National Apprenticeship Week - Jessi-May Hutton

This week we are celebrating National Apprenticeship Week to celebrate the diversity and value apprentices bring to North Bristol Trust.

Today we met Jessi who has worked in the Emergency Department for 5 years. Jessi has completed here level 3 Senior Healthcare Support Worker apprenticeship and is now working towards her Nursing Associate qualification, soon to be qualifying in the summer. On completion she will be working alongside registered nurses and assistant practitioners taking on her own case load of patients and administering certain medications.

When you initially joined NBT to do your L3 what was your prior experience?

Before starting with NBT I completed my A levels at sixth form and decided to work in the community for a year. I worked in various GP surgeries carrying out urology services. I always knew I was interested in Acute medicine and when the Band 2 - progressing to Band 3 was advertised for A&E I knew it was a good opportunity for me.

What did you enjoy most about completing your L3?

I really enjoyed the aspect of working practically and learning theory at the same time. I found this helped developed my skills really quickly and were put to good use in a high pressured but well supported clinical area.

How big was the jump to your TNA programme? 

Honestly, the jump has been significant. Working full time and committing to university studies has been challenging but it has been totally worth the satisfaction having almost completed the course. However as long as you focus on your time management and you’re passionate about the course you can do it. Also the support I have received from my team in A&E has been second to none and without the platform NBT has given me I wouldn't be as lucky as I am now to of had this opportunity.

Would you recommend NBT as a place to be an apprentice?

Absolutely. NBT showcases the perfect correlation of theory into practice for me and has enhanced my experiences by organizing multiple placements. They incorporate 3 monthly meetings to check your progress and are always there for additional support if needed.