

When you are sitting in the chair or lying in bed, you should do frequent leg exercises as prevention against blood clots. To do this point your feet up and down and move your ankles as if making circles. 

By being out of bed in a more upright position and by walking regularly, lung function is improved and there is less chance of a chest infection after surgery. Circulation is also improved, reducing the risk of blood clots and helping bowel function return to normal. 

Try and wear your day clothes after your operation as this can help you feel positive about your recovery.

Below is a video of some examples of breathing and leg exercises: 

Pain Control

It is important that your pain is controlled so that you can walk about, breathe deeply, eat and drink, feel relaxed and sleep well.

Various tablets can be used for pain for example paracetamol, ibuprofen, codeine and morphine (liquid or injections, as needed). Pain control is really important, and there are additional ways of giving painkillers if the above medicines are not sufficient. You will need to take your painkillers regularly (three or four times per day) to make sure you are comfortable.  

If you are uncomfortable or in pain, then please tell the nursing staff immediately and they will be able to help you.


After an operation and anaesthetic it is not uncommon to feel nauseated and vomit. You will be given medication during surgery to reduce this. If you feel sick following surgery please tell a member of staff who will be able to give you something for this.

Tubes and Drips

We will want to make sure that you are able to pass urine after your surgery. If we are concerned that this may be 
difficult due to your operation, a tube (catheter) may be placed into your bladder so that we can check that your kidneys are working well and your urine output can be measured. If you have a catheter, it will be removed as soon as possible. 

You will have an intravenous drip put into your arm to ensure you do not become dehydrated. The drip will normally be removed the day after surgery, but you may still have the intravenous port (venflon) in case we have to give other drugs through it. You may also be required to breathe extra oxygen for a short while after your operation.

Vaginal bleeding

It is normal to have vaginal bleeding after gynaecological operations. This bleeding may be like a light period. Tampons must not be used for bleeding after surgery.


Many different things will be monitored during your treatment including:

  • Observations (oxygen levels, breathing rate, and temperature).
  • Fluid in.
  • Food eaten.
  • Fluid out.
  • When your bowel first starts working.
  • Pain assessment.
  • Number of walks.
  • Time spent out of bed.
  • Vaginal bleeding.
  • Wound checks.

Please remember to tell us about everything that you eat and drink and what you pass.

Whilst you are in hospital you will be asked to participate in maintaining a ‘daily diary’ (provided by the ward), so that you 
can keep a record of how well you are managing, in particular with diet and exercise after surgery. This will also help us monitor your progress.

Decisions regarding patient care are at the discretion of your consultant. Patients who are no longer able to follow the structure of the programme will revert to a traditional plan of care.


When you leave hospital

Complications should not happen very often, but it is important that you know what to look out for. During the first two weeks after surgery, if you are worried about any of the following (see information on the following page), please phone the telephone numbers on this leaflet. You should be able to reach a member of staff at any time. If you cannot contact the people listed, then ring your GP or NHS 111. 

If you have had surgery on your bowel, the hospital team will phone you at home initially to check on your progress. In between these times if you have any concerns, you can contact them on the numbers provided. 

Abdominal Pain

It is not unusual to suffer pains during the first week following surgery. Continue taking your painkillers regularly. 
If you have severe pain lasting more than 1-2 hours or have a fever and feel generally unwell, you should contact 
us on the telephone numbers provided

Your wound

The Ward nurses will remove your wound dressing before discharging you home. If you have had keyhole surgery you will have dissolvable stitches and glue over the top. You may continue to take showers or baths. 

For surgery where a larger incision has been needed, either dissolvable stitches are used, or a stitch that needs to be removed. This can be taken out with the GP practice or district nurse about 5-7 days after surgery, and we will discharge you with a plan for this. It is not unusual for your wounds to be slightly red and tender during the first 1-2 weeks. You may also notice bruising. 

Please let us know if your wound:

  • Becomes more red, painful or swollen.
  • Starts to discharge fluid / pus. 

Vaginal bleeding or discharge 

It is not uncommon to have some vaginal discharge or bleeding after surgery. Light bleeding like the end of a period is normal for a few weeks after surgery. This can be red, pink or brown in colour. If your bleeding is heavy, like a period, or with blood clots, you should contact the ward directly. If you have an unpleasant smell to the discharge this could indicate an infection. Please contact your GP or call Cotswold Ward for advice. Bleeding/discharge can continue for 10 days to 2 weeks following surgery, and should then settle. No tampons should be used during this time and intercourse should be avoided for 6-8 weeks.

Your bowels 

In the early stages following surgery, your bowel habits may change and may either become loose or constipated. Make sure you eat regular meals 3 or more times a day, drink adequate amounts, and take regular walks the first two weeks after your operation. 

Please seek advice from your GP if you are experiencing prolonged constipation.

Passing urine

Sometimes after surgery you may experience the feeling of a full bladder. This usually resolves, however if you experience any of the following problems please contact your GP, or ring Cotswold Ward for advice:

  • Bladder pain or discomfort.
  • If you have excessive stinging when passing urine, you may have an infection which will require treatment. 


A balanced, varied diet is recommended and particularly eating 3 or more times a day. If you are finding it difficult to eat it is still important to obtain an adequate amount of protein and calories to help your body heal. You may benefit from having 3-4 high protein, high calorie drinks such as Build-up or Complan (available in supermarkets and chemists) to supplement your food. It is important to drink plenty of water.

Helpful suggestions 

  • Eat small nourishing snacks between meals.
  • Try not to skip meals, have a snack or nourishing drink if you cannot manage a main meal. 
  • Have nourishing drinks during the day. Avoid drinks up to 30 minutes before meals, as they may fill you up.
  • Have a selection of easy-to-prepare foods in case you do not feel like cooking.
  • Make use of your freezer and cupboards to store convenience foods.
  • Aim to try and have 5 daily portions of fruit and vegetables to ensure a good vitamin and mineral intake. 


We encourage activity from day one following surgery. You should plan to undertake regular exercise several times a day and gradually increase during the 4 weeks following your operation until you are back to your normal level of activity. The main restriction we place on exercise is that you do not undertake heavy lifting 4-6 weeks following your surgery. If you are planning to restart a routine exercise such as jogging or swimming we suggest that you wait until 2 weeks after surgery and start gradually. Common sense will guide your exercise and rehabilitation; in general if the wound is still uncomfortable modify your exercise. Once the wounds are pain free you can undertake most activities.


When you return to work will depend on the type of operation you have had, your surgeon will guide you on this. Many 
people are able to return to work within 2 - 4 weeks following their surgery. If your job involves lots of lifting we suggest you ask your employer to give you lighter duties until you are fully recovered.


It is advised that you do not drive until you are confident that you can drive safely. Usually this is when you are doing most of your normal activities. In general this will be 4 weeks after surgery. It is important that any pain has resolved sufficiently to enable you to perform an emergency stop. You should contact your insurance company to check their terms or you may not be fully insured.

Resuming intercourse (sex) 

For certain types of operations, it is advisable to avoid intercourse for 6-8 weeks following surgery, please check 
with your surgeon. We advise that you wait until any vaginal bleeding has stopped. 

Naturally if you are not wishing to get pregnant contraception is important to consider, as you will continue to ovulate after your surgery, and you can fall pregnant quickly. 

Hobbies and activities

In general it is advised that you take up your hobbies and activities as soon as possible again after surgery. It enables you to maintain your activity and will benefit your convalescence. We would not advise restricting these unless they cause significant pain or involve heavy lifting within the first 6 weeks following surgery.


