Backing the ‘Before Their Time’ campaign with Dying Matters

Health and care leaders in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire back ‘Before Their Time’ campaign

Health and care leaders, including senior doctors and nurses across the region, have pledged their support to a new national campaign encouraging people to have important conversations about death and loss amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

The ‘Before Their Time’ campaign was launched by national charity Dying Matters in response to the coronavirus outbreak in the UK. It recognises that COVID-19 will mean ‘some people dying before their time, and some of us not able to visit for a last time.’ The campaign encourages people to start having difficult conversations, and to share stories and resources at the #BeforeTheirTime hashtag on social media.

Dr Martin Jones, Medical Director at BNSSG CCG and a local GP in Weston, said:

“This is a hugely important campaign. For many people, talking about death and loss is difficult enough at the best of times. Now it’s really important that people are able to have those discussions with loved ones and be supported to do so.

That’s why we’re supporting it and sharing the #BeforeTheirTime resources and materials. There is some very practical support available, including on dealing with grief and bereavement.”

A spokesperson for the Dying Matters campaign, said:

“Now more than ever we need to help each other cope with death and grief, which means we’ve got to talk about it. Local support like this is vital, and we hope that the support from the BNSSG health and care system helps many more people to help each other.”

People can support the campaign and join the conversation on social media at #BeforeTheirTime.

Local support includes the following:

Grief Encounter South West (for bereaved children and young people):  (helpline and live chat)

Good Grief Bristol – Resources and Support during the Coronavirus:

Winston’s Wish Bristol - Bristol Bereavement Network:

Bristol City Council bereavement support:

South Gloucestershire Council bereavement guide:

North Somerset Council: