Breast & Nipple Reconstructive Surgery

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Mr Zenon Rayter in consulting room
All patients undergoing mastectomy surgery will be offered breast reconstruction either as an immediate (at the same time as the initial mastectomy surgery) or delayed approach (following completion of chemotherapy/radiotherapy)  where appropriate.

At Bristol Breast Care Centre, we can offer you:

  • Implant based reconstructive surgery (using tissue expanders/implants and/or ADM – acellular dermal matrix grafts)
  • Tissue based reconstructive surgery (latimmus dorsi reconstruction – using tissue and muscle from the back to recreate a breast)
  • Or; we can refer directly to our plastic surgery colleagues   for DIEP reconstructive surgery where they use the muscle and fatty tissue from the tummy to create a breast.  ( a referral from your own breast surgeon can be made directly from clinic)

All patients must be assessed at the reconstructive surgery clinic prior to undergoing surgery as not all options may be suitable or available/appropriate  for all patients. There are several factors that need to be taken into consideration.

Some women choose not to have reconstruction, but are informed this is available to them at any time in the future if they wish.

Nipple reconstruction is also available within the BBCC and is generally performed as a daycase procedure by either our breast surgeons or the plastic surgeons.

The BBCC run reconstruction clinics where both new and follow-up patients are seen and given the opportunity to talk things through in more detail with the consultant and/or CNS.

Patients undergoing DIEP reconstructions are seen and followed up by the plastic surgeon and the reconstruction nurse Caroline Oates.

Clinical Nurse Specialist Clinic (Nurse Led Results Clinic)

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The Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) Clinic (Nurse Led Results Clinic) is run on a Thursday afternoon by the Clinical Nurse Specialists; Naomi, Angie and Helen.

It is a results clinic specifically for patients that have been operated on in the previous week to 10 days.


Helen Mann Clinical Nurse Specialist

We will go through the results with you step by step and discuss your individual treatment. Your individual treatment plan would have been discussed at the previous Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) meeting where we would talk about the chemotherapy, the radiotherapy, and hormone therapy suitable for you.

At this clinic we would also check your wound and give you your follow-up appointment to talk with the Oncologist.

This clinic also offers you the opportunity to ask us more questions if you need to.

Nipple areola micro-pigmentation (tattooing)

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The nipple and areola tattoo clinic (micro-pigmentation) is run by consultant oncoplastic surgeon Rebecca Llewellyn-Bennett. Micropigmentation can improve quality of life by boosting patient’s self-esteem with a positive body image after breast surgery.

This clinic offers nipple and areola tattooing to all patients that have had them removed as part for their initial surgery at Bristol Breast Care Centre. Micro-pigmentation is also offered to improve the appearance of areola asymmetry of scaring following breast surgery.

Micro-pigmentation is a 3D semi-permanent tattoo. This allows a more natural appearance and avoids the sheen you get with permanent tattoos. Usually two sessions, four weeks apart are required to complete one treatment. Micro-pigmentation can last approximately two years.

The whole process of tattooing takes about an hour. Local anaesthetic cream is offered if uncomfortable, but the majority of patients do not have any sensation in that area after surgery. Patients are able to choose their colour of pigment and size of areola that they would like.

There isn’t a time limit for having areola tattooing. You can be tattooed at any time after surgery as long as you have been a patient at Bristol Breast Care Centre. 

Please contact the Breast Care Centre if you would like further information or an appointment.

Tel: 0117 414 7000

Areola tattooing machine with coloured ink in bottles behind.
Areola tattooing machine with coloured ink in bottles behind the machine.

Pain Management - Relaxation

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Please do not use this recording when driving, operating machinery, or undertaking any task that requires your concentration or full attention. 

Track 1. Grounding practice. A four minute practice bringing the focus of attention to the present moment using the senses.

Track 2. Autogenic relaxation. An 11 minute practice, which involves letting go of tension in the body by learning to use sensations of warmth and heaviness.

Track 3. Deep muscle relaxation. A 15 minute practice, which involves learning how to sense muscle tension, and how to let go of that tension.

Track 4. Self-hypnosis. An 18 minute practice, which involves learning to use your breath and also your imagination to relax body and mind together.

Track 5. ‘Red spot’ relaxation. A 15 minute practice, which involves using an imagined warmth to relax the mind and the body.