You may continue with your normal medicines unless directed to stop by your doctor. You will be given a new supply of these if you do not have enough at home. You will also be given pain killers and any other medicines required, to take home. 

Clinic follow up appointments 

Not all patients require an appointment after their surgery if your Consultant thinks a follow-up appointment is needed, this will be sent through the post.

Follow up appointments allow the team to see how you are and talk through any further treatment. 

If you have had an operation on your bowel, you will be contacted at home via telephone after your operation by the nursing team. We also encourage you to contact the specialist nurse or ward if you are experiencing problems.


Further information

Fitter Better Sooner:
Preparing for surgery – Fitter Better Sooner | The Royal College of Anaesthetists (

Endometriosis UK Charity:
Your laparoscopy | Endometriosis UK (











Page last reviewed December 2023

Page due for review December 2026


Acute Provider Collaborative

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North Bristol NHS Trust logo and University Hospitals NHS Trust logo

North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) and University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) Acute Provider Collaborative (APC)

Under the Health and Care Act 2022 NHS providers have a duty to collaborate. Provider Collaboratives bring together two or more NHS providers to work together at scale to benefit their populations.

There are three Provider Collaboratives in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire – NBT and UHBW are the Acute one – established in September 2021.

The APC builds on the long and successful history of collaboration between NBT and UHBW – from stroke services to the Bristol ECMO service. The APC is focused on delivering better, more equitable, outcomes for patients, delivering efficiency and innovation and ensuring the very best opportunities for staff.

Our pledges as an Acute Provider Collaborative

As an Acute Provider Collaborative we have made pledges to:

  • Demonstrate improved access and experience, and work together to provide better outcomes for patients and address inequalities.
  • Enable our staff to have development opportunities across the whole of Bristol and Weston.
  • Build productive relationships amongst our clinical and support teams across both our organisations - we will work through difficult situations together.
  • Agree joint priorities and plan for the future together.
  • Develop our people with wider system resilience in mind.
  • Share corporate services that are effective and deliver efficiency and productivity gains.
  • Ensure the highest level of efficiency possible – delivering the most we can from our resources.
  • Share our data and digital technologies.
  • Support the wider community through our responsibilities as Anchor Institutions.

Joint Clinical Strategy

A key focus of the APC has been developing a Joint Clinical Strategy (JCS). The JCS sets a clear direction for our work together. It outlines our clinical vision for services that are seamless, high quality and equitable.

Our JCS sets out a fully joined-up approach between NBT and UHBW that will unlock significant benefits for our patients, our people and our communities.

The JCS builds on and complements the strategies and visions of both organisations - it doesn’t replace them.

Both NBT and UHBW have committed to formally create the right environment which allows deeper collaboration to flourish and enable delivery of our Joint Clinical Strategy.

A Hospital Group model

To enable us to deliver our Joint Clinical Strategy both Trusts will form a Hospital Group.

It is the strategic intent of our new Joint Chair, Ingrid Barker, and Joint Chief Executive, Maria Kane, to form a Hospital Group within the next two years to help remove barriers that can sometimes get in the way of providing seamless patient care between our organisations.

This is not a merger, we are joining forces to address shared challenges around workforce, estates and finances whilst remaining independent Trusts.

NHS Trusts nationwide are working together at scale to benefit their populations. This is a fundamental shift in the way the health and care system is organised, moving from an emphasis on organisational autonomy and competition to collaboration and partnership working.

The exact model and extent of a Group varies significantly across the NHS but essentially a Group is comprised of at least two NHS providers who retain their own identity but have agreed to pool resources in defined areas and have shared leadership and governance.

Be involved

Regular communications and engagement will be critical to the process – we will ensure that our patients and communities have a real voice. 
More information on how you can be involved will be shared soon.

A blue graphic showing houses by the harborside in Bristol with trees and hot air balloons. A blue footer reads 'Acute Provider Collaborative'.

Breast Cancer and Genetics

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What is Genetic Testing and how might it affect me?

What are the potential results of this test and what might they mean?

I am male and I have breast cancer does this affect me?

What are the health risks associated with this gene alteration?

What else should I know about getting a genetic test?

Are certain racial or ethnic populations at greater risk?

My Role in Research

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Clinical research helps us to find the best possible care options for our patients. Our dynamic research teams include an array of research support staff who help us to deliver over 500 research studies every year. Our 'My Role in Research' series aims to delve a little deeper into these roles...

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Dr John Pauling - Rheumatology

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GMC number: 6054876

Dr John Pauling

Year & location of first qualification: 2002, Nottingham University

Specialty: Rheumatology

Clinical interests: Systemic sclerosis & Raynaud’s phenomenon, Digital vasculopathy in autoimmune rheumatic diseases, Connective Tissue Diseases, Interstitial Lung Disease and Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Secretary: Pamela Stone   
Dr John Pauling BMedSci BMBS FRCP (Rheum) PhD 
North Bristol NHS Trust and Honorary Senior Lecturer in the School of Translational Sciences at the University of Bristol

Dr John Pauling is a consultant rheumatologist at North Bristol NHS Trust and Honorary Senior Lecturer in the School of Translational Sciences at the University of Bristol. John was awarded the Arthritis Research Campaign Medal before qualifying from Nottingham University Medical School in 2002. In 2009 he was awarded the Dando fellowship, jointly funded by the Raynaud’s & Scleroderma Association and Royal College of Physicians. His PhD research helped John to develop an interest in outcome measures in systemic sclerosis (SSc) research, particularly in relation to peripheral microvascular dysfunction in scleroderma. He has developed and validated new methods for assessing digital vasculopathy including patient reported outcome instruments and laser-derived methods in Raynaud’s phenomenon (RP) and systemic sclerosis. John is a member of the EULAR Microcirculation study group and has contributed to recent initiatives of the UK Scleroderma Study Group. John has published over 130 peer-reviewed journal articles and several book chapters in the field of peripheral vascular disease and systemic sclerosis (h-index 30). He has presented at multiple international meetings.

Dr John Pauling sits on the executive committee of the Scleroderma Clinical Trials Consortium (SCTC) and leads the SCTC Vascular Working Group that is currently undertaking work to develop novel outcome measures for Raynaud’s phenomenon and digital ulcer disease in systemic sclerosis. He co-chairs the OMERACT systemic sclerosis special interest group. He leads the Raynaud’s taskforce for an NIH initiative to appraise outcome measures suitable for assessment by the FDA when considering clinical trials of SSc-RP. He also co-chairs the SCTC Industry Roundtable bringing together industry representatives and international scleroderma investigators to advance clinical trial design in SSc.

Related Links - Rheumatology Pauling

Conservative management of upper limb fractures in frailty

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2021:  BGS Autumn meeting platform presentation abstract

805 Clinical quality – clinical effectiveness

L Shaw; T Maggs; P Braude; D Shipway; S Srivastava; M Kelly 


Upper limb fractures are the second most common fracture requiring admission to hospital after hip fracture [Jennison, 2019].  At 1-year 20.5% have died, compared to 29.5% in hip fracture [Wiedl, 2021].     Local Problems:  At North Bristol Trust most patients with upper limb fractures and a Clinical Frailty Score ≥ 5 are managed non-operatively on medical wards. Local service evaluation identified a long length of stay of 23 days.    Case note review revealed:  ∙ Delayed transfers of care (DTOCs) had been managed non-weight bearing in slings for 4-6 weeks.  ∙ Non-weight bearing status resulted in DTOC due to declined access to social care and rehabilitation due to perceived health needs.  ∙ A high rate of hospital-acquired complications and failure to rehabilitate.  ∙ Breakdown in interdisciplinary communication and ownership across the pathway.     


