ICU National Guidelines

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Guidelines for the Provision of Intensive Care Services (GPICS) 

ICS Guidelines + standards

ICS Advisory documents including sample LocSSIPs and management support tools

FICM guidelines: including antimicrobial stewardship, guidance for training units and forms for the diagnosis of death using neurological criteria

FICM NICE guidance relevant to intensive care, including head injury management, organ donor identification guidance, pneumonia in adults management

Donate to ICU

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If a member of your family was critically ill, you’d want the very best care for them. With your help and donations our Intensive Care Unit team can continue to look after people with life-threatening and complex conditions – either as a result of injury or surgery.


Donate to ICU

In the Unit, seriously ill patients receive specialist life-saving treatment and close monitoring from our experienced team. We constantly want to improve our facilities and the care we give.

Your support will make a difference

Donations to our ICU through Southmead Hospital Charity make a huge difference to the Unit and to the patients treated there.

Your money will help fund:

  • life-saving equipment
  • important research
  • bereavement services
  • staff training and development
  • improved facilities for our patients

Recent donations have helped buy:

  • emergency airway videoscopes
  • communication aids for patients
  • live music for patients and relatives
  • patient radios and headphones
  • brain monitoring equipment
  • equipment for a children’s area in the waiting room
  • emergency resuscitation bags
  • a patient cough assist machine

You can make a donation to the ICU via Southmead Hospital Charity.

ICU Performance

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ICU Performance

ICNARC (Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre)

SMR 2016-2017 0.91. This is within the expected range. 
What is SMR? This is the standardised mortality ratio and is the observed to predicted ratio of deaths for all patients admitted to our ICU.
For more information visit

TARN (Trauma Audit & Research Network)

2016/17: 0.6 additional survivors out of every 100 patients. 

CQC (Care Quality Commission)

April 2016 rated ‘Good’
For more information visit

Step Inside Cossham Hospital

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This tour allows you take take a virtual walk through Cossham Hospital, see where your outpatient appointment will be, find where the clinics are located throughout the building or view Cossham Birth Centre.

We know that coming to hospital can be a stressful experience, so we hope that being able to familiarise yourself with the building before you arrive for an appointment will demystify the experience and help you to feel more relaxed.

Thank You for your Antenatal Booking

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Thank you for submitting your antenatal booking form to the Midwifery Booking Team. 

A member of our Booking Team will contact you by phone or email to arrange your first appointment to meet the midwife within the next ten working days. Please look out for a call from 0117 9505050. If you do not hear from us within ten working days regarding your appointment, please call us on 0117 4146743 or email

We will aim to see you before 12 weeks.

In preparation of your appointment, please print, complete and bring with you to meet the midwife:

We advise you to read "Screening tests for you and your baby" available to download at

As midwives at North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) we are proud to be able to offer a variety of birth environments and we will discuss these with you at your first appointment. Your choice for where to have your baby includes at home, at the Mendip Birth Centre (co-located centre) and at the Central Delivery Suite (obstetric unit). 

Details of your submission have been emailed to you. Please check your spam/junk folders. If you do not receive email confirmation within 24 hours please telephone Centralised Midwifery Booking and leave a message on 0117 4146743.




Declarations of Interest

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Members of the Board are required to make an annual declaration of any interests which they have.

In addition Board members are required to provide an update during the year should a new interest arise, or an interest cease. Where the interest ceases, the information will be held on the record for a period of at least six months.  

Ingrid Barker, Joint Chair for NBT and UHBW 

  • Governor, University of Gloucestershire.
  • Member of the Faculty of TPC Health – a coaching company working predominantly in the NHS and Social Care (since January 2024).
  • Deputy Lieutenant of Gloucestershire.

Mr Kelvin Blake, Non-Executive Director 

  • Non-Executive Director of BRISDOC. 
  • Chair and Trustee of Second Step.  
  • Trustee of the SS Great Britain Trust.
  • Trustee of the Robins Foundation.
  • Member of the Labour Party.
  • Elected Member of Bristol City Council.

Mr Richard Gaunt, Non-Executive Director 

  • Non-Executive Director of Alliance Homes, social housing provider.

Ms Kelly Macfarlane, Non-Executive Director

  • Sister is Centre Leader of Genesiscare Bristol (Private Oncology).
  • Sister works for Pioneer Medical Group, Bristol.
  • Managing Director, HWM-Water (a Halma manufacturing company).
  • Director, Radcom Technologies Limited (dormant company).
  • Director of ASL Holdings Limited (a Halma company – IoT solutions).
  • Director of Invenio Systems Limited (water loss consultancy). 
  • Non-Exec Director of Advanced Electronics Limited (a Halma fire safety company). 

Professor Sarah Purdy, Non-Executive Director

  • Professor Emeritus, University of Bristol.
  • Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners.
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians.
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh.
  • Member, Barts Charity Grants Committee.
  • Shareholder (more than 25% but less than 50%) Talking Health Limited.

Indirect Interests (i.e. through association of another individual e.g. close family member or relative) via Graham Rich who is:

  • Chair, Armada Topco Limited.
  • Director, Talking Health Ltd.
  • Chair, EHC Holdings Topco Limited.

Dr Jane Khawaja, Non-Executive Director

  • Employee and Member of the Board of Trustees, University of Bristol.
  • Director of Gloucestershire Cricket Foundation.
  • Commissioner, Bristol Commission on Race Equality.

Mr Shawn Smith, Non-Executive Director 

  • Bluebells Consultancy Ltd (sole shareholder).
  • Governor of City of Bristol College.
  • Trustee of Frank Water.
  • Elim Housing Association (Board member).

Ms Maria Kane, Chief Executive

  • Advisory Group Member of CHKS, a provider of healthcare intelligence and quality improvement services (remuneration donated to charity).
  • Visiting Professor to the University of the West of England (unremunerated).

Mr Steve Curry, Chief Operating Officer

  • Nothing to declare.

Mr Neil Darvill, Chief Digital Information Officer (to NBT and UHBW) (non-voting position)

  • Wife works as a senior manager for Avon and Wiltshire Partnership Mental Health Trust.
  • Stepbrother is an employee of the Trust, working in the Cancer Services Team.

Mr Peter Mitchell, Chief People Officer (non-voting position)

  • Nothing to declare.

Mr Glyn Howells, Chief Finance Officer

  • Nothing to declare.

Mr Tim Whittlestone, Chief Medical Officer

  • Director of Bristol Urology Associates Ltd: undertakes occasional private practice (Urology Specialty) at company office, outside of NBT contracted hours. 
  • Chair of the Wales and West Acute Transport for Children Service (WATCh).
  • Vice Chair of the South-West Genomic Medicine Service Alliance Board. 
  • Wife is an employee of the Trust.
  • Director of 3RO Ltd (providing medical advice to international NGOs etc). 

Professor Steve Hams, Chief Nursing Officer

  • Visiting Professor, University of the West of England.
  • Director, Curhams Limited (dormant company).
  • Independent Trustee and Chair of the Infection Prevention Society.
  • Associate Non-Executive Director, Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board. 
  • Husband is employed by Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. 
  • Affiliate Member, Bristol and Avon St John Priory Group.

If you would like to know any more about the process please contact the Trust Secretary by email on

Meline's Story

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One of our patients has kindly agreed to be videoed talking about her story. Her name is Meline. In the video, she talks about the symptoms that she had and the difficulties they were causing in her day-to-day life. She also describes the strategies that helped her to gain more control over her CFS/ME and make progress with her goals.

We thought that it may help you to listen to Meline’s story, particularly if you have recently been diagnosed and are in the early stages of learning about CFS/ME.