Track 1 - Grounding exercise.mp3 Text Alternative


This is a grounding exercise which will take just a couple of minutes. Preferably you should be in a sitting position, sat right back in the chair with your legs and crossed and feet placed firmly on the floor. Place your hands in a comfortable position, resting on your lap. It is useful to close your eyes if you are comfortable, although this is not necessary. Before we begin, take a deep breath in. And out. First, I'd like you to listen to the sounds outside of the room. Distant voices. Maybe traffic? Or the wind. Not doing anything about it. But just noticing. Now notice the sounds inside the room. The hum of equipment. Maybe a ticking clock? My voice. Not doing anything about it. But just noticing. Now notice the weight of your legs on the chair. Notice the pressure of your feet resting on the floor. Not doing anything about it. But just noticing. Notice how your arms feel. Resting on your lap. And how your clothes feel on your skin. Not doing anything about it. But just noticing. Maybe some of your clothes feel softer or rougher than others. Not doing anything about it. But just noticing. Now focus on your heartbeat. Feel it beating. Not doing anything about it. But just noticing. Listen to your breathing. Breathing in. I'm breathing out. And out. Not doing anything about it. But just noticing. Now wiggle your fingers. And your toes. And in your own time. Open your eyes. And readjust yourself to the room. This is the end of the exercise. 

Track 2 - Autogenic relaxation.mp3 Text Alternative


Autogenic relaxation. Autogenic relaxation simply focuses on 2 aspects of the relaxation response. Increased blood flow and decrease muscular tension. It does this by concentrating on two things that we feel when relaxing. Warmth, which is what we feel when more blood gets to the extremities of our bodies, such as the arms, legs, hands and feet. And heaviness, which is what we feel when the muscles are relaxed. Remember that you cannot will yourself to relax. Relaxation involves not forcing anything. Just let yourself go. Become aware of how, when and where you are tense. And allow the tension to melt away. Try and let any distracting thoughts go through and out of your mind. Make yourself comfortable sitting or lying. Take a deep diaphragmatic breath. Breathe out gently. And noticed the first pleasant feelings of relaxation. There is no need to move during autogenic relaxation unless you want to make yourself more comfortable. Simply unwind. Allowing yourself to focus on the sensations of relaxation. Take your time keeping your breathing regular calm and relaxed. Now, say to yourself. I am at peace with myself and fully relaxed. I am at peace with myself. And fully relaxed. I am at peace with myself. And fully relaxed. My right arm. Is heavy. My right arm. Is heavy. My right arm. Is heavy. My left arm. Is heavy. My left arm. Is heavy. My left arm. Is heavy. My right leg is heavy. My right leg. Is heavy. My right leg. Is heavy. My left leg is heavy. My left leg is heavy. My left leg. Is heavy. My neck and shoulders are heavy. My neck and shoulders are heavy. My neck and shoulders are heavy. Take a deep full breath. And unwind even more. Now, say to yourself. My right arm is warm. My right arm. Is warm. My right arm. It's warm. My left arm is warm. My left arm is warm. My left arm is warm. My right leg is warm. My right leg is warm. My right leg. It's warm. My left leg is warm. My left leg is warm. My left leg. It's warm. My neck and shoulders are warm. My neck and shoulders. Are warm. My neck and shoulders. Are warm. My heartbeat is calm. And regular. My heartbeat is calm and regular. My heart beat is calm and regular. My breathing is calm. And regular. My breathing is calm. And regular. My breathing is calm and regular. My stomach is warm. And calm. My stomach is warm. And calm. My stomach is warm and calm. My forehead is cool and calm. My forehead is cool and calm. My forehead is cool and calm. Take some time. To enjoy the feelings of relaxation. Now, say to yourself I am refreshed and completely alert. I am refreshed. And completely alert. I'm refreshed. And completely alert. This is now the end of the relaxation exercise. 