A multidisciplinary QI project was commenced.  Using local data through business analytics, clinician and patient feedback, a new Trust guideline was developed for older people with frailty and upper limb fractures. Data collected determined average length of stay before and after implementation of the service change.  A standard process control chart was created monitoring the effect of the changes in the pathway. The multidisciplinary team met regularly to make alterations during implementation.    The resulting intervention included:  ∙ Removal of functional restrictions; allow free use of limb as comfort permits.   ∙ Simplified slings and minimised light weight casts.  ∙ Proactive integration of orthopaedic plan into CGA documentation.  ∙ Proactive interdisciplinary communication across pathways.  ∙ Patient information leaflets.     


Pre-intervention average length of stay was 23 days. Post-intervention was 14 days.     


Proactive, structured management of upper limb fractures in people with frailty is associated with significant reduction in acute hospital length of stay.  Next steps include a business case for a frailty trauma specialist therapist embedded into medicine.

Addendum 2023

Additional thanks for ongoing support from Tahid Alam,  Alasdair Bott, Andrew Riddick, Frances Verey, Lynn Hutchings, Nathanael Ahearn

Test Information

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This is a searchable database of information about tests offered by Severn Pathology. You can browse the index, enter a test name, part of a test name, abbreviation or clinical indication below.

The containers listed refer to those used to collect samples from adults locally in GP practices and hospital wards/outpatients. Details of the containers used for neonates, children and in the emergency zone (ED, AAU, ITU) can be found here Tube Guide and Recommended Order of Draw.

After performing a search for a specific test, the Reset button can be clicked to go back to the A-Z test list.

Special notes Tube type Sample type Test name Ideal volume Turnaround time Discipline
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum 1,25-Dihydroxy Vitamin D 5 mL 4 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum 11-deoxycortisol 1 mL 1 week Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 20 Plasma 17 OHP 5 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 31 Blood spot 17 OHP see notes 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 17 Plasma (fluoride oxalate) 3-Hydroxybutyrate 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum 5-Alpha Dihydrotestosterone 1 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 2 Urine - 24 hour 5-HIAA n/a 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 20 Plasma 7-dehydrocholesterol 2 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole blood ABO Antibody Titration for ABO Incompatible Renal Transplantation 8 ml 7 working days Immunology
34 CSF ACE 500 uL 6 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum ACE 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody 2 mL 3 weeks Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Aciclovir/CMMG <3 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma ACTH 5 mL 5 days Clinical Biochemistry
9 Blood spot Acylcarnitines 1x Spot 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
20 Plasma Acylcarnitines 2 mL 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 13 Plasma ADAMTS13 48 hours Haematology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 34 Fluid Adenosine Deaminase in TB 1 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
34 Bronchoalveolar lavage (BALs) and Sputums Adenovirus
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
43 Swabs (nose and throat) Adenovirus
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
34 Nasopharayngeal aspirates (NPAs) Adenovirus
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
11 Faecal sample Adenovirus
PCR (In house)
pea sized amount 2 days Virology
43 Swab (eye) Adenovirus (qualitative)
PCR (In house)
500µl 3 days Virology
14 EDTA Blood sample Adenovirus (quantitative)
PCR (In house)
450µl 3 days Virology
24 Serum Adrenal Cortex Antibody 2 mL 14 working days Immunology
24 Serum AFP 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
34 CSF AFP 2 mL 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Albumin 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Fluid Albumin 5 mL 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
35 Urine - Random Albumin / creatinine ratio n/a 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma Aldosterone 5 mL 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Alk Phos Isoenzymes 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Allergen specific IgE 2 mL 7 working days Immunology
24 Serum ALP 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Alpha 1 antitrypsin activity 5 mL 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Alpha 1 antitrypsin phenotype 5 mL 14 working days Immunology
24 Serum Alpha subunit 2 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum ALT 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 10 Whole Blood Aluminium 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum AMH 2 mL 1 week Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Amikacin <1 day Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 34 CSF Amino Acids CSF 1 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
20 Plasma Amino Acids Plasma 2 mL 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
35 Urine - Random Amino Acids Urine 5 mL 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma Amiodarone 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma Ammonia 1 mL 2 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Fluid Amylase 5 mL 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 35 Urine - Random Amylase 5 mL 4 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum ANCA 2 mL 4 working days Immunology
24 Serum Androstenedione 5 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Anion Gap 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
16 Whole Blood Antenatal Blood Group and Antibody Screen 4 mL 1 day Blood Transfusion
24 Serum Anti Cardiolipin Antibody 2ml 1 week Immunology
24 Serum Anti PLA2 R 2ml 2 weeks Immunology
13 Whole Blood Anti Thrombin 3 full tubes 21 days Haematology
13 Plasma Anti-Xa 2.7 mL 24 hours Haematology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 16 Whole Blood ANTIBODY Investigation (red cells) 6ml x 2 Up to 72 hours Blood Transfusion
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Antimicrobial assays 5 mL 1 day Microbiology
24 Serum Antinuclear Antibody 2 mL 4 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood Apo E genotyping 4 mL 28 days Genetics
24 Serum Apolipoprotein B 1 mL 1 week Clinical Biochemistry
13 Whole Blood APTT/APTT-R 2.7 mL 24 hours Haematology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole blood Arsenic 2 mL 2 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 34 Urine Arsenic (urine) 5 mL 2 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 25 Fluid Asialotransferrin see notes 3 working days Immunology
24 Clotted blood samples Aspergillus Antigen 700µL Mean 1 day Mycology Reference Laboratory
24 Clotted blood samples Aspergillus Antigen 700µL Mean 1 day Mycology Reference Laboratory
34 Broncheolar lavage (BAL) samples Aspergillus Antigen 700µL Mean 1 day Mycology Reference Laboratory
34 Broncheolar lavage (BAL) samples Aspergillus Antigen 700µL Mean 1 day Mycology Reference Laboratory
24 serum Aspergillus IgG 2ml 1 week Immunology
24 Clotted blood samples Aspergillus Precipitins 200µL Mean 3 days Mycology Reference Laboratory
24 Clotted blood samples Aspergillus Precipitins 200µL Mean 3 days Mycology Reference Laboratory
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum AST 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
11 Faecal sample Astrovirus
PCR (In house)
pea sized amount 2 days Virology
24 Serum Autoimmune Liver Disease Antibodies 2 mL 4 working days Immunology
34 Nasopharayngeal aspirates (NPAs) Avian influenza A PCR
Molecular assay (NAAT)
2 days Virology
43 Swabs (nose and throat) Avian Influenza A PCR
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
34 Bronchoalveolar lavage (BALs) and Sputums Avian influenza A PCR Molecular Assay 500µL 2 days Virology
24 Serum Avian proteins IgG 2ml 1 week Immunology
34 BAL MCS BAL MCS 3 mL 12 days Microbiology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 35 Urine - Random Barbiturates 5 mL 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Benzylpenicillin (Penicillin G) <3 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
24 Serum Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 2 mL 7 working days Immunology
24 Serum Beta 2 microglobulin 2 mL 7 working days Immunology
24 Clotted blood samples Beta D Glucan 200µL Mean <1 day Mycology Reference Laboratory
24 Clotted blood samples Beta D Glucan 200µL Mean <1 day Mycology Reference Laboratory
24 Serum Bicarbonate 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Bilirubin 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details Plasma Bilirubin - infants 1 full paediatric lithium heparin tube 4 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Bilirubin-(Conjugated fraction) 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 9 Blood spot Biopterins 6x Spots 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma Biotinidase 1 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
34 Urine BK virus (quantitative)
PCR (In house)
500µl 3 days Virology
14 EDTA Blood sample BK virus (quantitative)
PCR (In house)
450µl 3 days Virology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood Blood Film 24 hours Haematology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 18 Whole Blood Blood Gases see notes n/a Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details Bone Marrow Bone Marrow Aspirate or Trephine Haematology
24 Serum Bone profile 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
43 Pernasal swabs Bordetella parapertussis
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 3 days Virology
43 Pernasal swabs Bordetella pertussis
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 3 days Virology
24 Clotted blood sample Bordetella pertussis antibodies
170µL 3 days Virology
24 Clotted blood sample Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme) antibodies
IgG and IgM
370µL 3 days Virology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 28 Urine - Random C-peptide : creatinine ratio 2 mL 1 week Clinical Biochemistry
14 Plasma C-Peptide (plasma) 5ml 1 week Clinical Biochemistry
11 Faeces C.difficile toxin 3 spoons/ pot should be at least 1/3 full 24 hours Microbiology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum C1 Esterase Inhibitor 2 mL 14 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood C3 Degradation Products 3 mL 5 working days Immunology
24 Serum C3 Nephritic Factor 2 mL 7 working days Immunology
24 Serum CA 125 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum CA 15-3 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum CA 19-9 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 35 Urine - Random Cadmium 5 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood Cadmium 4 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Caeruloplasmin 5 mL 4 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Calcitonin 5 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
4 Urine - 24 hour Calcium n/a 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Calcium 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 27 Serum and Urine Calcium excretion index 5 mL 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
11 Faeces Calprotectin 5 g 7 working days Immunology
24 Clotted blood samples Candida Antigen 300µL Mean 1.6 days Mycology Reference Laboratory
35 Urine - Random Cannabinoids 5 mL 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Carbamazepine 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 18 Whole Blood Carboxyhaemoglobin full tube n/a Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Cardiac Muscle Antibody 2 mL 21 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 35 Urine - Random Carnitine, 5 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
Urine - 24 hour Catecholamines
14 Whole Blood CD 4 Counts 3 mL 1 working day Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum CDT 5 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum CEA 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Centromere Antibody 2 mL 7 working days Immunology
43 Swabs (nose and throat) Chlamydia pneumoniae
Molecular assay (NAAT) Biofire Film array
500µL 2 days Virology
38 Aptima Urine Chlamydia trachomatis
1 tube 3 days Virology
1 Aptima Swab Chlamydia trachomatis
1 tube 3 days Virology
24 Clotted blood sample Chlamydia trachomatis antibodies
150µL 3 days Virology
1 Swab (eye) Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae
1 tube 3 days Virology
37 See Notes Chlamydia/ GC other swabs n/a 10 days Microbiology
38 Urine - Random Chlamydia/ GC urine n/a 10 days Microbiology
1 See Notes Chlamydia/ GC vaginal swabs n/a 10 days Microbiology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Chloramphenicol <3 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
24 Serum Chloride 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
20 Plasma Cholestanol 1 mL 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Cholesterol 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Fluid Cholesterol 2 mL 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
14 Whole Blood Cholinesterase Genotype 4 mL 10 - 12 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
14 EDTA (whole blood) Cholinesterase Studies 5 mL 3 - 4 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood Chromium 4 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma Chromogranin A 5 mL 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma Chromogranin B 5 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Ciprofloxacin <3 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 4 Urine - 24 hour Citrate n/a 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
20 Plasma Citrulline 1 mL Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum CK 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
13 Whole Blood Clauss Fibrinogen 2.7 mL 24 hours Haematology
13 Whole Blood Clotting Screen 2.7 mL 24 hours Haematology
14 Plasma Clozapine Level 2.7 mL 10 days Haematology
34 Urine CMV
PCR (In house)
500µl 3 days Virology
24 Clotted blood sample CMV IgG 170µL 3 days Virology
24 Clotted blood sample CMV IgM 170µL 3 days Virology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood Cobalt 4 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Colistin <3 days
Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
24 Serum Complement C3 + C4 2 mL 4 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Complement Function 5 mL 28 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Copeptin 5 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Copper 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
5 Urine - 24 hour Copper n/a 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
43 Swabs (nose and throat) Coronaviurs
Molecular assay (NAAT) Biofire Film array
500µL 2 days Virology
24 Serum Cortisol 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
34 Nasopharayngeal aspirates (NPAs) COVID-19
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 1 day Virology
43 Swabs (nose and throat) COVID-19
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 1 day Virology
34 Bronchoalveolar lavage (BALs) and Sputums COVID-19
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 1 day Virology
20 Plasma Creatine Studies 2 mL 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 35 Urine - Random Creatine Studies 5 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Fluid Creatinine 2 mL 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
34 Dialysate Creatinine 2 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Creatinine 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 26 Serum and Urine Creatinine clearance n/a 8 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Crithidia for dsDNA antibodies 2ml 14 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 19 Whole Blood Crossmatch - (Lymphocyte) for Renal Transplantation Immunology see notes See notes Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 16 Whole Blood Crossmatch - Blood Transfusion 4 mL See Notes Blood Transfusion
24 Serum CRP 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Cryoglobulin see notes 10 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details CSF CSF neurodegenerative markers 0.5mL in each tube 10 working days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma CTx 2 mL 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibodies 2 mL 14 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Cycloserine <3 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood Cyclosporin 4 mL 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Cystatin C 2mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 4 Urine - 24 hour Cystine 24 hour excretion n/a 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 33 Urine - timed Cystine day/night n/a 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
35 Urine - Random Cystine Random Urine 5 mL 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
34 CSF Cytomegalovirus CMV (quantitative)
PCR (In house)
200µl 3 days Virology
14 EDTA Blood sample Cytomegalovirus CMV (quantitative)
PCR (In house)
450µl 3 days Virology
34 Amniotic fluid Cytomegalovirus CMV (quantitative)
PCR (In house)
200µl 3 days Virology
34 Nasopharayngeal aspirates (NPAs) Cytomegalovirus CMV(qualitative)
PCR (In house)
500µL 3 days Virology
24 Clotted blood sample Cytomegalovirus IgG avidity 170µL 3 days Virology
34 Bronchoalveolar lavage (BALs) and Sputums Cytomegaloviurs CMV (qualitative)
PCR (In house)
500µL 3 days Virology
13 Whole Blood D-Dimer 2.7 mL 24 hours Haematology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Daptomycin <3 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
14 Whole Blood DAT 3 mL 24 hours Blood Transfusion
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum DHEAS 5 mL 10 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Diabetes Autoantibodies (ZnT8, GAD, IA2) 2 mL 28 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Digoxin 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Down's Syndrome Screening 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 35 Urine - Random Drug (Overdose) Screen 5 mL 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
35 Urine - Random Drugs of Abuse 5 mL 4 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum ds-DNA antibodies 2 mL 7 working days Immunology
14 EDTA Blood sample EBV (quantitative)
PCR (In house)
450µl 3 days Virology
24 Serum eGFR 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Fluid Electrolytes 2 mL 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum ELF 5 mL 10 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Endomysium Antibody 2 mL Immunology
43 Swabs Throat swab Enterovirus
PCR (In house)
500µL 3 days Virology
43 Vesicle Swab Enterovirus
PCR (In house)
500µl Virology
34 Vesicle fluid Enterovirus
PCR (In house)
500µl 3 days Virology
34 CSF Enterovirus
PCR (In house)
200µl 3 days Virology
43 Vesicle swab Enterovirus
PCR (In house)
500µl 3 days Virology
14 EDTA Blood sample Enterovirus
PCR (In house)
450µl 3 days Virology
11 Faecal sample Enterovirus
PCR (In house)
pea sized amount 3 days Virology
24 Whole Blood EPO 5 mL 10 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Clotted blood sample Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) IgG 170µL 3 days Virology
24 Clotted blood sample Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) serology
340µL 3 days Virology
34 CSF Epstein Barr Virus EBV (qualitative)
PCR (In house)
200µl 3 days Virology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Ethambutol <3 days
Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
35 Urine - Random Ethanol 2 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 17 Plasma Ethanol 5 mL 4 hours Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 17 Plasma Ethylene glycol 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Extractable Nuclear Antigen 2 mL 7 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood Fabry Screen 4 mL 2-3 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
13 Plasma Factor II 2 full tubes 2 weeks Haematology
13 Whole Blood Factor IX Assay 2.7 mL 10 days Haematology
13 Plasma Factor V 2 full tubes 2 weeks Haematology
13 Whole Blood Factor V Leiden 2.7 mL 1 month Haematology
13 Plasma Factor VII 2 full tubes 2 weeks Haematology
13 Whole Blood Factor VIII Assay 2.7 mL 10 days Haematology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 13 Plasma Factor VIII Inhibitor 2 full tubes 2 weeks, urgents will be processed as required following discussion with Haematologist Haematology
13 Plasma Factor X 2 full tubes 10 days Haematology
13 Plasma Factor XI 2 full tubes 10 days Haematology
13 Plasma Factor XII 2 full tubes 10 days Haematology
13 Plasma Factor XIII 2 full tubes 10 days Haematology
11 Faeces Faecal Elastase 5 g 16 working days Immunology
Faecal reducing substances
Fat Globules
24 Serum Ferritin 5 mL 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma FGF-23 2 mL 4 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
24 Plasma AND Serum FIB-4 5 mL 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
Faecal FIT 2 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Flucloxacillin <3 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details Serum Fluconazole < 2 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details Serum Flucytosine < 2 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 16 Whole Blood Foetal leak investigation 4 mL 1 day Blood Transfusion
24 Serum Folate 5 mL 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Free androgen index 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 17 Plasma (fluoride oxalate) Free Fatty Acids 2 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
16 Whole Blood Free fetal DNA for fetal Rh typing 4 mL 15 days Blood Transfusion
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Free Light Chains 2 mL 7 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Free Testosterone 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Fructosamine 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum FSH 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
14 Whole Blood Full Blood Count 4 mL 24 hours Haematology
35 Urine - Random Galactitol 5 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 20 Whole Blood Galactokinase 1 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 20 Whole Blood Galactosaemia screen 1 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 20 Whole Blood Galactose-1-phosphate 0.5 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 20 Whole Blood Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase (quantitative) 1 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Gamma GT 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Ganciclovir <3 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
24 Serum Ganglioside Antibodies 2 mL 21 working days Immunology
24 Serum Gastric Parietal Cell Antibody 2 mL 4 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma Gastrin 5 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum GBM Antibody 2 mL 7 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Gentamicin <1 day Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
14 Whole Blood Gilbert's Syndrome DNA Test 4 mL 2 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma Glucagon 5 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
17 CSF Glucose 2 mL 4 hours Clinical Biochemistry
17 Fluid Glucose 2 mL 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Glucose (inpatients only) 5 mL 4 hours Clinical Biochemistry
17 Plasma Glucose (outpatients/General practice) 2 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
14 Whole Blood Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase 4 mL 5 working days, 10 working days if sent to referral laboratory for quantitative testing Haematology
17 Plasma Glucose tolerance test 2 mL 8 hours Clinical Biochemistry
17 Plasma Glucose tolerance test in Pregnancy 2 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
16 Whole Blood Group and Hold 4 mL 24 hours Blood Transfusion
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Growth Hormone 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma Gut Hormones 10 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
11 Faeces H.pylori 1/3 full/10ml minimum 3 days Microbiology
14 Whole Blood Haematocrit 4 mL 24 hours Haematology
14 Whole Blood Haemoglobin 4 mL 24 hours Haematology
14 Whole Blood Haemoglobinopathy screen 4 mL 3 days Haematology
34 Urine - Random and Bone Marrow Haemosiderin 2 mL 7 days Haematology
24 Serum Haptoglobin 5 mL 7 working days Clinical Biochemistry
14 Whole Blood HbA1c 4 mL 3 working days Haematology
34 CSF hCG 2 mL 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum hCG 5 mL 1 day (2 hours for urgent requests) Clinical Biochemistry
See Notes hCG (Molar) Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum HDL Cholesterol 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Clotted blood sample Helicobacter pylori antibodies
160µL 3 days Virology
24 Clotted blood sample Hepatitis A
IgM and IgG
410µL 3 days Virology
14 EDTA Blood sample Hepatitis B (quantitative)
Molecular assay
1mL 5 days Virology
24 Clotted blood sample Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Anti-HBs (Quantitative) 500µL 3 days Virology
24 Clotted blood sample Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAG) and confirmation antibodies 500µL 3 days - Screen 7 days - Confirmations Virology
14 EDTA Blood sample Hepatitis C (genotype)
PCR (In house)
200µl 14 days Virology
14 EDTA Blood sample Hepatitis C (quantitative)
PCR (In house)
1mL 5 days Virology
24 Clotted blood sample Hepatitis C antibody
Total antibody screening & confirmation testing
500µL 3 days - Screen 7 days - Confirmations Virology
24 Clotted blood sample Hepatitis E
IgM & IgG
270µL 7 days Virology
24 Clotted blood sample Hepatits B core antibody 500µL 3 days Virology
43 Vesicle Swab Herpes simplex HSV 1 and 2
PCR (In house)
500µl Virology
34 CSF Herpes Simplex HSV 1 and 2
PCR (In house)
200µl 3 days Virology
43 Swab (eye) Herpes simplex HSV 1 and 2
PCR (In house)
500µl 3 days Virology
24 Clotted blood samples Herpes Simplex HSV 1 and 2 specific serology
190µL 4 days Virology
14 EDTA blood sample Herpes Simplex HSV 1and 2
PCR (In house)
450µl 3 days Virology
14 EDTA (whole blood) HGA - HFE Gene Analysis 1-5 ml Genetics (Exeter lab)
14 EDTA Blood sample HHV6 - Blood
PCR (In house)
450µl 3 days Virology
450µl 3 days Virology
24 Serum Histone antibodies 2 mL 21 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Clotted blood HIT 1 day for urgent requests otherwise 5 days. Haematology
14 EDTA Blood sample HIV (quantitative)
Molecular assay
1mL 7 days Virology
24 Clotted blood sample HIV 1 and 2 antigen/antibody
500µL 7 days - Confirmations Virology
24 Clotted blood sample HIV 1 and 2 antigen/antibody
Total antibody/antigen
350µL 3 days - Screen 7 days confirmations Virology
24 Serum HLA antibody screen 2 mL 14 working days Immunology
15 Whole Blood HLA type (DR,DQ,DP)Class II 8 mL 28 working days Immunology
15 Whole Blood HLA type(A,B,C)Class I 8 mL 28 working days Immunology
14 Whole Blood HLA-A29 3 mL 14 working days Immunology
14 Whole Blood HLA-B27 3 mL 14 working days Immunology
14 Whole Blood HLA-B51(5) 3 mL 14 working days Immunology
14 Whole Blood HLA-B57(B*57:01) 3 mL 10 working days Immunology
14 Whole Blood HLA-DQ2+DQ8(3) 3 mL 14 working days Immunology
14 Whole Blood HLA-DR15(2) DQ6(DQB1*06:02) 3 mL 14 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma Homocysteine (Total) 2 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Clotted blood sample HTLV antibody
Total Antibody screening
500µL 3 days Virology
34 Nasopharayngeal aspirates (NPAs) Human metapneumovirus
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
43 Swabs (nose and throat) Human metapneumovirus
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
34 Bronchoalveolar lavage (BALs) and Sputums Human metapneumovirus
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
35 Urine - Random HVA 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum IgE 2 mL 7 working days Immunology
24 Serum IGF-1 5 mL 5 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum IGFBP-3 5 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum IgG Subclasses 2 mL 7 working days Immunology
14 Whole Blood Immunodeficiency (Immunophenotyping) 3 mL 2 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details n/a Immunodeficiency Investigations Immunology
24 Serum Immunoglobulins 2 mL 3 working days Immunology
34 Vomit Infection screen - Virology n/a 2 Days Virology
7 Various Infection screen Carbapenemase screen (rectal swab) n/a 3 days Microbiology
Various Infection screen MRC Screening (Burns) n/a 3 days Microbiology
Various Infection screen MRSA Screen n/a 3 days Microbiology
Various Infection screen MSSA Screening (Renal/ Spinal) n/a 3 days Microbiology
7 Various Infection screen Pseudomonas Screening (NICU) n/a 2 days Microbiology
14 Plasma Infectious Mononucleosis 3 mL 72 hours Haematology
43 Swabs (nose and throat) Influenza A Virus
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
34 Nasopharayngeal aspirates (NPAs) Influenza A Virus
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
34 Bronchoalveolar lavage (BALs) and Sputums Influenza A virus Molecular assay (NAAT) 500µL 2 days Virology
34 Bronchoalveolar lavage (BALs) and Sputums Influenza B virus
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
34 Nasopharayngeal aspirates (NPAs) Influenza B Virus
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
43 Swabs (nose and throat) Influenza B Virus
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
13 Whole Blood INR 2.7 mL 24 hours Haematology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 44 Plasma Insulin (Paediatric) 1 mL 1 working day Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Insulin and C-peptide 5 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Intrinsic Factor Antibodies 5 mL 10 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Iohexol GFR 2ml 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Iron 5 mL <4 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Iron and Transferrin Saturation 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details Serum Isavuconazole < 2 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
14 Whole Blood Isoelectric focusing for determining Abnormal Haemoglobins 14 days Haematology
17 Whole Blood Collected in Fluoride Oxalate (Fx) Tube Isoniazid (+ N-Acetyl-Isoniazid) 1-2 ml <3 days (from day of receipt) Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details n/a Issue of Albumin Solution n/a Blood Transfusion
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details n/a Issue of Fresh Frozen Plasma n/a Blood Transfusion
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details n/a Issue of Platelets n/a Blood Transfusion
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details Serum Itraconazole < 2 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 35 Urine - Random Ketones 5 mL n/a Clinical Biochemistry
17 CSF Lactate 2 mL 4 hours Clinical Biochemistry
17 Plasma Lactate (Laboratory analysis)   2 mL 4 hours Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 18 Whole Blood Lactate (Point of Care Testing) n/a n/a Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma Lamotrigine 5 mL 1 - 2 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
34 CSF LDH 0.5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
24 Fluid LDH 2 mL 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum LDH 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum LDL Cholesterol 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
35 Urine - Random Lead 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
14 Whole Blood Lead 1 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
34 Urine Legionella antigen 3 mL 1 day Microbiology
14 Bone Marrow Leukaemial/Lymphoma Immunophenotyping 0.5 mL 1 working day Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 34 Lymph Nodes Leukaemial/Lymphoma Immunophenotyping see notes 1 working day Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 34 Other fluids Leukaemial/Lymphoma Immunophenotyping see notes 1 working day Immunology
14 Whole Blood Leukaemial/Lymphoma Immunophenotyping 3 mL 1 working day Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 20 Whole Blood Leukocyte Cystine 4 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Levofloxacin <3 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
24 Serum LFT 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum LH 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Linezolid <3 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
24 Serum Lipase 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Lipid Profile 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Lipoprotein (a) 5 mL 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Lipoprotein Electrophoresis 5 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Lithium 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Liver Kidney Microsomal 2 mL 4 working days Immunology
