Paclitaxel-coated balloons or stents

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This page is for patients whose vascular surgeon or interventional radiologist thinks they would benefit from treating a narrowing in their blood vessel with special balloon or stent coated with a drug called paclitaxel. We hope to following information will answer some of the questions you may have about this procedure.

What is paclitaxel? 

Paclitaxel is a drug used to prevent the smooth muscle cells in your blood vessel from growing. If these cells were to grow, it could cause another blockage in your blood vessel.

Research studies show that balloons and stents coated with paclitaxel increase the chance that the treated blood vessel will remain open after your treatment. This could lower the likelihood that you will need a repeat procedure to re-open the vessel in the future.

Are there any risks or complications associated with paclitaxel-coated balloons or stents?

The risks of having an angioplasty or a stent insertion are outlined in the angiography and angioplasty patient information leaflet which you have also received. There are potentially additional risks with having a paclitaxel-coated balloon or stent.

Based on the result of a single study published in 2018¹ there is a possibility that the use of balloons and stents coated with paclitaxel may increase your chance of death about 2 years after treatment.

When compared to treatment with uncoated balloons or bare metal stents there is also information that suggests that the use of these balloons and stents coated with paclitaxel may increase your chance of death over the next 2-5 years.²

This study¹ has several limitations, its results are widely debated, and further research is still ongoing.

Your doctors believe that the benefit of using a balloon or stent coated with paclitaxel would outweigh the potential increased risk of death shown in the previously mentioned research paper. This is by improving the likelihood that your vessel remains open after the treatment for longer, either because:

  • Other treatment options without paclitaxel have already been tried and failed.
  • Other treatment options, including bypass surgery, would not be technically possible or would be even riskier for you.
  • Not treating the narrowing in your blood vessel would likely cause you significant permanent damage or a condition that would threaten your limb or even your life.

Are there any other options?

There may be other options for the treatment of your symptoms including medications, exercise, balloons, stents or other devices that do not contain paclitaxel and surgery. You should discuss with your doctor the possible risks and benefits of all treatments to identify those options that are best for you.


(1) Katsanos K, Spiliopoulos S, Kitrou P, Krokidis M, Karnabatidis D. Risk of death following application of paclitaxel-coated balloons and stents in the femoropopliteal artery of the leg: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Am Heart Assoc 2018;7(24):e011245-e011245. 

(2) MHRA statement : Paclitaxel drug-coated balloons (DCBs) or drug-eluting stents (DESs): Reconfirmed position on use in patients with intermittent claudication and critical limb ischaemia (DSI/2021/001) Paclitaxel drug-coated balloons (DCBs) or drug-eluting stents (DESs): Reconfirmed position on use in patients with intermittent claudication and critical limb ischaemia (DSI/2021/001) - GOV.UK (

© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published June 2022. Review due June 2025. NBT003453.

Nasogastric/nasojejunal tube insertion

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This information is for patients whose doctor has requested you have a nasogastric/nasojejunal tube inserted.

What is a nasogastric/ nasojejunal tube?

A nasogastric (NG) tube is a narrow feeding tube which is placed through your nose down into your stomach. 

A nasojejunal (NJ) tube is also a narrow feeding tube placed through the nose, but it is positioned in the small bowel beyond stomach (the jejunum).  

These feeding tubes can be used to give you fluids, medications and liquid food complete with nutrients directly into your stomach or small bowel, as appropriate.

Why do I need to have an NG/ NJ feeding tube inserted?

NG/ NJ tubes can provide you with the fluids, medications and nutrition your body needs while you are unable to eat or drink adequate amounts. 

This may be because you have swallowing problems or need access for specific medications such as Duodopa, or need additional nutritional support.  

Are there any risks?

NG/ NJ tube insertion is a safe procedure.

On the day of the procedure

Please inform us if you are allergic to anything or you are diabetic.

  • You should not eat for 4 hours before your appointment. 
  • You may drink water and take any prescribed medications until the time of your appointment. 
  • If you are an outpatient, you will arrive at the Imaging Department, Gate 19 of the Brunel building and be accompanied into our day case area. 
  • If you are an inpatient, you will come to the Imaging Department from the ward you have been admitted to.
  • A doctor will discuss the procedure with you. You will be given an opportunity to ask any questions you may have. 
  • Once all the checks have been performed, you will be taken to the procedure room. 
  • There will be a doctor, nurse and radiographer with you throughout the procedure.
  • You will be given a local anaesthetic throat spray to help numb the throat.
  • Some lubricant jelly will be put on the tube to help it into position.
  • The narrow feeding tube will be passed through a nostril, down into your stomach/ small bowel guided by an x-ray machine. You will be asked to swallow a few times to help the tube into position. 
  • The tube will then be secured using a dressing or nasal tape.

What happens after the procedure?