Track 3 - Deep muscle relaxation.mp3 Text Alternative


Deep relaxation. Make sure you are comfortable sitting or lying with your eyes closed. Relax your arms by your sides and have your legs uncrossed. During the session, it is important to focus on the word relax when you are relaxing each muscle group. Try to let the relaxation happen without forcing it. Don't worry about how well you are doing, but simply let the relaxation flow over you and deepen at its own pace. Keep your breathing regular, shallow and relaxed. And notice how when you breathe out, you relax. A little more. Breathe in and out through your nose. And each time you breathe out, relax a little more. Don't hold your breath, but keep your breathing steady, regular and relaxed. Try to concentrate on the word. Relax each time you breathe out. And now a series of exercises for each muscle group to help you to learn the difference between tension and relaxation. First, the muscles in your hands and forearms. You can tense these muscles by clenching your fists as tightly as you can. Now, clench your fists tight. Feel the tension in your hands and forearms. Feel the tension. And relax. Relax your hands and notice the difference between tension and relaxation in your hands and forearms. Focus on the word relax while letting the muscles in your hands and forearms unwind. More and more. Concentrate on the feeling of letting go. And now the muscles in the front of your upper arms. The biceps muscles. You content sees by bending your arms at the elbows and trying to touch your wrists to your shoulders. Now bend your arms at the elbows and try to touch your wrists to your shoulders. Tense your biceps tight. Feel the tension in the front of your upper arms. Hold it. And relax. Let your arms fall by your side and notice the difference between tension and relaxation in your biceps. Concentrate on the word. Relax. And let your biceps muscles loosen and unwind more and more. Carry on that feeling of letting go. Let the mussels unwind and relax. And now the muscles in the back of the upper arms, your triceps muscles. You can tense these by straightening your arms as hard as you can. Now straighten your arms hard. Feel the tension. Hold it. And relax. Relax your triceps, relax the muscles in the back of your upper arms. And as you let go more and more just concentrate on the word, relax. Continue that feeling of relaxation throughout your arms. Let your arms loosen, unwind and relax. And now the muscles in your shoulders. You content seize by shrugging your shoulders by drawing them up into your neck as tightly as you can. Shrug your shoulders tight. Feel the tension in your shoulders. Feel the tension. And relax. Let your shoulders drop and relax and feel the tension he's away. As you let your shoulders relax and unwind. Concentrate on the word. Relax. Let the muscles relax more. And more. And now the muscles in your neck. You can tense these by pressing your head back as hard as you can. Press your head back. And feel the tension in your neck. Feel the tension. Hold it. Feel the tension in your neck. And relax. Relax your neck. Let your head rest back gently. No effort, no tension. Notice the difference between tension and relaxation in your neck. Concentrate on the word. Relax. Let your neck unwind more and more. Continue the feeling of letting go. And now the muscles in your forehead. You contented these by raising your eyebrows as though inquiring. Raise your eyebrows, feel the tension in your forehead. Feel the tension. Hold it. Feel the tension. And relax. Let your eyebrows drop and relax. No tension in your forehead. Notice the difference between tension and relaxation. Carry on the feeling of letting go and focus on the word. Relax. And now the muscles in your brows and eyelids. You content sees by frowning as hard as you can. And squeezing her eyes tightly shut. Now frown and squeeze your eyes shut. As tightly as you can. Feel the tension. Feel the tension. Hold it. And relax. Smooth out your brow. Eyelids lightly closed. I still facing straight ahead. Notice the difference between tension and relaxation around your eyes. As you focus on the word, relax. Continue to let the muscles around your eyes unwind more and more. And now the muscles in your jaw. You can tense these by biting your teeth together as tightly as you can. Now bite your teeth together tightly. Feel the tension in your jaw. Hold it. And relax. Part your teeth slightly so there is no pressure between them. And feel the difference between tension and relaxation in your jaw. Feel the relief of letting go. Carry on letting your jaw unwind more and more while you focus on the word. Relax. Teeth slightly apart. No pressure between your teeth. No tension in your jaw. And now the muscles in your tongue and throat. You can tense these by putting the tip of your tongue into the roof of your mouth and pushing up as hard as you can. Press up hard. Feel the tension in your tongue and throat. Feel the tension. And relax. Feel the tension. Ease away from your tongue and throat. Notice the difference between tension and relaxation in your tongue and throat and continue the feeling of letting go. Concentrate on the word. Relax. And now? The muscles in your lips and face. You can tense these by pressing your lips together as tightly as you can. Now press your lips together tight. Feel the tension in your lips and face. Feel the tension. And relax, relax your lips and face as much as you can. Concentrate on the word. Relax. While you continue to let the muscles in your lips and face unwind more and more. Let your face relax completely. No tension in your face. Let everything unwind and relax. And now the muscles in your chest. You can tense these by taking in a deep breath. Now breathe in as deeply as you can and hold it. Feel the tension in your chest. And relax. Breathe right out and feel the relief of letting go. Now keep your breathing shallow. Don't breathe too deeply. And notice that every time you breathe out, you relax a little more. Relax a little more. And each time you breathe out, focus on the word. Relax. And now your stomach muscles. You content these by making your stomach muscles hard and rigid, as though you were preparing to receive a blow. Now, tense your stomach tight. Feel the tension. Hold it. Feel the tension. And relax. Relax your stomach muscles. Let them loosen and unwind. Focus on the word relax as you let the feeling of relaxation spread throughout your stomach muscles. Notice the difference between tension and relaxation. Let your stomach muscles unwind more and more. And now the muscles in your hips and lower back. You content these by arching your back. Tensing your buttocks as tightly as you can. Arch your back. Tense your buttocks and hips tight. Feel the tension. Hold it. And relax. Relax your hips and your back and let all the tension ease away. Notice how it feels. Let the muscles loosen and unwind as you focus on the word. Relax. And now the muscles in your legs. You content these by straightening your legs and pointing your toes down. Now straighten out your legs to tense your thighs. Point your toes down to tense your calves. And your feet. Feel the tension in your legs. Feel the tension. Hold it. And relax. Relax your legs. Let them loosen, unwind. Concentrate on the word. Relax. And notice the difference between tension and relaxation. In your legs. Let the muscles in your legs unwind more. And more. Now try to let that feeling of relaxation spread throughout the whole of your body. Keep your breathing regular and relaxed. Every time you breathe out, relax a little more. Let the relaxation flow over you. Feel as though you are sinking more and more deeply relaxed. Comfortable. Calm. And relaxed. No tension. Focus on the word relax. And enjoy that feeling of relaxation for the next few moments. This is the end of the relaxation exercise. 

