Husband and wife team up to volunteer as vaccinators

Dr Jason Kendall and Dr Clare Kendall

Two retired NBT Doctors have come out of retirement to help at the Southmead vaccination hub.

Retired Emergency Physician Dr Jason Kendall and his wife, retired Palliative Care Lead Dr Clare Kendall have re-joined NBT as volunteer vaccinators.

They said: “We have volunteered to help with the vaccination programme at NBT because we were keen to do voluntary work in our retirement and our previous plans to work for a charity in the developing world were disrupted by coronavirus”

“It is a great pleasure and privilege to be part of the team for the vaccine roll-out. It is a well-organised system and a very positive environment and well received by all the front line staff attending for their jabs. Here's hoping that the vaccines provide a light at the end of the tunnel...”

Thank you to all of our volunteer vaccinators helping to deliver the COVID-19 vaccine across Bristol.