You will be taken back to the day case area or your ward, so that nursing staff may monitor you closely.

We hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions before or after the procedure, please phone the Imaging Department using the number on your appointment letter.

© North Bristol NHS Trust.  This edition published December 2022. Review due December 2025. NBT003519

Medial branch blocks (Imaging)

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What is a medial branch block? 

This procedure is for diagnosis only and is not for permanent pain relief. Your pain is likely to return a few hours after the procedure.

Facet joints are found between each of the spinal bones and allow the spine to move. The medial branches are nerves that carry information, including pain, from the facet joints to the brain. Sometimes back pain arises from these joints. 

A medial branch block uses local anaesthetic to numb these small nerves. 

If the pain is coming from the joints the pain may be reduced for some hours following these injections.

Following this procedure we can determine whether the facet joints are the cause of your pain.

Depending on the results, your consultant may offer a longer-lasting treatment that could be done after your follow up call or visit.

How do I prepare for the medial branch blocks?

We would advise you not to take any pain relief medication for 6 hours before your appointment.  This is so we can accurately assess if the local anaesthetic changes your back pain. You can eat and drink on the day as normal. You are advised not to drive following the procedure.

Please tell us before attending for the procedure if you take any blood thinning medication such as:

  • Warfarin.
  • Clopidogrel.
  • Rivaroxaban.
  • Dipyridamole.
  • Dabigatran.

Please note this list is not exhaustive. 

The number for the Imaging department is on your appointment letter.

What will happen during the procedure?

  • You will arrive at Gate 18 where a member of the Imaging team will take you through to the fluoroscopy waiting room.
  • Following confirmation of your details and history you will be shown into the X-ray room and introduced to the staff performing the procedure.
  • You will be cared for by a small team including a radiologist (X-ray doctor) and/or radiographer and an imaging support worker.
  • Before the examination begins the radiologist or specialist radiographer will explain what they are going to do. You will be given the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. If you are happy to proceed you will be asked to sign a consent form. We will also ask you to score you back pain out of 10 before we begin. 
  • You will then be asked to lie on your front on the X-ray couch. The skin will be cleaned and a small amount of local anaesthetic will be injected under the skin. This stings for a few seconds and the area then goes numb.
  • A very fine needle will be directed to the medial branches using the X-ray machine.
  • When the radiologist or specialist radiographer is satisfied with the needle position, the local anaesthetic will be injected. Following the procedure we will ask you again to score your pain out of 10. 
  • Afterwards you will be asked to sit in our waiting room for 20 - 30 minutes so that we can ensure you are feeling well before you go home.

Will it hurt?

You may have some discomfort during the procedure. If you feel uncomfortable, let one of the members of the team know and they will try to make you more comfortable.

How long will it take?

You will be awake throughout the procedure, which lasts about 15 – 30 minutes.

How will I feel after the injections? 

Remember that medial branch blocks are not a treatment.  They are done to help us diagnose the source of your pain.
Immediately after the injections you may feel less pain but it will probably return after a few hours.

Are there any risks or side effects?

Generally it is a very safe procedure, but as with any treatment there are risks or side effects:

  • An increase in your pain in the first 24 hours following injection. Should this occur, take your usual or prescribed pain medication and seek advice from your pharmacist or GP if necessary.  
  • Bleeding or haematoma (a bruise under the skin) – this should settle down by itself.
  • Infection developing at the injection site. This will happen to less than 1 in 5000 people. Contact your GP if you experience any redness or tenderness at the injection site.  
  • The procedure is performed under X-ray to confirm the needle is in the correct place. Patients who are or may be pregnant should inform the department before attending their appointment.

Who should I contact if I have any concerns?

If you have any concerns please contact the Imaging Department using the number on your appointment letter.

© North Bristol NHS Trust.  This edition published February 2024. Review due February 2027. NBT003581.

Bleomycin sclerotherapy

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This information is for patients whose doctor has requested you have bleomycin sclerotherapy. 

We hope that the following information will answer some of the questions you may have about this procedure.

What is bleomycin sclerotherapy and why is it needed?

Bleomycin sclerotherapy is used to treat vascular and lymphatic malformations. It is usually suggested as a treatment for some kinds of malformations e.g:

  • Microcystic lymphatic malformations.
  • Venous malformations with a larger solid part.
  • A second form of treatment of standard sclerotherapy has failed.
  • Malformations on the surface of the skin where the skin is directly involved as it is less likely to cause skin blistering or scarring.
  • Treatment of malformations in areas where the doctors are keen to avoid swelling.

Sclerotherapy is carried out in the Imaging Department by a doctor (radiologist) who specialises in doing procedures under imaging guidance with X-rays or ultrasound.

What is a lymphatic malformation?