Track 4 - Self-Hypnosis for tension.mp3 Text Alternative


Self hypnosis for pain. This tape has been made especially to help you cope with the pain that you experience from day-to-day. First, I want you to sit down in a comfortable position. Put some cushions behind your back. Sit or lie in. A posture that you find as comfortable as possible. Make sure that you will not be interrupted for about 15 minutes. And that the room is relatively warm, quiet and comfortable. And that there is not too much light coming in through the windows. I want you to just listen to my voice now. Listen to my voice. Sit back. Close your eyes. And just do. Everything that I tell you. I'm going to help you deal with the pain in a more efficient way. Just to help you cope a little better. I want you to place your left hand on your stomach. And your right hand on top of your left hand. That's good. What I want you to do. Is to breathe deeply. As you breathe in, I want you to notice your stomach rising. Followed by your ribs and chest. Breathe in, almost pushing your stomach out to start with. Hold for a couple of moments. Before you slowly breathe out. Letting your chest go down first. Then your ribs. Then your stomach. I want you to imagine that there is a bottle or pouch underneath your hands. And as you breathe in. The bottle fills up from the bottom. So your stomach rises first, followed by your ribs and chest. Filling up the bottle with air. Hold for a moment. And then breathe out. I want you to fill up the bottle as much as you. Can. So you're breathing in very deeply. And then breathing out very slowly. So now we will start. Hands on your stomach. Now breathe in. Feeling your stomach go up. Hold your breath. And then relax breathing out. Emptying the bottle of air. Breathing in. And then relax. Breathing out. Filling up the bottle again. Hold it. And then relax. Do this two more times. Breathing in. Filling up the bottle. And then emptying it. Breathing in deeply. And breathe out slowly. Now I want you to stop breathing so deeply. Forget the bottle now and just breathe slowly and comfortably at a regular pace that you find acceptable. I want you now just to relax. Relax all the muscles in your. Body as much as you can. Get totally comfortable. Breathing slowly. And just calming down now. And listening to my voice. As you are listening to my voice. I want you to try and take everything in that I tell you. What I want you to do. Is think of the number 300. And I want you to slowly count backwards from 300. Count backwards from 300 slowly to yourself. But try to listen to my voice at the same time. As you are slowly counting backwards from 300. Your whole body is now slowly starting to relax. You're listening to my voice and you just feel yourself your body. And mind. Just starting to slowly sink a little bit. And you'll notice now just a slight heaviness. Just a little more deeply relaxed feeling. And the muscles around the back of your neck and shoulders. A soothing, calm sensation. All the way down your back. Your arms. To your hands. Your chest. All the way down to the stomach. The heaviness? Still counting and listening to my voice. This heaviness spreads to your hips. And a warmth overtakes your legs. Your thighs. Your knees. And calf muscles. And your feet. Just let the feeling. Come over you. And then. You're going to start to feel drowsy. A little heavier around the face. As the muscles start to relax with the rest of your body. Still counting and listening to my voice. Your head feels much more soothed. More relaxed in the cheeks. Muscles around the mouth were relaxed. Just let them sink down. You'll notice that your eyes. Are just becoming heavier. And heavier. And heavier. And sleepy. Just let yourself drop off. Let yourself go. Listening to my voice all the time. But just letting yourself sink deeper. And deeper. Into a more relaxed state of mind. Your eyes becoming more deeply shut now. You're feeling the drowsiness and heaviness coming over your face. So that you are now. Totally relaxed. Totally calm. Still counting. And listening to my voice. That's good. Stop counting. Continue to listen to my voice. I want you to use your mind to let yourself think deeper down in body and mind. To a much deeper. Relaxed state. With every number you hear. Now from 1:00 to 5:00. You will feel yourself sinking down. Almost drifting away now. Drifting away. Your body becoming heavier now. And warmer. With every number that you hear. Just let yourself go. Let your body go a