24 Serum Liver line blot 2ml 2 weeks Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 13 Whole Blood Lupus Anticoagulant 3 full tubes 10 days Haematology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 20 Whole Blood Lymphocyte Function Tests 7 mL 7 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Macro CK 5 mL 4-6 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Macroprolactin 5 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Macroprolactin confirmation 2 mL 3 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Magnesium 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
4 Urine - 24 hour Magnesium n/a 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood Malaria Parasites 4 mL 24 hours, 7 working days if sent to Referral Laboratory for confirmation Haematology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 10 Whole Blood Manganese 5 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Mannose Binding Lectin 2 mL 14 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood Manual Blood Film including White Cell differential 24 hours Haematology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Mast Cell Tryptase 2 mL 9 working days Immunology
14 Whole Blood MCH 4 mL 24 hours Haematology
14 Whole Blood MCHC 4 mL 24 hours Haematology
8 Whole Blood MCS (Blood Culture) Adults: 8-10mL blood per blood culture bottle; Paeds: 1-3mL blood 6 days Microbiology
34 CSF MCS (Cerebrospinal fluid) 3 mL 4 days Microbiology
Corneal Scrapes MCS (Corneal Scrapes) 10 days Microbiology
7 Swab MCS (Ear / left / right) n/a 4 days Microbiology
7 Swab MCS (Eye / left / right) n/a 4 days Microbiology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 11 Faeces MCS (Faeces) 1/3 full/10ml minimum 4 days Microbiology
34 Fluid MCS (Fluids) 3 mL 7 days Microbiology
7 Swab MCS (Genital Swabs) n/a 4 days Microbiology
7 Mouth MCS (Mouth Swab) n/a 4 days Microbiology
7 MCS (Nose swab) n/a 4 days Microbiology
7 Penile  MCS (Penile swab) n/a 4 days Microbiology
34 Peritoneal fluid MCS (Peritoneal Dialysis fluid) n/a 6 days Microbiology
34 Pus MCS (Pus) n/a 8 days Microbiology
7 Swab MCS (Skin swab) n/a 4 days Microbiology
34 Sputum MCS (Sputum) n/a 4 days Microbiology
7 Swab MCS (Throat swab) n/a 4 days Microbiology
34 Tip MCS (Tip) n/a 4 days Microbiology
34 Tissue MCS (Tissues) n/a 10 days Microbiology
34 Trachael aspirate MCS (Tracheal aspirate) n/a 4 days Microbiology
21 Swab MCS (Urethral swab) n/a 4 days Microbiology
28 Urine MCS (Urine Catheter) > 3 ml 3 days Microbiology
28 Urine MCS (Urine) > 3 ml 3 days Microbiology
7 Swab MCS (Wound Swab) n/a 4 days Microbiology
14 Whole Blood MCV 4 mL 24 hours Haematology
14 EDTA Blood sample Measles
PCR (In house)
450µl 3 days Virology
24 Clotted blood sample Measles IgG 170µL 4 days Virology
24 Clotted blood samples Measles IgG and IgM 340µL 4 days Virology
43 Swabs (nose and throat) Measles PCR
PCR (In house)
500µL 3 days Virology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood Mercury 1 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
35 Urine - Random Mercury 1 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Meropenem <3 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
43 Swabs (nose and throat) MERS-CoV
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 1 day Virology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Mesothelin 2 ml Please note this test is not currently available. For further information or enquires please contact the Immunology laboratory 0117 4148366 Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 4 Urine - 24 hour Metadrenalines n/a 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood Metadrenalines (Plasma) 4 mL 2 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
17 Plasma Methanol 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
34 Fluids - e.g. CSF, vitreous Microscopy and Culture 200µL Microscopy mean 1 day Mycology Reference Laboratory
34 Tissue - e.g. lung biopsy, corneal scraping Microscopy and Culture Microscopy mean 1 day Mycology Reference Laboratory
34 Bronchoalveolar lavage (BALs) and Sputums Microscopy and Culture 300µL Microscopy mean 1 day Mycology Reference Laboratory
34 Bronchoalveolar lavage (BALs) and Sputums Microscopy and Culture 300µL Microscopy mean 1 day Mycology Reference Laboratory
34 Tissue - e.g. lung biopsy, corneal scraping Microscopy and Culture Microscopy mean 1 day Mycology Reference Laboratory
34 Fluids - e.g. CSF, vitreous Microscopy and Culture 200µL Microscopy mean 1 day Mycology Reference Laboratory
Microscopy for Crystals Cytology
24 Serum Mitochondrial antibody 2 mL 4 working days Immunology
24 Serum MMA 2 mL 20 days Clinical Biochemistry
35 Urine - Random MMA 5 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Moxifloxacin <3 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
14 Bone Marrow MRD Flow Cytometry 0.5 mL 1 working day Immunology
35 Urine - Random Mucopolysaccharide screen 5 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Clotted blood sample Mumps IgG 150µL 3 days Virology
23 Hair Mycology Hair n/a 15 days Microbiology
23 Nail clippings Mycology Nail n/a 15 days Microbiology
23 Skin & nail Mycology Scrapings (skin and nail) n/a 15 days Microbiology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood Mycophenolate 4 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
43 Swabs (nose and throat) Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Molecular assay (NAAT) Biofire Film array
500µL 2 days Virology
Myoglobin - Urine
24 Serum Myositis line blot 2ml 2 weeks Immunology
34 Urine - Random NAG: Creatinine ratio                        1 mL 4 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
1 Aptima Swab Neisseria gonorrhoeae
1 tube 3 days Virology
38 Aptima Urine Neisseria gonorrhoeae
1 tube 3 days Virology
44 Whole Blood Neonatal Blood Group 1 mL 24 hours Blood Transfusion
44 Whole Blood Neonatal Crossmatch - Blood Transfusion 1 mL See Notes Blood Transfusion
44 Whole Blood Neonatal DAT 1 mL 24 hours Blood Transfusion
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Neuron Specific Enolase 5 mL 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Neuronal Antibody (Purkinje) 2 mL 14 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma Neurotensin 5 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 32 CSF Neurotransmitters see notes 4 - 6 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 20 Whole Blood Neutrophil Function Tests 7 mL 2 working days Immunology
9 Blood spot Newborn Screen 4x Spots Clinical Biochemistry
34 Vomit Norovirus
pea sized amount 2 days Virology
11 Faecal sample Norovirus
PCR (In house)
pea sized amount 2 days Virology
24 Serum NT-Pro-BNP 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Oestradiol 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 25 Serum and CSF Oligoclonal bands 50ul CSF, 50ul Serum 5 working days Immunology
34 CSF Orexin 2mL 42 days Clinical Biochemistry
35 Urine - Random Organic acids 5 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
35 Urine - Random Orotic acid 5 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
35 Urine - Random Osmolality 5 mL Hospital patients 8 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Osmolality 5 mL Hospital patients 8 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
11 Faeces/ Urine Ova Cysts & Parasites Faeces/ Urine - Concentrate Minimum volume: 1/3 full/10ml minimum 4 days Microbiology
24 Serum Ovarian Antibody 2 mL 21 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 4 Urine - 24 hour Oxalate n/a 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma Oxalate 5 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Pancreatic Islet Cell Antibody 2 mL 14 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma Pancreatic Polypeptide 5 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Paracetamol 5 mL 4 hours Clinical Biochemistry
34 Nasopharayngeal aspirates (NPAs) Paraflu 1
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
34 Bronchoalveolar lavage (BALs) and Sputums Paraflu 1
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
34 Nasopharayngeal aspirates (NPAs) Paraflu 2
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
34 Bronchoalveolar lavage (BALs) and Sputums Paraflu 2
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
43 Swabs (nose and throat) Paraflu 2
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
34 Bronchoalveolar lavage (BALs) and Sputums Paraflu 3
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
34 Nasopharayngeal aspirates (NPAs) Paraflu 3
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
43 Swabs (nose and throat) Paraflu 3
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
34 Bronchoalveolar lavage (BALs) and Sputums Paraflu 4
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
34 Nasopharayngeal aspirates (NPAs) Paraflu 4
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
43 Swabs (nose and throat) Paraflu 4
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
43 Swabs (nose and throat) Paraflu1
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
24 Serum Paraneoplastic line blot 2ml 2 weeks Immunology
35 Urine - Random Paraquat 5 mL 2 days Clinical Biochemistry
34 Amniotic fluid Parvovirus
PCR (In house)
200µl 3 days Virology
14 EDTA Blood sample Parvovirus
PCR (In house)
450µl 3 days Virology
24 Clotted blood samples Parvovirus IgG and IgM 150µL 4 days Virology
22 Swab Pernasal swab (Bordetella/Whooping cough) n/a 8 days Microbiology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Phenobarbitone 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
9 Blood spot Phenylalanine 2x Spots 5 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Phenytoin 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
4 Urine - 24 hour Phosphate n/a 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Phosphate 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
20 Plasma Phytanic acid 2 mL 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum PIIINP 2 mL 4-6 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Piperacillin <3 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 13 Plasma PIVKA II 10 days Haematology
14 Whole Blood Plasma Viscosity 4 mL 3 days Haematology
14 Whole Blood Platelet count (EDTA & Citrate) 4 mL 24 hours Haematology
34 Urine Pneumococcal antigen 3 mL 1 day Microbiology
14 See Notes PNH Immunophenotyping 3 mL 4 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood Porphyrin Enzyme/DNA analysis 4 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood Porphyrins 5-10 mL 15 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 11 Faeces Porphyrins 5 g 15 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 34 Urine - Random Porphyrins 10 mL 15 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details Serum Posaconazole < 2 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
