Help us create a healthier environment on-site

Smoking ban graphic

We know smoking causes ill health, and among COVID-19 patients, smoking nearly doubles the risk of having severe COVID-19. At NBT we want to support patients, staff and members of the public to live longer, healthier lives, and so we are reviewing our smoke-free site policy.

In collaboration with the University of Bristol, we have created a survey to help us get a better understanding of people’s attitudes to smoking, vaping and the idea of how a “smoke-free” site should feel and operate. 

You do not have to be a smoker or e-cigarette user to take part.

Your answers to the survey will help inform decisions about how we can make our Southmead site truly smoke-free, in a way that also takes into account the views and experiences of smokers, and offers the necessary support for those who want to quit.

The survey only takes 5 minutes to complete, however we know that not everyone will have the time to complete it. If you want to share your thoughts and opinions, you can also do so by emailing