little more with every number. Sinking down more deeply. Much more deeply. Feel the heaviness. And the warmth. Starting to take over your body. You will notice the muscles that are sagging down in your face. Your head is feeling just a little heavier. With the muscles in your neck relaxed more. Becoming much more soothed. As you become more relaxed. As if someone is massaging your shoulders. Easing the tension. Just making your shoulders drop. And down. Into a much more relaxed state. The tension has eased away. Muscles become much looser. More lint. And slack. Your shoulders drop down. And feel a little heavier. Your arms become. Warmer at the top. And this feeling spreads down to your forearms. Your wrists. Your hands. And all the way down to your hands and fingers. And your arms just flop. Let the muscles go. And as you start to breathe more easily. And deeply. And slowly. And calmly. You'll notice that the muscles around your chest are quite relaxed. Loose muscles. Letting you expand your chest. Breathing in. And out. As slowly. And calmly as you want to. Very relaxed. Let this feeling come down. Down towards your stomach now. Just let your stomach relax. And your chest. All the way down to your stomach. Just let the mussels go. Let the tension go away. Let your mussels unwind into a loose, relaxed state. Enjoy these feelings. That are taking over the top half of your body. From your stomach. Down into your hips and your legs. Your thighs and knees. Just let the heaviness flow down. Let your legs sink down. Becoming warmer. Much more comfortable. Just let the muscles go. Your thighs. Your knees. Your legs feeling easier. And then down into your calf muscles all the way down into your ankles. Let the muscles become limp and slack. And let the feet totally relax. As all the last remaining tension just drains out of your body. You are so relaxed now. As I count slowly from 1:00 to 5:00 again. You're gradually going to become aware of a beach. And by the time you hit 5. You will be fully aware of this speech. You now notice high above you. The beautiful sun keeping your body warm. Passing over you from your feet. All the way over your body to your face. Helping you to stay relaxed and calm. You will also notice blue skies. Cloudless blue skies, in which all the clouds have drifted away. Drifted away. Leaving the sky blue and clear. You were all so aware of palm trees. A branch is hanging idly in the still air. Just savour the atmosphere of this place. The waves lap against the beach. Very slowly and calmly. Back and forth. Washing in. And out. Very easily. The water moves up and down the beach. The sea birds climb gracefully high above. Just enhance your feeling of relaxation. Enhance your feeling of relaxation as you lie back. Enjoying these feelings of relaxation in your body. I just want you to use your mind for a few moments. To think over the things that I'm telling you. Just think of your body being on the beach. On the warm white sand. And I want you to just listen to what I'm telling you now. It is very important now you are relaxed. To understand the discomfort, which is very often caused and always aggravated by pain. Consequently, as you become more relaxed and less tense. So you are beginning to feel more comfortable. More relaxed. And calm. And as this relaxation increases and deepens. The pain is gradually becoming easier. And easier. And presently. You'll feel so utterly and completely relaxed. The pain will almost seem to disappear completely. Feel the warmth in your body now. On the beach. Far, far away. In a beautiful place. I'm going to count very slowly from 1:00 to 7:00. And as I can from 1:00 to 7:00. I want you to just slowly get up from the beach and walk away. Leaving that calm, relaxed place. But bringing the feelings of relaxation? Tranquilly and peacefulness with you? Slowly bring your body and mind gradually back to the room that you are sitting in. And when you hear the number 7. I want you to open your eyes and wake up. And enjoy these feelings of relaxation. Feeling physically and mentally refreshed. Open your eyes. Just wake up now. And slowly get used to the light in the room. Staying relaxed and calm. Waking up. Having enjoyed carrying out this exercise. I want you to carry out this exercise regularly. And to enjoy getting some relief from your pain with each exercise. Every time you carry it out. You'll find you'll. Be able to manage your pain more. And more easily each time. This is now the end of the exercise. 

Track 5 - Red spot relaxation.mp3 Text Alternative


Red spot relaxation. You need to find yourself a comfortable place. Either sitting in a chair or lying on a bed. Settle into the chair if you're going to sit. And make sure that your head is supported by the back of the chair. Uncross your legs and rest your arms on the. Arms of the chair. Or if you're lying on the bed. Just let the bed take your weight. Looking up ahead of you find a small spot to concentrate on. I want you to fix your eyes onto the small spot in your line of sight. Fix your eyes on this small spot and don't let them drift away for the next few minutes. As you stare at this spot, you are going to notice one or two strange changes in it. It may disappear, it may come out at you. It might multiply into two or three. Or the background round, it might change in colour or shape. That's a good sign. It's a sign of relaxing. Just keep your eyes firmly on the spot. You'll also find it will be harder to keep your eyes open, and if you prefer to close your eyes, just let them close. Otherwise, keep them firmly fixed on the spot. If there's a voice inside your head. Commenting on this relaxation exercise. Just let that fade away and try only to hear my voice. Keep your eyes firmly fixed on the spot. I want you to be aware of how the tips of your fingers and thumbs are feeling at the moment. Whether they're hot or cold. And I want you to imagine now a small red spot appearing at the tips of your fingers and thumbs. And they're ever so slightly warmer than they were a minute ago. And as I talk, the spot will start to spread through the tips of your fingers and down through the very middle of your fingers. Through the skin and bone. And as it spreads, it warms you up ever so slightly. And takes the tension away. This warm red glow. Is now spreading down through your fingers. Taking tension away. Your fingers are becoming more and more relaxed. As the seconds tick by. This feeling spreads through your fingers and into your knuckles. Across the backs and palms of your hands. And through the very middle of your hands. Relieving any tension. And as each second passes, you become. More and more relaxed. This feeling spreading through your hands now and into your wrists and slowly into your forearms. A warm red glow spreading through every muscle fibre taking tension away. A warm, relaxing feeling. With each passing 2nd, your arms becoming heavier and heavier. More and more relaxed. More and more supported. By the arms of the chair or by the bed. The feeling is spreading into your elbows now. Through your elbows and into your upper arms. Taking tension away. And relaxing. Slowly spreading up through your arms and towards your shoulders. I want you to shift now in your mind's eye, to be aware of how the tips of your toes are feeling. Whether they are hot or cold. And out with your fingers. There's a warm red. Spot appearing at the tips of each of your toes. Ever so slightly warmer than they were a few moments ago. And as I speak. This starts to spread. This warm red glow. Through your toes. Warming and relaxing you. Taking the tension away. Through your toes and into your feet. Across the soles of your feet, warming and relaxing you. A nice feeling. The feet feel loose and heavy. This feeling is spreading around your heels. And then to your ankles now. Slowly through your ankles and into your legs. Climbing your legs and towards your knees as if your legs have been dipped into warm water. It's a nice feeling. Spreading right through the middle of your legs into every muscle fibre. Taking tension away, making the legs feel heavier and heavier. More and more relaxed. The feeling spreading up and into your knees now. Through your knees. And slowly spreading along the top part of your legs, getting into every muscle fibre. Your legs feeling loose and heavy. Through every passing second, they get heavier and heavier. More and more relaxed. The warm red glow is slowly spreading to the top of your legs. And around your bottom and around your front. Warming and relaxing you. Taking tension away. The warm red glow is now on the small of your back. The base of your spine. Taking the tension away slowly. Releasing you so that you become more and more relaxed. And it's spreading outwards from your spine. Outwards from the centre and base of your back. And spreading round and into your tummy. As it slowly climbs your back. It spreads out from the middle of your back and into your ribs. You're now between your ribs and into the tiny muscles and your ribs and tiny muscles across your back. Warming and relaxing you. You're feeling loose and heavy. Fully supported by the chair or by the bed. As it spreads slowly through your chest, I want you to be aware of your breathing. Notice how the air feels in your throat and in your nostrils. Notice how it feels cooler as you breathe in and slightly warmer as you breathe out. The warmth of the red glow spreads through your chest. And notice how that every time you breathe out, you sink a little more into the chair or into the bed. Just a fraction. Just a little more as you breathe out. Slowly sinking. Becoming more and more relaxed. The warm red glow, having spread right into your chest now and into your shoulders. Across the front and back of your shoulders. So easy to be tense there. Just letting the tension drift away. Now into the back of your neck. Again, so easy to be tense there. Letting the tension drift away. As the warmth takes that tension away. You notice how much more heavily your head rests back. The warm red glow spreading around the front of your neck now. Rising into your jaw. Through your jaw. Towards your mouth and into your lips. It's a nice feeling spreading through your lips into the tiny muscles, taking tension away. And across your nose and into your cheeks. And around your eyes. So easy to pretence there too. Tension just drifting away. Spreading across your scalp and around your ears so that the whole of your body has now been covered in this warm red glow. And if you haven't already closed your eyes, just let them close now. In your mind's eye. I want you to imagine yourself standing at the top of 10 steps. You see them stretching out before you. In a moment, I'm going to count you down those steps. And at the. Bottom you will reach your favourite place. Somewhere far away from it all. Where you can feel relaxed and rested. Perhaps it's a beach. Or out in the country. Somewhere only you know about, or perhaps a paradise. Somewhere only you can imagine. And it's there at the bottom of. The 10 steps. With each step you take, that place will get nearer. By the time you reach the 10th step, you'll be sitting in a chair in that favourite place. Take the first step now. And the second. And the third. And the 4th. And the 5th. Drifting away now. And the 6th. And the 7th. And the 8th. And the 9th and now the 10th step. And you're sitting in the chair, far away from any stresses and strains. In your favourite place. Just noticed the sounds and the smells of that favourite scene. Notice the warmth of the air around you and how good it is to be there. Notice how relaxed you are becoming sitting down far away from it all. This is a good rest. Like a good holiday. Not a care in the world. This is a rest away from it all. If any stresses or strains have been troubling you, imagine that they are all concentrated in a dark cloud above you. And slowly. On the breeze, the cloud is disappearing. The breeze blows it away. In a moment. You are going to leave this place. But you're going to take with you that sense that you've had a good rest. You are going to take that with you for the whole of the rest of the day. When you leave. I'll count you back up the steps. And by the time you reach the top step. You'll open your eyes and we will end the exercise. But you'll take with you that sense of a good rest, and take that with you for the whole of the rest of the day. Leaving that scene now. Take the 10th step. And the 9th. And the 8th. And the 7th. And the 6th. And the 5th. And the 4th. And the third. And the second. And the first. You are now feeling. Open your eyes. And gently move your arms and legs. This restful feeling will now stay with you for the whole of the rest of the day. And this is the end of the relaxation exercise. 

