Award win for Red Card to Racism campaign

North Bristol NHS Trust was named the winner of the 2020 SPF partnership award at the HPMA Excellence awards last week.

The Healthcare People Management Association (HPMA) is the professional voice of HR in healthcare, and this award recognises partnership working between employers and trade unions.

The Red Card to Racism campaign was launched at NBT as a result of high levels of racist abuse at the trust which were having an impact on individuals, teams, and ultimately, patient care.

The campaign was developed in partnership to engage staff with current policy and ensure their voices would be heard on the matter. Effective partnership working enabled this campaign to land well with staff, resulting in increased reporting, higher levels of staff confidence in anti-racism processes, more effective action being taken and improved staff engagement in general.

Images used in the Red Card to Racism initiative showed support from colleagues throughout the organisation from board to ward. Videos were produced featuring executives, trade union reps, and staff, showing their support for the campaign, and their experience of it in action.

For more details on our Red Card to Racism campaign see here.