Mitchell Hopes, Outpatient Support Manager at North Bristol NHS Trust, and World Champion Tang Soo Do artist, has been giving demonstrations and running workshops for staff as part of activities to celebrate the 75th birthday of the NHS and promote staff wellbeing.
Mitchell has returned from the latest World Championships for Tang Soo Do in Greensboro, North Carolina USA, held in June 2022 where he represented Team GB and won two gold medals in his Black Belt Division.
Now officially classed as a World Champion in this Martial Art, Mitchell has shared his story:
“My mum got me into it when I was 7 years old. I trained up until the age of 13, and got to ‘red tag’, which is two belts from black belt. After taking a break for a few years, I returned to gain my First Dan black belt in February 2022, and shortly after received my Instructor Certificate. My most recent experience at the World Championships was phenomenal - I felt honoured to have represented GB and to have seen my hard work paying off.
“As well as the benefits of burning calories, learning discipline and self-control, Tang Soo Do is extremely good for mental health. It helped me a great deal when I was grieving the loss of my mum, Wendy, who started my journey, and I like to think I honour her as I continue to train, and having achieved World Champion status. I also have her initial inscribed on my black belt.”
Tang Soo Do is a South Korean Martial Art, founded by Grandmaster Jae C. Shin, the World Tang Soo Do Association was formed in 1982, and there are 21 regions which make up the World Tang So Do Association. The purpose of Tang Soo Do training is divided in three; 1- Self defence, we protect our lives and possessions from injustice and danger, 2. Health, we promote, 3- Better Person, We strive to be of better character through endurance and hard work.
There are several clubs within Bristol, Bishopton, Frome Valley, Filton, Brentry and Yate, and in Downend and Chipping Sodbury where Mitchell trains and helps out.