On 27th November we celebrated the amazing work of over 200 staff members who have taken part in our staff engagement and sustainability scheme, Green Impact.
The scheme tasks staff from across the Trust to make small, simple changes to their behaviour in order to improve and embed sustainable healthcare in to their daily activities. Throughout the year these actions add up and result in achieving environmental, financial and health and wellbeing benefits.
The winners of the Bronze, Silver and Gold awards are:
Brain of Thrones
Cardiac Audit, Research and Rehab
Clinical Coding
Cossham Dialysis
Cotswold Outpatients and EPC
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
Fetal Medicine and Screening
Green Bees
Green Strokes
Rosa Burden Centre Green Team
Team 6b
Ward 34b

Clinical Site Management Team
Bristol Centre for Enablement
Clinical Research Centre
Gate 24 Plastic Surgery
Jill’s Move Makers
Lean Green Resus Team
OT Medicine Team
Scan Monkeys
Bristol Speech and Language Therapy Research Unit
The Mighty-Chondrias
THQ Green Impact Team

Elgar Green to Go
Research and Innovation

We also awarded special recognition for those who have gone above and beyond the Green Impact criteria. The winners of the special awards were:
Environmental Hero: Natalia Wielochowska and Cheryl Britton
Despite being a new starter Natalia is always seeking to make environmental improvements within Elgar House and has been instrumental in delivering the Green Impact actions. One of her biggest achievements was liaising with catering regarding the plastic wrapping for sandwiches and setting up a trial with reusable boxes instead. Her willingness to tackle issues beyond the team makes her an environmental hero.
Cheryl has revolutionised recycling on Ward 7a- setting up separate collection points for bottle tops, crisp packets, bread bags, used pens, batteries and spectacles, amongst other things. She then takes all these items to the correct recycling sites in her own time. Her dedication to reducing waste at work makes her an environmental hero!
Environmental Innovation: Finance
Our Environmental Innovation award also goes to a team that have found creative solutions to difficult-to-recycle items. Finance have set up a recycling station in their kitchen where staff can take their bottle tops and even mascara wands.
Health and Wellbeing Overall Winner: Elgar Green to Go
Elgar House has facilitated support and resilience sessions with mindfulness and access to psychological support for their staff. A mental health first aider is now based on the unit and the team has had an open day with a health and wellbeing focus. The manager meets staff regularly to talk and support them with their health and wellbeing.
Best Newcomer: Clinical Site Management Team
This team only joined Green Impact this year and have stormed through the workbook, completing nearly all the Bronze and Silver criteria in one go. In just a few short months they have changed their whole way of working and are now a model to other teams around the Trust.
Most Improved Team: Gate 24 Plastic Surgery
This team made a fantastic start last year under Helen Breeze and Amanda McAusland, and Amanda and Lesley have continued to build on that work this year. Rather than resting on their laurels and settling for Bronze, they instead blew through Silver and completed the majority of Gold criteria as well.
Overall Winner: R&I
Research and Innovation have risen over the past two years to be one of the Trust’s most shining examples of sustainable behaviour change. Last year they achieved both Bronze and Silver under the determined leadership of Sadie Keegan, and this year the mantle has passed to Rebecca and Paolo, who rose to the challenge and helped the team reach Gold while completing nearly all the remaining actions.

By working together, we are able to do amazing work to reduce our impact on the environment and improve the health and wellbeing of ourselves, our colleagues and our patients. As we face the climate emergency, taking action and working together will ensure we can reach of goal of carbon neutrality by 2030. This year’s activities alone have saved an estimated £41K and 211,483 kg CO2e through energy and water-related actions!
If you’ve been inspired and want to join the 68 teams who participated this year, please get in touch with Matthew Champion sustainabledevelopment@nbt.nhs.uk who can help you sign up.