A lymphatic malformation is an abnormality of the lymphatic system that results in a collection of fluid filled spaces. These malformations are congenital (they were present when you were born). The cysts are filled with a clear fluid, similar to the fluid in a blister. Lymphatic malformations are not dangerous but can cause pain and swelling. 

Microcystic malformations contain lots of tiny cysts and usually cause problems because they are bulky, unsightly, or get infected. Sclerotherapy is a way of trying to reduce the size of the cysts so that they are smaller and less troublesome.

What is a venous vascular malformation?

A venous vascular malformation is a collection of abnormal venous vascular spaces. These spaces will have some connections to nearby normal veins. 

Venous malformations are congenital (they were present when you were born). They contain vascular spaces with slow flowing blood and solid tissue.

Like lymphatic malformations venous vascular malformations are not usually dangerous, but can cause pain and swelling, particularly when blood clots form within the lesion. 

What is bleomycin?

Bleomycin is a medicine that has been used for many years to treat other conditions such as cancer. More recently small doses of bleomycin have been found to be useful for treating vascular and lymphatic malformations. 

When it has been used in higher doses in cancer treatment and has been injected straight into the bloodstream, bleomycin can cause damage and changes to the lungs and how they function. This can happen during the treatment or afterwards. This is extremely unlikely to happen when bleomycin is being used in sclerotherapy, as the doses are much lower, and the medicine is not given in the same way.

However, always tell your doctor if after treatment with bleomycin you: 

  • Develop a wheeze.
  • Develop a cough.
  • Have a fever.
  • Feel breathless.

You should also let them know if any existing breathing problems get worse.

What happens before the sclerotherapy?

Before you attend for bleomycin sclerotherapy we will send you a clinic appointment to meet with the radiologist. Here they will assess your suitability for the procedure.

If necessary, we will arrange for you to have some breathing tests before you have bleomycin treatment.

You will need to have a blood test a few days before the procedure to check that you are not at increased risk of bleeding and that it will be safe to take to proceed with the bleomycin treatment. This may be arranged to take place at your GP surgery. 

You can continue taking your normal medication. If you are on any medication which thins the blood (e.g., aspirin, clopidogrel, warfarin, rivaroxaban, dabigatran, apixaban) please call the Imaging Department using the number on your appointment letter as we may need to adjust your medication.  

On the day of the procedure

  • You should not eat anything from midnight the night before the procedure. You may drink clear fluids until 7am on the day of the procedure. 
  • You will arrive at the Imaging Department, Gate 19, and be accompanied into our day case area. 
  • You may take your normal medication unless instructed otherwise.
  • Please inform us if you are allergic to anything. 
  • The radiologist will discuss the procedure with you. You will be given an opportunity to ask questions. If you want to go ahead with the procedure you will be asked to sign a consent form.
  • You will be asked to change into a hospital gown and a small plastic tube (cannula) may be put into your arm.
  • Once all the checks have been performed and consent signed, you will be taken to the X-ray room on the trolley. There will be a radiologist, nurses and a radiographer with you throughout the procedure.
  • The radiologist will use an ultrasound machine to look at the malformation to find the correct area to be treated.
  • Your skin will be cleaned with an antiseptic solution and covered with sterile drapes. 
  • The radiologist will then inject local anaesthetic into the area selected, which will briefly sting and then go numb. The radiologist may then inject X-ray dye into the malformation to confirm the needle position and that it is safe to inject bleomycin. The bleomycin will then be injected through one or several small needles into the malformation under ultrasound and sometimes X-ray guidance. 
  • The procedure is likely to take about 30 minutes.
  • Once the procedure is complete the needle(s) will be removed, and the radiologist will apply a dressing if necessary. 

What happens after the procedure?

  • You will be taken back to the day case area, so that nursing staff may monitor you closely.
  • If you are in pain, tell the nursing staff so you can be given appropriate painkillers.
  • You will be advised to stay in our day case area for up to 4 hours.
  • You will be able to eat and drink as normal.
  • If everything is satisfactory, you will be free to go home. 

What are the risks associated with sclerotherapy?

Bleomycin sclerotherapy is usually a safe procedure. Potential complications include:

  • In the first 24 hours following bleomycin sclerotherapy, the area is likely to be swollen. You may take over the counter pain medication as necessary to keep the inevitable associated pain under control. The pain will resolve within a few days, but it may take several weeks for the swelling to settle completely.
  • There is a slight risk of the malformation developing an infection after the treatment. You will need a short course of oral antibiotics if this happens.
  • Very rarely, bleomycin can cause some discolouration of the skin or nails or make some hair fall out. This usually gets better with time. We think that the skin is more likely to be affected if there are monitoring leads or plasters stuck to the skin at the time of treatment. We will try to put these on parts of the skin that are less noticeable.
  • In some cases, when bleomycin has been used in much higher doses straight into the bloodstream for treating cancers, patients have developed scarring of their lungs, causing breathing problems. This has only been reported for high dose treatment with bleomycin, not at the doses used for sclerotherapy of vascular malformations. 
  • If the bleomycin spreads beyond the malformation it may cause damage to nearby normal tissues. 
    This is a rare complication but can cause permanent damage to the affected tissues. One example could be damage to the overlying skin which may ulcerate and cause scarring of the area. Other structures that could be affected depend on where in the body the malformation is, but could include muscle or nerve damage which may be permanent. 