South Bristol Urgent Care Centre

Wide Off Off

The South Bristol Urgent Treatment Centre is a nurse-led walk-in centre for minor illness and injuries. Provided by Sirona, you can drop in seven days a week with no appointment necessary.

South Bristol Urgent Treatment Centre is able to treat patients presenting with minor injuries that include:

  • Sprains and strains
  • Cuts and grazes
  • Minor burns and scalds
  • Assessment of suspected broken bones.

They are unable to help with:

  • Acute chest pain
  • Serious medical emergencies posing immediate threat to a person’s health or life
  • Serious head injury – loss of consciousness.

How do I access this service?

You can access the service by contacting 111 who following triage will book you an appointment, or you can just arrive at the Urgent Treatment Centre during opening hours. 

Opening hours: Seven days a week including bank holidays from 8am to 8pm.

Location: South Bristol NHS Community Hospital, Hengrove Promenade, Hengrove, Whitchurch Lane, Bristol BS14 0DE.

Contact: Call 0300 1246290. For more information on South Bristol Urgent Care Centre visit 

In a life-threatening emergency go to the Emergency Department or call 999.

Urgent Care Centre

South Bristol NHS Community Hospital
Hengrove Promenade
Whitchurch Lane
BS14 0DE
Telephone: 0117 3429692

BUI Laboratory Research

Wide Off Off

Microbiology Laboratory


BUI Lab Research

The BUI-BioMed research laboratory is a recognized Centre of Excellence that supports ongoing research projects and provides a bespoke service to commercial companies in assisting with their product development, product positioning and pre-market analysis. We utilise a range of different methodologies to deliver projects including:

  • In vitro Bladder models,
  • Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry,
  • Electron Microscopy,
  • Molecular microbiology techniques. The laboratory is working towards the ISO 15189:2007 standard and has a range of validated models that can be utilised for testing purposes. Examples of testing undertaken in the laboratory include;
  • Evaluation of novel catheter designs,
  • Evaluation of novel anti-microbial coatings and polymers,
  • Development and assessment of novel strategies for inhibiting crystalline biofilm formation on catheters,
  • Evaluation of the infection process and biofilm formation on catheters.

Laboratory testing of products and devices in our model systems is recognised by the MHRA / FDA, and can avoid the need for animal testing, being a good precursor for clinical evaluation.

Physiology Laboratory

The BUI Physiology laboratory has a validated large animal (pig) bladder model that allows assessment of the integrative physiology and pharmacology of the whole bladder by administering drugs through arterial and intravesical routes, pressure recording and filming of the surface micromotions. (Parsons et al.(2012) Front Pharmacol 3: 52)

Evaluation Laboratory

The BUI Evaluation Laboratory is equipped for testing and evaluating urology equipment, particularly urodynamic equipment. The laboratory contains a two channel pressure chamber, precise weight and pressure measurement devices and a LabView data capture system.

