Dr Frances Rickard - General Internal Medicine

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GMC number: 7458554

Year & location of first qualification: 2014, University of Warwick

Specialty: General Internal Medicine

Clinical interests: Geriatric Perioperative Care, Major Trauma, and End of Life Care

Secretary: Michaela Perry
Secretary phone number: 0117 414 6643  

Dr Rickard is a Consultant Geriatrician, specialising in looking after older people who are admitted with serious injuries and those who are undergoing surgery. She is the lead for Morbidity and Mortality review and End of Life care in Geriatric Trauma.
Dr Rickard's professional memberships include the Royal College of Physicians, British Geriatric Society, Centre for Perioperative Care, and Age Anaesthesia Association.


SMTN Education & Training Governance Cycle

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The clinical guidelines and procedures define the syllabus for the training education courses delivered. In addition, any key learning points and outputs from morbidity and mortality case reviews, audit and service improvement projects, and the evidence base in the peer reviewed literature are integrated into the training and education packages. This may be alteration of existing courses or a bespoke one-off course to fulfil a particular need. 

All training and education is reviewed internal as part of the quality assurance process. External quality assurance is provided by external reviews of our trauma system as a whole and through invitation of external reviewers to participate in the courses. 

SMTN Education & Training Strategy

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Where do training and education fit in? 

Education and training are integral to the function of the Severn Major Trauma Network.  

This includes everything from initial training for staff new to our systems and procedures, to the ongoing education of HCAs, ward and ED nurses, allied health professionals and postgraduate doctors in training on the upkeep of skills, procedures, and knowledge. 

The training we offer here at Severn Major Trauma Network also has roles in the dissemination of lessons learnt through the governance process; the implementation of new or amended guidelines; and as a method to test existing systems and highlight areas for service improvement, including Emergency Preparedness.


1. The Network will have a formal quarterly Education Group meetings to further co-ordination and provision of trauma training within the Network  

2. The Network will promote and support development of a trauma training programme for rehabilitation staff working with major trauma patients. 

• There is currently no nationally agreed curriculum so will be developed and run locally  

3. The Severn Network will promote and support trauma level 1 training for nursing staff caring for Major Trauma patients. 

• Access to locally run level 1 Trauma courses. TILS train the trainer days will be facilitated when necessary (last held August 2022)  

• Provision of level 2 courses within the network either nationally run or local equivalents that have been PEER reviewed by the National Major Trauma Nursing Group (NMTNG)  

• The Severn Network will promote and help develop local courses 

• The Severn Network will provide online resources to support the running of TILS level 1 courses locally  

4. The Severn Network will promote and support trauma Level 2 courses. The Major trauma Centre at North Bristol Trust runs the European Trauma Course (ETC) locally. Yeovil are running the Advanced Trauma Nursing course (ATNC). Musgrove Park have developed an inhouse Level 2 course which requires further development and peer review.  

• Providing places with the Severn network 

• Develops local faculty to maintain running these  

5. The Severn Network share relevant trauma training opportunities for staff via its newsletter and via its website once active.  

6. The network is helping to support national online learning resources for Major Trauma with the NMTNG. E-learning for ward nurses should be rolled out next year. The aim is to be expand this for Paediatric ward education.  

7. The Network will hold an annual Network Trauma Stakeholders meeting/ conference, whether face-to face or online 

8. The Network will monitor compliance with the training requirements of the Trauma Quality Indicators (TQUINs). 

SMTN Education & Training

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We are passionate about providing training and education for all professionals involved in the management of Major Trauma patients. We have a comprehensive training and education programme enabling us to continually improve the care we deliver to our patients. 

Trauma is one of the leading causes of death and disability across England and Wales. 

The Network is committed to reducing avoidable deaths and life-limiting injuries. We aim to improve care for seriously injured patients across the whole patient pathway from point of injury to rehabilitation. This is achieved by collaboration between multiple specialties, professions and organisations. 

As a Network, we aim to deliver outstanding patient care. This care should be of the highest quality, delivered with respect and dignity in a safe environment. It should be individually tailored to the needs of each patient and will involve their carers and relatives. 

The care will be delivered in a coordinated way involving multiple organisations and multiple different specialities and individuals. 