If you experience any symptoms you are concerned about, please contact the Imaging Department directly on the number on your appointment letter or alternatively contact your GP or the Emergency Department.

Are there any alternatives to sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is the best treatment option for many malformations as it can be an effective treatment and usually carries lower risks than open surgery. However, as every malformation is different, sclerotherapy may not always be the best option. 

Alternative options may include having no treatment, surgery or a combination of surgery and sclerotherapy. Your doctor will explain the options for treatment suitable for you.

Am I likely to need more than one treatment session?

You might need several sclerotherapy procedures to reduce the malformation. Sclerotherapy will not ‘cure’ the malformation, but it should shrink it significantly. 

We will also review you at an outpatient clinic appointment around 2 - 3 months after treatment.

Again, if you experience any symptoms you are concerned about, please contact the Imaging Department directly on the number on your appointment letter or alternatively contact your GP or the Emergency Department.

Finally, we hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions either before or after the procedure the staff in the Imaging Department will be happy to answer them.

© North Bristol NHS Trust.  This edition published July 2023. Review due July 2026. NBT003584

Imaging Department Contact Centre

If you are unable to attend your appointment please let us know as soon as possible. You can also contact the Imaging Department Contact Centre if you wish to change or discuss your appointment.

Telephone: 0117 414 8989

Dr Stephen West - Intensive Care and Nephrology

Regular Off On A-Z of Consultants

GMC Number: 7020691

Year of first qualification: 2008 Imperial College London

Specialty: Intensive Care and Nephrology

Clinical interest: Acute kidney injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Hospital Acquired Infections, Critical Care Echocardiography

Secretary: Eleanor Hucker (Nephrology), Intensive Care (Anaesthetic Secretaries)

Telephone: 0117 414 7701 (Nephrology), 0117 414 5114 (Intensive Care)

Email: mailto:

Professional Bodies:

  • MRCP (Neph, London).
  • FFICM.
  • Intensive Care Society.
  • MDDUS.
  • ESICM.

Dr Stephen West - Intensive Care and Nephrology

Regular Off Off

GMC Number: 7020691

Year of first qualification: 2008 Imperial College London

Specialty: Intensive Care and Nephrology

Clinical interest: Acute kidney injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Hospital Acquired Infections, Critical Care Echocardiography

Secretary: Eleanor Hucker (Nephrology), Intensive Care (Anaesthetic Secretaries)

Telephone: 0117 414 7701 (Nephrology), 0117 414 5114 (Intensive Care)

Email address:

Professional memberships:

  • MRCP (Neph, London)
  • Intensive Care Society
Related links

Breathing Pattern Disorder - Physiotherapy appointment

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This page is for patients who have been referred to see a specialist physiotherapist, because it has been identified that some of your breathlessness could be due to a change in your breathing pattern from the 'normal'. 

This often triggers your symptoms earlier and they last longer, making your lung condition symptoms appear worse.

A breathing pattern disorder is when your body has adapted to a particular way of breathing due to stressors or triggers, which means your body has lost its natural rhythm.

You may be using the upper chest rather than your diaphragm (muscles below the lungs), or breathing using your mouth rather than your nose.

This can lead to over breathing which can cause a chemical imbalance in the blood, causing feelings like

  • Feeling you can’t fill your lungs up enough.
  • Breathlessness when doing minimal exercise.
  • Frequent sighing and yawning. 
  • Palpitations. 
  • ‘Pins and needles’ in hands/mouth. 
  • Feeling permanently exhausted. 
  • Throat symptoms including coughing. 
  • Light headedness.

Over breathing is a normal reaction to any stressful situation, including colds/upper airway viruses. However sometimes due to a prolonged trigger or increased stress, the breathing does not return to normal.

It is possible to re-train your breathing pattern, initially learning to control the symptoms when resting, before progressing onto maintaining the correct pattern of breathing during your day-to-day life. This in turn allows you to keep a greater sense of control over your breathing.

What to expect in your first appointment

The first appointment will be around 60 minutes. Don’t worry, you won’t be exercising on your first appointment and the exercises you will be given initially will be starting to retrain your breathing while resting.


If you are unable to attend your appointment, please phone us to rearrange as soon as you can so we can fill the appointment slot (phone number on back of leaflet). If you have any other questions, please get in contact. 