We have produced the "Buyers' Guide for Urodynamic Equipment" and an "Evaluation Report" for the UK Department of Health.

Buyers' Guide for Urodynamic Equipment

CEP09037.pdf411.28 KB

Evaluation Report

CEP09038.pdf590.99 KB

We have also evaluated both air-filled and newly-developed pressure measurement catheters, assessed new catheter baloon design and tested the dynamic response of tubing used in urodynamics.

For further information please contact Dr Nicola Morris either by calling 0117 4138734 or email

BUI Bespoke Training

Wide Off Off


BUI Training

We are able to tailor a course to suit specific needs or develop a totally bespoke solution.


  • Anatomy of the lower urinary tract
  • Bladder physiology and pathophysiology
  • Overactive bladder syndrome
  • Nocturia
  • Bladder function and disease
  • Stress incontinence
  • Male urinary incontinence
  • Refractory detrusor overactivity
  • Urinary catheterisation and complications
  • Benign prostatic disease
  • Urological cancers, including bladder, kidney and prostate
  • The pathophysiology of erectile dysfunction and treatments
  • New technologies in urology
  • Quality of life assessment
  • Medical device development in the NHS

Please contact the BUI office on 0117 41479742 to discuss your bespoke training needs.

Contact Maternity Services

Wide Off Off

For general advice about your pregnancy, your baby or your appointments please contact your Midwifery Team. Monday to Friday calls will be dealt with within 48 hours. All telephone numbers, including emergency phone numbers can be found in the Hospital Contacts section of your Badger Notes. 
Remember; you can get general health advice from your GP service too.

To contact a midwife to book for antenatal care visit or leave a message on 0117 4146743

Antenatal Clinic (Appointments)
Telephone: 0117 4146924

Antenatal Clinic Midwives (Monday - Friday)

Telephone: 0117 4146929

Gestational Diabetic Team 

Telephone: 0117 4141072

Antenatal Assessment Unit (Quantock Assessment Unit)
Telephone: 0117 4146906

Assessment Ward (Quantock Ward)
Telephone: 0117 4146904 or 0117 4146905

Cossham Birth Centre, Kingswood
Telephone: 0117 4145150

Southmead Maternity Reception
Telephone: 0117 4146894

Mendip Birth Centre, Southmead
Telephone: 0117 4146900

Mendip Ward, Southmead (Postnatal / NICU)
Telephone: 0117 4146901

Central Delivery Suite Reception, Southmead
Telephone: 0117 4146916

Percy Phillips Ward (Postnatal / Transitional Care)
Telephone: 0117 4146821 or 0117 4146822

Southmead Hospital Switchboard: 0117 9505050


Maternity Help & Support Groups

Wide Off Off

Your maternity notes (yellow book) contains some helpful support and information.

1 Big Database - family information at your fingertips

AIMS - Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services

Anxiety UK

ARC - Antenatal Results and Choices

Association of breastfeeding mothers

Baby Bounce and Rhyme and Storytime Sessions

Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI)

Birth to Five

Bliss for baby’s born premature or sick


Citizens Advice Bureau telephone

Depression Alliance

La Leche League (Breastfeeding)

Miscarriage Association

Money Advice Service

Mothers for Mothers Postnatal depression support group for Bristol, North Somerset, S.Glos.

National Breastfeeding Helpline

National Childbirth Trust

National Institute for Clinical Excellence


NHS Pregnancy & Smoking

Pelvic Partnership

Positive About Down Syndrome

SANDS - Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society

TAMBA (Twins and Multiple Birth Association)

The Association for Post Natal Illness (APNI)

The Perinatal Institute

Population Screening Programmes

Women's Aid (domestic violence)

Living well Courses

Wide Off Off

The self-management programme is a course of 5 to 6 half day sessions that encourages participants to address the whole range of challenges they face during their recuperation. Patients are encouraged to attend the course as part of their routine follow up care.

It covers:

  • managing fatigue
  • dealing with condition-specific problems (e.g. erectile problems, lymphoedema)
  • stress management
  • combating depressive reactions
  • sign-posting sources of information and support

The courses employ goal-setting to promote behaviour change and confidence-building.

Participants construct a written self-care plan over the duration of the course. 

Self-management programmes are run by clinical psychologists, Cancer specialist nurses and patient-tutors who have completed training for the role of course tutor.