Celebration at Carers Rights Day

An information stall for Carers Rights Day was held in the Atrium in Southmead Hospital yesterday (21 November) in partnership with the Carers Support Centre and The British Red Cross to help raise awareness on what people who care for someone can be entitled to.

North Bristol Trust’s Carers Liaison Worker, Sam Radford, celebrated the day by speaking with carers, staff and visitors about the support the service provides, and gave them advice on their rights and how to access support in the community.

Sam also promoted the Carers Support Scheme which North Bristol Trust provides to unpaid carers.

Sam said: “Today was a great success and I feel as though we have helped both staff, carers and the public understand what help they are entitled to when they identify as a carer.

“I met a family today whom the daughter was supporting her Mother, she didn’t want to identify as a Carer but upon chatting with them they both acknowledged like many that the line had been crossed between Mother and Daughter.

“The daughter was now her Mother’s carer and her Mother had accepted recently that her needs had changed, something she had been in denial about and had found hard to accept.

“We have had many people stop by and pick up leaflets, newsletters and carer information packs which they all said would be really helpful for them. It was a really great day.”

The Carers Liaison Service also launched its Carers Champion Awards and presented certificates to Jayne Davies, Dementia Nurse for the individual staff member who referred the most carers in the last quarter. This was picked up by Dementia Care Matron Jet O’Neil on behalf of Jayne.

Gate 9A were also presented with a certificate for their high number of referrals in the last quarter (above).