Websites for more information: 

Physiotherapy for breathing pattern disorders 

Breathing Freely (

© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published May 2024. Review due May 2027. NBT003695.

Contact us

Respiratory Specialist Team
Gate 18, Brunel building
Southmead Hospital
BS10 5NB

0117 414 2011 

Eating well on peritoneal dialysis

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This information will help you choose foods to keep you well on dialysis. You may also be given some extra information if needed. Your dietitian may change the advice in the future if your health, blood tests, or appetite changes. 

You will be able to talk to your dietitian regularly about your eating. You can contact your dietitian any time. see the end of the page for contact details. 

What can I eat? 

Beans, lentils, fish, eggs, meat, and other protein foods

These are high protein foods. They are essential:

  • For strong muscles.
  • To fight off infections.
  • For healthy skin and blood.

Before starting dialysis, you may have been advised to eat smaller portions of protein foods. Now your body is losing some protein during dialysis. You need to eat extra protein foods to replace what you are losing.

These are high protein foods:

ProteinRecommended portions
Meat, chicken, and turkeyPalm size portion
FishHand size portion 
Beans, lentilsHalf a tin/6 tablespoons
Quorn, tofu, tempeh, soya, proteinPalm size portion


Dairy or dairy alternatives (such as soya drinks and yoghurts)

Milk, cheese, yoghurt and fortified soya milk are great sources of protein and calcium. They also contain a lot of phosphate.

Phosphate levels in the blood may be high when the kidneys are not working properly; this can increase your risk of heart disease, cause weak bones and itching. Your dietitian will advise if you need to limit these foods to lower phosphate levels in the blood. See page 10 for more information about phosphate.

Potatoes, yams, cassava, plantain, bread, rice, pasta, cereals, and other starchy carbohydrates

These foods give us energy. 

Try to include one serving at every meal. 

Wholegrain varieties are high in fibre. Fibre helps to keep your bowels healthy and prevent constipation. Constipation can prevent your dialysis from working well.  Try to choose these wholegrain foods:

  • Wholemeal or granary bread.
  • Wholegrain cereals such as shredded wheat or Weetabix.
  • Wholewheat pasta.
  • Brown rice.

You may have been advised to always boil potatoes, yam, cassava and plantain; this reduces the potassium. Your dietitian will advise you if you still need to do this.

Fruit and vegetables

Eat at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables per day. 

You may have been advised not to eat some fruit and vegetables because your potassium levels in the blood have been high.

Your dietitian will advise you if you still need to do this.

Fatty and sugary foods

Foods high in fat and/or sugar include pastry, fried foods, cakes, biscuits and chocolate.  

Dialysis fluid usually contains glucose (a form of sugar). Some of this glucose will get into your blood and give you extra calories which may cause unwanted weight gain.  

If your appetite is good and you want to manage your weight and eat to keep your heart healthy, you could:

  • Eat smaller portions of high fat/high sugar foods.
  • Choose low fat options where possible such as lean meats.
  • Choose lower fat dairy foods such as milks, yoghurts and cheeses.
  • Use smaller amounts of unsaturated fats and oils such as vegetable oil and olive oil spread.


Fluid mainly comes from liquids you drink.

When most people start dialysis, they are still passing urine. Fluid is removed from the body by dialysis and by passing urine. Many people find that after a while on dialysis they pass less urine; they begin to rely on dialysis to remove most of the fluid.

If you are drinking more fluid than can be removed, you will become fluid overloaded (oedema).  The extra fluid puts a strain on your heart and lungs. It is often difficult to remove extra fluid by dialysis.

Signs you are overloaded are:

  • Rapid weight gain.
  • Swollen ankles.
  • Feeling breathless.
  • Higher blood pressure.

Weigh yourself daily and this helps you quickly notice rapid weight changes due to fluid.

If you are gaining too much fluid your doctor, dialysis nurse or dietitian may advise you to limit the fluid you drink.

Tips if you need to have less fluid:

  • Try to have fewer drinks and spread your fluid throughout the day.
  • Use a small cup or glass for drinks.
  • If eating sloppy or liquid foods such as such as soup, custard, yoghurt, ice-cream, reduce how much you drink.
  • Spicy and salty foods can make you thirsty so try to reduce these foods.
  • Try using plastic ice cubes in drinks to save extra fluid.
  • Rinsing your mouth, gargling with mouthwash and brushing your teeth can help freshen your mouth.
  • You can quench your thirst with slices of lemon, orange, frozen grapes, pineapple cubes, boiled sweets, sugar free mints and chewing gum.
  • If you have a dry mouth, artificial saliva sprays may help such as Glandosane (available on prescription).
  • Keep a record of all liquids you are having including all drinks, soups, gravies, jelly, yoghurts, and ice-cream.

Your dietitian can give you more ideas to help.


Eating less salt can help you to feel better. Reducing salt helps your dialysis remove fluid, can improve your blood pressure and make you feel less thirsty. Most of the salt we eat comes from processed and ready prepared foods. Tips to reduce salt:

  • Have more home cooked foods. Cook from scratch where you can.
  • Try to reduce processed foods. Sausages, bacon, ham, ready meals, jars of mustard, sauces, pickles, and table sauces are salty.
  • When shopping, check food labels. Aim to eat mainly foods which have less than 0.3g salt per 100g or with a green traffic light symbol for salt. If you are choosing ready meals, aim for less than 1.8g per portion.
  • Consider having higher salt foods (more than 0.3g salt per serving, or amber or red traffic light) less often and in smaller amounts.
  • Free apps such as FoodSwitch or NHS Food Scanner can help.
  • Flavour your food with herbs, spices, lemon, garlic, vinegar, dry mustard powder.
  • Try to avoid using salt in cooking. Taste food first as you may not need it.  
  • Try not to add any salt at the table.
  • Avoid salt that has ‘low in sodium’ written on the label as these contain potassium. This includes LoSalt, Solo, Saxa So-low.

Your dietitian can give you more help to reduce the salt you eat.


Potassium is a mineral found in many foods. It helps our nerves, muscles and heart to work properly. Our kidneys usually control the level of potassium in the blood. Extra potassium is passed out in the urine.  

Dialysis removes potassium but you may still have high levels in the blood, especially if you start to pass less urine or have problems with dialysis. Your levels of potassium in your blood will be checked regularly.  

The target range for potassium in your blood is 3.5 – 5.4mmol/l. A high level of potassium can be dangerous, as it can affect your muscles and heart.  

Your dietitian will advise if you need to eat less potassium to keep your blood levels safe.      

These are foods and drinks higher in potassium:

  • Some fruits such as apricots, avocado, bananas and dried fruit.
  • Some vegetables such as mushrooms, parsnips, spinach and tomatoes.
  • Potatoes which have not been boiled such as chips and jacket potatoes.
  • Snacks such as potato crisps, nuts, chocolate and liquorice.
  • Drinks such as coffee, malted milk drinks and fruit juices.
  • Alcoholic drinks such as cider and strong ales.
  • Soups containing tomatoes and vegetables.
  • Salt substitutes such as Losalt, Saxa So low and Solo.
  • Only limit high potassium foods if you have been advised to.

If you have diabetes, you may have been recommended to eat more fruit, vegetables and nuts. Your dietitian can advise you on appropriate quantities and help you choose lower potassium options. 

Rarely blood potassium levels may be too low. Your dietitian will advise you what to eat to help with this.


Phosphate levels in the blood can be high when the kidneys are not working properly; this can increase your risk of heart disease, weaken your bones and cause itching.  

Dialysis is poor at removing phosphate from the blood. Your levels of phosphate in your blood will be checked regularly.  

The target range for phosphate in your blood is 0.8 – 1.5mmol/l. If your levels are high, eating less phosphate can protect your bones and heart, and help you feel less itchy.  

High phosphate food and drinks include:

  • Cola drinks and other dark coloured fizzy drinks which contain phosphoric acid.
  • Processed foods containing phosphate additives such as ready meals, processed meats and cake mixes. Check the ingredients label for additives with ‘phosphate’ in the name such as diphosphates, triphosphates, sodium phosphate.
  • Nuts and chocolate.
  • Products with raising agents such as muffins and scones.
  • Malted milk drinks, drinking chocolate and cocoa.
  • Evaporated and condensed milk.
  • Fish with edible bones such as sardines, pilchards and whitebait.
  • Shellfish such as fresh crab and scampi.
  • Offal products such as liver, liver sausage and pate.

Other high phosphate foods such as dairy products, milk, fish and meat are good sources of protein and other nutrients.  Some recommended portion sizes are below. 

Your dietitian can guide you on how many servings to have per day or per week. For most people 2 servings per day of dairy foods and up to 6 eggs per week will limit the amount of phosphate you’re eating. 

FoodRecommended portion sizes
Yoghurt1 small pot
Cheese1 small matchbox size portion
Eggs 6 per week

If you are already following a low phosphate diet your dietitian will advise if you need to continue. Only limit high phosphate foods if you have been advised to.

To help control phosphate levels, some people may be prescribed tablets called phosphate binders. Your dietitian will advise on the best way to take these to make sure they work well.


If you have peritonitis you will lose more protein than usual through the dialysis process. Eating extra protein foods at this time will help your recovery. Ask your dialysis nurse or renal dietitian for advice. The information below may help if your appetite is reduced.