5 Urine Potassium n/a 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Potassium 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Prednisolone 5 mL 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Progesterone 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Prolactin 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
24 Fluid Protein 5 mL 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
34 CSF Protein 2 mL 4 hours Clinical Biochemistry
35 Urine - Random Protein 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
34 Dialysate Protein 5 mL 8 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Protein 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
13 Whole Blood Protein C 3 full tubes 21 days Haematology
13 Whole Blood Protein S 3 full tubes 21 days Haematology
13 Whole Blood Prothrombin Gene Mutation 3 full tubes 1 month Haematology
24 Serum PSA 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
14 Plasma PTH 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
32 PTH-related peptide Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 35 Urine - Random Purine / Pyrimidine Screen 5 mL 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma Pyruvate Kinase 21 days Haematology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 32 See Notes Quantiferon 7 working days Immunology
24 Serum RAST 2 mL Immunology
14 Whole Blood Red Blood Count 4 mL 24 hours Haematology
Red cell Transketolase
14 Plasma Renin 5 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
34 Nasopharayngeal aspirates (NPAs) Respiratory syncytial virus
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
43 Swabs (nose and throat) Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
34 Bronchoalveolar lavage (BALs) and Sputums Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
14 Whole Blood Reticulocytes 4 mL 24 hours Haematology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 34 Urine - Random Retinol Binding Protein 20 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Rheumatoid Factor 2 mL 3 working days Immunology
43 Swabs (nose and throat) Rhinovirus
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
34 Bronchoalveolar lavage (BALs) and Sputums Rhinovirus
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
34 Nasopharayngeal aspirates (NPAs) Rhinoviurs
Molecular assay (NAAT)
500µL 2 days Virology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Rifabutin <3 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Rifampicin <3 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
13 Whole Blood Ristocetin Co Factor. 2.7 mL 21 days Haematology
14 Whole blood Rituximab 3ml 2 working days Immunology
11 Faecal sample Rotavirus
PCR (In house)
pea sized amount 2 days Virology
24 Clotted blood samples Rubella IgG and IgM 150µL 4 days Virology
24 Serum Salicylate 5 mL 4 hours Clinical Biochemistry
11 Faecal sample Sapovirus
PCR (In house)
pea sized amount 2 days Virology
24 Serum Selenium 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 5 Urine - 24 hour Selenium n/a 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Serum Electrophoresis 2 mL 5 working days Immunology
24 Serum SHBG 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Short Synacthen Test 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
35 Urine - Random Sialic acid 5 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
14 Whole Blood Sickle Cell Screen 4 mL 24 hours (confirmatory testing); 1 hour (urgent and request phoned through to lab) Haematology
14 Whole Blood Sirolimus 4 mL 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Skeletal Muscle Antibody 2 mL 21 working days Immunology
24 Serum Skin Antibody (Pemphigus/Pemphigoid) 2 mL 14 working days Immunology
24 Serum Smooth Muscle Antibody 2 mL 4 working days Immunology
24 Serum Sodium 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
35 Urine - Random Sodium 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma Somatostatin 5 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 5 Urine - 24 hour Steroid Profile (urine) n/a 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
34 Stone Stones - Renal Calculi n/a 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Clotted blood sample Streptococcus serology (antistreptolysin O)
150µL 6 days Virology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Streptomycin <3 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Sulphamethoxazole in Co-trimoxazole <3 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Sulphonylurea 5 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Clotted blood samples Syphilis
500µL 7 days - Confirmations Virology
24 Clotted blood samples Syphilis PCR
Confirmation testing - IgG and IgM
500µL 7 days - Confirmations Virology
24 Clotted blood sample Syphilis serology
Total Antibody - Screening
500µL 3 days - Screen Virology
24 Serum Systemic Sclerosis line blot 2ml 2 weeks Immunology
14 Whole Blood T Cell Subsets (see CD4 Counts) 3 mL 1 working day Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood Tacrolimus 4 mL 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
39 Whole Blood TB (Mycobacterium Blood) 3-5 mL 70 days Microbiology
6 Urine TB (Mycobacterium Urine) 250 mL 70 days Microbiology
34 Sputum/ Pus/ Tissue, NOT Swabs TB (Mycobacterium) samples (other than Blood/ Urine) n/a 70 days Microbiology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Teicoplanin <2 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
24 Serum Testis Antibody 2 mL 21 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Testosterone 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Testosterone confirmation 1 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Tetanus antibodies 2 mL 28 working days Immunology
24 Serum TFT confirmation 1 mL 3 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Theophylline 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood Thiamine 4 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood Thiopurine Metabolites 4 mL 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
14 Whole Blood Thiopurine methyl transferase 4 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 13 Whole Blood Thrombophilia Screen 3 full tubes 21 days Haematology
24 Serum Thyroglobulin 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Thyroid Function Tests 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody 2 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody 2 mL 7 working days Immunology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Tobramycin <1 day Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Total Bile Acids 5 mL 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Total Protein 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Clotted blood samples Toxoplasma
Total antibody & IgM
500µL 5 days Virology
24 Serum Transferrin Glycoforms 5 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 16 Whole Blood Transfusion Reaction 6ml 24 hours Blood Transfusion
1 Aptima Swab Trichomonas vaginalis
1 tube 3 days Virology
24 Serum Triglycerides 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Trimethoprim in Co-trimoxazole <3 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
4 Urine - 24 hour Trimethylamine n/a 8 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Troponin I 5 mL 4 hours Clinical Biochemistry
9 Blood spot TSH 2x Spots 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum TSH Receptor Antibodies 2ml 8 working days Immunology
24 Serum U/E  (Urea and Electrolytes) 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Urate 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 3 Urine - 24 hour Urate n/a 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Urea 5 mL Hospital patients 4 hours; GP patients 24 hours Clinical Biochemistry
5 Urine Urine Electrolytes n/a 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
35 Urine - Random Urine Electrophoresis 1 mL 5 working days Immunology
28 Urine Urine for MCS 11 mL 3 days Microbiology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 5 Urine - 24 hour Urine Free Cortisol n/a 2-3 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
Urine reducing substances
5 Urine Urine Urea n/a 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
5 Urine - 24 hour Urine volume n/a 2 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Valproate 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 24 Serum Vancomycin <1 day Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
14 EDTA Blood sample Varicella zoster
PCR (In house)
450µl 3 days Virology
34 CSF Varicella Zoster
PCR (In house)
200µl 3 days Virology
34 Lesion/vesicle fluid Varicella zoster
PCR (In house)
500µl 3 days Virology
43 Vesicle Swab Varicella zoster
PCR (In house)
500µl 3 days Virology
24 Clotted blood samples Varicella zoster IgG 170µL 3 days Virology
24 Serum VEGF 2 mL 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
20 Plasma Very long chain fatty acids 2 mL 21 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Plasma VIP 5 mL 28 days Clinical Biochemistry
Whole Blood Viral Haemorrhagic Fever 7 mL 1 day Virology
0 See link Virology/ Serology (PHE/ REF) n/a 10 days Virology
24 Serum Vitamin A 2 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood Vitamin B1 4 mL 2 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Vitamin B12 5 mL 3 days Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole blood Vitamin B6 4 mL 3 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 20 Plasma Vitamin C 2 mL 4 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Vitamin D 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
24 Serum Vitamin E 2 mL 14 days Clinical Biochemistry
35 Urine - Random VMA 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
13 Whole Blood Von Willebrand's Disease 2.7 mL 3 weeks Haematology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details Serum Voriconazole < 2 days Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 13 Plasma Warfarin levels 10 days Haematology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 27 Serum and Urine Water Deprivation Test see notes 1 day Clinical Biochemistry
14 Whole Blood White Blood Count 4 mL 24 hours Haematology
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 14 Whole Blood White Cell Enzymes 5 mL 3-4 weeks Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 34 CSF Xanthochromia 1 mL 4 hours Clinical Biochemistry
Special Precautions – Please click Test Name for further details 10 Plasma Zinc 5 mL 7 days Clinical Biochemistry
Zinc Protoporphyrin