This care will not stop at point of hospital discharge or following the death of a patient. 

We will constantly evaluate and improve the care that is delivered by adhering to a robust governance programme that includes participation in audit, education and research. 

Integral to these aims and our philosophy of care is the training and education of the clinicians delivering the service. 

SMTN Rehabilitation Useful Links & Information

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Rehabilitation Guidelines

NICE guidelines NG211 Rehabilitation after traumatic injury 

Rehabilitation after traumatic injury (nice.org.uk) 

British Orthopaedic Association Standards for Trauma

rehabilitation and communication with trauma patients.pdf (boa.ac.uk) 

Resources for patients

Headway  -  Charity  to support patients and their loved ones, employers following head injury  www.headway.org.uk 

Support for families / patients who have been through critical care Home - ICUsteps 

Spinal Injuries Association - A fulfilled life for everyone affected by spinal cord injury - SIA 

Specialist rehabilitation units

A small proportion of patients may require more extensive and specialist rehabilitation after Major Trauma to meet there needs. Please feel free to discuss with our Key Worker or Rehabilitation Consultant if these options have been raised with you.  

Within our network we have the following partners:

Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit Frenchay | Neurological Rehabilitation | Active Care Group 

Salisbury Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Spinal Treatment Centre (salisbury.nhs.uk) 

The Dean Neurological Centre The Dean - Elysium Healthcare 

Somerset Neurological Rehabilitation Centre Somerset Neurological Rehabilitation Centre | Somerset NHS Trust (somersetft.nhs.uk) 

SMTN Rehabilitation

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Rehabilitation after Major Trauma 

Rehabilitation involves assessment of impairment and abilities, following major trauma. At Southmead MTC, teamwork supports patients to achieve their maximum potential after serious and often life-changing injuries. This includes coordination of rehabilitation for not only physical changes but also cognitive, social and psychological aspects. The team at Southmead MTC strive to support patients regain their lives in a meaningful and valued way. This includes supporting patients to regain their role in the community and at home as well as enabling patients to return to work or studies and live their lives as independently as possible. 

Early organised and integrated rehabilitation has been recognised by the National Trauma Clinical Advisory Group. Many Major Trauma patients will have an uncomplicated recovery and progress rapidly down the Recovery, Re-enablement and Rehabilitation pathway. Their rehabilitation needs can be met within their local general rehabilitation services. This pathway will commence at the MTC and is delivered by ICU and ward-based therapists. Additionally, patients will be repatriated to their local Trauma Unit Hospital as soon as they are stable and Major Trauma acute needs are met, where rehabilitation can continue 

A smaller but significant group of patients will have specialist rehabilitation needs. Assessment and referral to specialist rehabilitation centres can be made at Southmead MTC.  

Southmead was successful in securing additional specialist rehabilitation in the summer of 2022, whereby the Hyperacute Rehabilitation Team (HART) was launched. This service delivers hyperacute multi-disciplinary therapy to 18 complex major trauma and neurosurgical patients.  

SMTN Support After Discharge - Rehabilitation Prescription

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Leaving the Major Trauma Centre can be a worrying time for patients and their families whether you are going directly home or transferring for further care and rehabilitation. 

To help with this transition we will provide all patients with contact details for the Major Trauma Team along with a copy of their own individual Rehabilitation Prescription.  

The Rehabilitation Prescription documents key information detailing your injuries, management and ongoing rehabilitation needs. Alongside this is a forecast of expected follow-up from therapists and/or surgical/medical teams who treated you. Additional guidance on dietary advice and how to return to your normal lifestyle and activities can also be provided.  

The Major Trauma Practitioners are happy to respond to any questions or queries after you have left the Major Trauma Centre and this can prove invaluable in patient recovery and support integration back into your own world!

Children’s Major Trauma Centre

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The Major Trauma Centre accepts patients from across the South West of England, from Cornwall to Gloucester, covering a paediatric population of around 810,000. In its first year, the centre has seen 202 paediatric major trauma patients. The day marked the first anniversary of the hospital becoming the Paediatric Major Trauma Centre for the South West of England, as well as the centralisation of specialist paediatric services in Bristol. For more information visit Bristol Royal Hospital for Children.