Small appetite

If you have a small appetite, the following information may help:

  • Eat little and often throughout the day.  Try three meals and 2 - 3 snacks every day.
  • Eat small nourishing snacks between meals such as cereal and milk, cheese and biscuits, cakes, biscuits, desserts, pastries.
  • Have a snack, sandwich or a milky drink if you cannot manage your normal meal.
  • Try easy to prepare high protein meals such as cheese, scrambled egg, poached egg on toast or omelette.
  • Use full fat and full sugar versions of foods and drinks such as full fat milk, full fat yoghurt instead of diet or low fat ones.
  • Try to eat more on days or at times you feel better.
  • Spread butter, margarine, honey, jam and marmalade thickly on bread, croissants, and crumpets.
  • Add honey or sugar to cereals and puddings.

Eating well is important to help you feel better and cope with dialysis.  

Some of these foods are high in salt, sugar, phosphate and potassium which may not be in line with the diet you have previously been advised to follow. If you have diabetes or you are limiting potassium or phosphate speak to your dietitian for more information.


Water soluble vitamins are lost during the dialysis process. 

Your GP can prescribe a multivitamin tablet (Renavit) suitable for people with kidney disease; this helps to replace the vitamins lost during dialysis.  

Renavit contains a beef product so if you are unable to take this, we can recommend an alternative.

You will need to take Renavit once a day.

How can I eat more sustainably?

Many people want to eat food that is more environmentally friendly.

Below are some ideas you could consider:

  • Try some plant food sources of protein such as beans, lentils, soya mince, Quorn, tofu.
  • When buying fish look for the Marine Stewardship Council or Aquaculture Stewardship Council symbols.
  • Try calcium fortified plant milk such as soya or oat instead of cow’s milk.
  • Opt for wholemeal breads and wholegrain versions of pasta and cereals.
  • Choose local and seasonal produce.
  • Avoid chopped, ready prepared and packaged fresh fruit, veg and salads if you can.
  • Reduce food waste, especially of fresh fruit and veg, by choosing tinned and frozen alongside seasonal fresh produce.

Further informaiton

Patients Know Best is an easy-to-use online service that allows you to monitor your own blood test results.
Register to Patients Know Best - Patients Know Best

Information on kidney disease and food written by the kidney dietitians at North Bristol NHS Trust.
Nutrition & Dietetics | North Bristol NHS Trust (

Education videos on how to eat less salt presented by the Kidney dietitians at North Bristol NHS Trust.
Educational videos on salt for kidney patients - YouTube 

Diet and lifestyle information including recipe books to download.
Living with kidney disease | Kidney Care UK

Diet information including menus and recipe books to download.
Kidney Patient Guide - Diet

Website of the Edinburgh Renal Unit and contains useful dietary information.
Diet in renal disease –

© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published March 2023. Review due March 2026. NBT003497.

Contact Nutrition & Dietetics

Kendon House
Kendon Way
Southmead Hospital

Telephone:  0117 414 5428 or 0117 414 5429

How to eat less salt

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Why is eating less salt good?

Eating less salt can improve your blood pressure (if it is high) and may help to slow any decline in your kidney function. If a doctor has asked you to limit how much you drink, eating less salt can help you feel less thirsty, and may help reduce fluid build-up in the body (oedema).  

You should aim to have no more than 6g salt per day (about 1 level teaspoon) or no more than 5g per day if you are on dialysis. 

The average person in the UK eats around 8g of salt per day. Some salt comes from that which you add to food and some salt is found naturally in food, but most of the salt that we eat comes hidden in manufactured food (around 3 quarters or 75%). 

Tips to help you limit salt (sodium chloride)

  • Try to avoid adding salt at the table and into cooking (this includes all salt such as table salt, sea salt, rock salt, Himalayan pink salt and garlic salt).
  • Use herbs and spices, pepper, garlic, ginger, chilli, lemon juice and vinegar to flavour food (ask the dietitian for our herbs and spices leaflet).
  • Taste food before you season it.
  • Limit processed, ready/shop bought foods, jar sauces and takeaway foods as they can be salty. Try to cook from scratch where you can.
  • Different brands of the same food can contain different amounts of salt, so look at labels and compare products.

Reduced sodium salts such as Losalt, Saxa So Low and Solo are made from both sodium chloride and potassium chloride. Because these are high in potassium, they are not suitable for people with kidney disease.

Food labels

Most of the salt we eat comes already hidden in food (¾ or 75%), so it helps to know how to read food labels. 

By reading food labels you will know if a food is low, medium, or high in salt.

How much per 100g?

Food label colourAmount of saltWhen to eat
Green circle


Low salt


Eat freely.
Amber circle


Medium salt


Try to limit to around 2 foods per day.
Red circle


High salt

More than 1.5g

Try to limit. 

How much per portion?

Foods that weigh more than 100g can be labelled per portion. Please check the suggested portion is the same as the amount you plan to eat.

Where possible, try to avoid foods with more than 1.8g of salt per portion.


Examples of food labels

Breakfast wheat cereal (40g portion)

NutritionPer 100gPer 40g
Energy (KJ/Kcal)1540/364616/146
Fat (g)1.70.68
Carbohydrate (g)7128
Protein (g)114.4
Salt (g)0.60.24

Salt is 0.6g/100g which is medium (amber). 

Pasta sauce (jar)

NutritionPer 100gPer 40g
Energy (KJ/Kcal)471/114542/131
Fat (g)8.59.8
Carbohydrate (g)78.1
Protein (g)1.41.6
Salt (g)1.511.74

Salt is 1.51g/100g which is high in salt (labelled red). 

Help to reduce the amount of salt you eat

Small changes that can help reduce the amount of salt you eat

Meal/SnackOption 1Option 2 
Breakfast 40g wheat cereal 
1 toast with butter and marmite
2 wheat biscuits
1 toast with margarine and jam
Mid-morning snack2 digestive biscuits2 gingernut biscuits
LunchHam and cheese sandwich 
Egg salad sandwich
Mid-afternoon snackPearPear
Evening mealChicken and vegetable pasta ready mealChicken and vegetable pasta homemade with passata, garlic and Italian herbs
Bedtime snackHot chocolate
2 crackers with hummus
Cup of tea
2 crackers with cream cheese
Total salt content6g salt 3.12 Salt 

What about eating out?

Meals eaten away from the home are often high in salt. If you know you will be eating out, try to choose lower salt options for other meals and snacks eaten that day.

High salt foods to be aware of

  • Feta, halloumi and blue cheese. If you eat a lot of moderately high salt cheese such as cheddar, try lower salt alternatives such as cream cheese and cottage cheese
  • Salted butter (try margarine or unsalted butter).
  • Cured meats such as bacon, ham, gammon, salami, chorizo, Parma ham, serrano ham, salt beef. 
  • Tinned and processed meats such as corned beef, luncheon meat, spam, sausages, black pudding. • Smoked fish (haddock, mackerel, salmon) and shell fish.
  • Tinned vegetables, sundried tomatoes, olives in brine. 
  • Sauces such as soy, oyster, ketchup and ready spice mixes/seasonings – if using, add in smaller amounts. 
  • Salted crisps and nuts. Try unsalted varieties.

Further information

Useful websites 

Action on salt: 
Action on Salt - Action on Salt

British Heart Foundation:
Salt - how much is too much? - BHF

The Eatwell Guide:
The Eatwell Guide - NHS (

A with more information about salt:
What is salt? (

Useful apps

Apps you can use to scan your food and look for lower slat alternatives.

FoodSwitch UK

Better Health
Healthier Families - Home - NHS (



© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published March 2023. Review due March 2026. NBT003534.

Contact Nutrition & Dietetics

Kendon House
Kendon Way
Southmead Hospital

Telephone:  0117 414 5428 or 0117 414 5429

Volunteers Wanted for Asthma Research Study

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Researchers at North Bristol NHS Trust are analysing levels of wellbeing and brain structure/function in patients with asthma, and we would like to welcome volunteers. 


People with asthma suffer from more anxiety, depression and memory problems than the general population. This is associated with differences in the structure and function of the brain as seen on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. This is particularly prominent in those with the most severe asthma. We do not fully understand that relationship and how best to approach improving these issues. 


We are performing MRI brain scans and questionnaires in people with severe eosinophilic asthma before and after starting mepolizumab treatment, to assess the effect of improved asthma control. To best understand the changes that are seen in people with severe uncontrolled asthma, we need a control group of patients with well-controlled, mild-to-moderate asthma to provide some comparative readings. 


Am I Eligible? 

  • Have you been given a diagnosis of mild-to-moderate asthma that requires you to take either a regular steroid inhaler, or an as-required steroid inhaler?
  • Is your asthma well-controlled – no exacerbations requiring oral/tablet steroids in the last 3 months, and not more than 2 in the last 12 months?
  • Are you above the age of 18?
  • Are you a life-long non-smoker, or an ex-smoker who has smoked for less than 10 years?
  • Would you be willing to attend NBT for one or two study visits?


What does the study involve?

We will ask you to come to hospital for a single visit. At this visit we will test your lung function and take a blood test. We will ask you to complete a series of simple questionnaires about your breathing, cognition and wellbeing. 

In addition, we will ask half of volunteers to attend NBT to undergo an MRI scan of the brain. 

You will be free to end your participation in the study at any stage and we will not require a reason.


Will I be compensated? 

Yes. You will receive £50, plus up to £60 reimbursement for travel and parking if you attend for the blood test, lung function and questionnaires. You will receive £150 if you are taking part in the MRI scan alongside the questionnaires/lung function/blood tests, in addition to travel and parking reimbursement up to £60.


How to get involved?

If you are interested, then please contact the Respiratory Research Department on 0117 41 48114 or

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